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SATURDAY WORKS AT NEW ORLEANS 128 NEW ORLEANS, 11., December 6. Todays work-outs at the local courses iucluded the fol-. lowing: At Jefferson Park. Weather clear; track fast 110 Abjaze, three-quarters, in 1:17. 120 Ace of Trumps, half mile in 50,, , , 125 Anticipate, .three-quarters in lj IS Jsi . 127 Bringhursl, three-eighths in 37. 117 Blairgowrie, seven-eighths in 1:34. 117 Blue Thistle, half mile in 59. . .. 127 Buddie Tucker, mile in 1:40. 123 Benefactor, five-eighths in 1:05. 120 Col. Rockinghorse, five-eighths in 1:04. 125 Comme Ci, mile and an eighth in ;l:G0i-" 117 Crystal Fordt seven-eighths in 1:34: 120 Cavan Boy, five-eighths in 1:03. 122 Connecticut, three-quarters in lU.8. 114 Cobalt Lass, fi-e-eighths in l:fl4y Car, half mile in 55. 120 Damask, half mile in 50. 125 Destroyer, one-quarter in 24. ! 119 Douglass S., three-quarters in 1:21. 125 Dlnty Moore, three-eighths in 30. 120 Dminmond, three -eighths in .42. ., , . , 119 Daedalus, fiercighths. in. 1:P9.: ,:l.J 127 Eddie McBride, three-eighths in 37. 120 Flying Witch, five-eightlis in 1:18. 127 Fluzey, three-eighths in 43. 115 FrankvMattox, three-quarters la 1:23 119 Franklin, five-eighths in 1:05. 127 Flapper, mile in 1:47-;. 127 Glnsstoi. three-quarters in l:18i - -110 George Muehlebach, three-cightlis in 37; 125 Hong Kong, three-quarters in 1:21. 12 High Cost, half mile in 51. 81 Heroisme, half mile in 51. 127 Harry Burgoyne, three-quarters in 1:10. 12i Jim Hastings, three-eighths in 41. 125 Jack ODowd, mile in, 1:47. ., , . 125 Judge David, five-ejghths in 1:02; 120 Kenward, mile iii 1:44. 120 Kuklnx, three-quarters in 1:10.. . 81 Iazy Lou, half mile in TiO. 12f Little D., three-quarters in 1:17. 117 Lion dOr, half mile in 5.S. 110 Merry Lass, threercighths in 35. 119 Mary Belie, half mile iii 52." " ":" 124 Maliony, Half mile in 53. 12" Mayor Calvin, three-quarters in 1:18. 12C Minute Man, three-eighths in 37. 120 Minstrel, three-quarters in 1:17. North Shore, three-eighths in 30. 127 Omond, three-quarters in 1:10; 120 Pitter Patter, half mile-in 51. 124 Paddy Dear, half mile in 53. 04 Prosector. half mile in 53. 121 Pictor, half mile in 50. 125 Ioilu, three-iiarters in 1:17. 125 Bethel Hill, mile in 1:45. 115 Plain Bill. Jmlf mile .in, 50if... ,. 125 Re.yelerj three-eighths iu--41.. -. 125 Rainbow Girl, three-quarters in 1:10. 125 Rookery, mile in 1:40. 122 Rib, five-eighths in ;l:04.y3. t.,a.4,. r , 120 Stickling, tliree-qunrters in 1:21,, .. ., . 12 Servitor, half mile in 51: 12C Starshooter, mile in 1:50. 110 Sweeping Glance, half milt: in 51".. ...J... , 125 Short Change, half mile in 51. , . 127 Starter, mile iu 1:54. 125 Sun God, half mile in 50..., ,. . ,. 120 Summer Sigh, half mile in. 52, , . 124 Sway, half mile in 50. " 125- -Sea Urciiin, mile in 1:45. 125 Smiling Mag, five-eighths, in 1:03. ..-:.. 125 The Archer, five-eighths iu 1:13. .... -124 Talisman, three-quarters iu 1:10and. 119 ToomlK-ola, half mile in 53. 125 ThistliNhm. fivcreightlis in "1:04, " 4" 125 Tantalus seven-eighths In 1:38. " " 120 The Pirate, half mile in 50. 125-r-ThistIe Green. , three-quarters n, lil.7. 120-Torii Brooks, three-eighths: ,in ,39. 120-Tenons Bon, half mile In 50. -r-The Lamb, half mile in 54. Unomeal, three-eighths in 35, 90-Vision. half mile in 53. 119 Woodstone, five elshtiis in .,1:08. 110 Yvette, lialf mile in"50. At the Fair Grounds. Weather clear; track fast. 122 Arrowhead Inn, Jialf mile in 49. May 9 Aurina." five-eighths in 1:00." 127 Astrea, mile in 1:45. 120 Antoinette, three-quarters In 1:19. .: t.- 120 Alma B., tliree-eighths in 37. 117 Albula, three-eighths in 41.. 125 Bullet Proof, five-eighths in l:02fe. ,..,il21 Bounding Through, five-eighths in 1:02. " 120li-Baignenrj tluw-quarters in- l:15!. 121 Bone Dry, five-eighths in 1:02. 125 Biddledee, half mile in 49. ; 122 Challenger half miler in: 49. it-u. ;,-.! v..-, 125 Counterbalance, mile in 1:49. 123 Catania, three -eighths in 35. Cavalcadour Hi., three-eighths, in 41..-.-, ; "Duly Fashion, fiVe-oighthsinvl:03! 118 Diamond Girl, three-quarters in 1:17. 124 Ettahe, three-quarters in 1:19. 121 Kleer, half milerin 50.- .-u- ;:.. sDti"--- 118 High Voltage, half mile in 55. 120 Jiffy, mile In 1:49. :121 Jean KM mile in ;:-18, . 120 rKerry Lass, three-quarters In l:2i. 111 Koli-i-N6or, half mile in 53. 120 Katahdin. three-quarters iu 1:20. 120 Lloyd George, fve-eighthrs in 1:02. -115 Miirphy. five-eigliths iii 1:02. Marse Tom. seven-eightiis In 1:33. 122 Miss Manage, three-eighths, in 30. 127-TMalvaJtIirech;Quarters in 1:17. - " ; 124-Miirray. half mile in 51. 12i Prince Henry, three-quarters in 1:14. 119 Polygamist, five-eighths in 1:07. "120 Queen Blonde, half mile in 50. 10S Queen of the Sea, half mile in 50. 120 Rey el Pleasauton, three-quarters in 1:15. -113 Ruth Strickland, three-quarters in 1:22. 123 Sturdee. three-quarters in 1:19. St. Clare Belle, three-quarters in 1:19. 125 Soldaf de Verdun; three-eighths in 37. 117 Say if- mile in 1:55. 120 Senator James, half mile in 52.. 124 Sybil, half mile in 49. ... 110--Thos V. McMahon, tliree-piarters In 1:21. 12-True as Steel, five-eighths n 1:05. 124 Valerie West, five-eighths in 1:02. 120 War Mask, three-eighths in 38. , 125 Willigan. three-quarters in li21. . 124 Wand, Mile in 1:47. 123 Yermak, half mile in 52. " - . .: -. .. .