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THE MONTHLY FORM BOOK containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month of November, I NOW ON SALE -.,, the Special Attention of Students of Form is directed to the method of indexing the charts. The index shows each and every start of all horses that have raced, with firsts, seconds, thirds and track conditions designated on the occasion of each and every start. By means of this innovation it is possible for the user of the Form Book to instantly determine a horses ability to run on any sort of track concerning which information is desired. . - PRICE .00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent as registered moil, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. .Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT : : : CHICAGO, ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET : : : BUFFALO, N. Y. R06and 804, 1482 BROADWAY. NEW YORK, N. Y. Chief Observer 25 CENTS PEE COPY. AT ALL NEWS-STANDS. New Issue Out BOOK WINNERS AT NEW ORLEANS SO FAR. ENMITY ......... 7-1 WON LUKES PET 5-2 WON CROMWELL ....... 4-1 WON WAR GARDEN .... 7-5 WON PUEBLO 3-1 WON MAN0KIN .. 7-5 2ND ATTA BOY II 3-1 WON MUMBO JUMBO ...11-5 WON This Week Under no consideration miss this weeks issue, for our Clocker jives a good line of Havana and New Orleans horses ready to win. ADDRESS CHIEF OBSERVER PUBLISHING CO. 25 West 42nd St., Room 515. New York City. NEW ORLEANS RACES J. J. SCH REINER AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER 5 FOR TEN DAYS. OR 5 FOR REMAINING 21 DAYS OF MEETING. ALWAYS SEND ADDRESS. MY MANY CLIENTS WILL VOUCH FOR MY MARVELOUS SUCCESS AT KENTUCKY TRACKS. ALSO AT NEW ORLEANS TRACK. I wire one or two horses dully at 11 oclock. Telegraph remittance or remit by express order in letter. Propositions Not Considered. : Strictly Cash Only. 026 ST. CHARLES AVE. : NEW ORLEANS, LA. The Reliable, Wonderful, Winning System is big winner and still winning. Gives winners without consideration of odds. Some are long shots. No handicapping. It gives n play in every race, also one best bet a day. It selects the winners in a moments notice from the entries. Can be played with small or large capital. Get in line. Stop that guessing and losing. Start winning. The price Is within reaclfiof all. Write at ouce. WATSOjr CORNELL, 2721 S. Esplanade Ave. :: :: New Orleans, La. 5 WINNERS a second and two losers are what we hod on our Saturday .00 Specials in lost 8 starters. Dont miss next Saturdays. We expect to have two real live ones Ju .. HORACE LERCH, 2-1. WON. was yesterdays form special. Get The Standnrd. All news-stands. 35e per copy. Mondays Form Special: April-Pcar-59-25-73-57. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Room 403, 28 West ttulacy Street, Chicago. IllinoU- VOLUME I. of ANNUAL RACING FORK FOR lUt Is bow os sah. DAILY RAOINO FORM PUBLISHING OX.. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO. N. Y. ROOM 804, 1482 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. r AM HERE with my friends, Kentucky owners and trainers, who will get.the money this winter. I will get some high-class information "First-Hand." I will share this information with reliable parties who will send me 0 or 0 every couple of weeks IN ADVANCE to help defray my expenses. You can wager on these "with confidence. Every one I send you the right money will be down on. I nm no clocker or handieapier. WIRE OR REMIT 0 TODAY and get in right. ROY WILLIAMS care of Western Union Telegraph Co., NEW ORLEANS :: LOUISIANA NOTICE TO MY PATRONS I have not done any business so far at New Orleans, being confined to my room with a bad attack of Neuritis. I will bo on the Job the coming week, as I have just received word from my track nan on Two Real Good Things, one I Thursday in the 4th Race, and Saturday in the 5th Race. Here are two that are fit and ready and will be my only wires this week. I have the names of botli these horses, but to protect the odds my man wishes me not to send them till the day of nice. I look for a banner season and will have three or four good bets each week, no more, during the season. Patrons who have one Guaranteed Special coming will get same until they get a winner. Dont Fail to Got My Opening Specials. They Are tho Goods. Five Dollars. Six Wires, Six Starters. No Single Wires Sent on This Service. EX-JOCKEY MARSHALL Initials E. J. 413 Standard Trust and Savings Bldg., Chicago. SENTIMENTAL 8-1 WON VALLEY PARK-.MAID 8-1 Lost SAINTS BRIDGE 3-1 3RD DON THRUSH $ 6.10-82 WON SANS PEUR II 2.00- 3RD Sent out for heavy play across board. BETSY .00- 2ND GEORGE CLARK Opening Special, scratched, comes right back and wins ne,t out. Look at charts of these races, then figure it out if this is "dope" or "Genuine Information." Dont wait to read my adv. each week to see what I am doing, send 0 for 3 Guaranteed Winners at 4-1 or more. The only information on the market where you get a guarantee and a ride for your money. ELARE JAY, 120 Allens Ave.. Caro of Jacobs, Galeiburg, Hi. MATHER, 12-1, WON No. 110 in THOROUGHBRED No. 439. on sale now all news-stands wherever RACING FORM is sold. 35c. Good for all this week. Told yon about the clean, up. Itetter get a copy. Several more good tilings tiiat will be cut loose this week. Mailed subscribers plain envelope first class mall, i weeks .no. Going Saturday, December 13, two LIVE ONES. Can wire you them for .00. Mondays Best: Bring-East-Red-Ato-Fix-Row. American Thoroughbred. Baltimoro Bldg.. Chicago, TWENTY-THREE WINNERS A DAY $." for 0 starters price. Daily One Horse Wire record from Sep. 27 to AMtsSSM Nov. 29, 23 winners, 11 2ds. 3 3ds, 11 igSMgpM losers. On tap, another killing. See V taSSf Reporter, on sale now, all news- V JvJ stands, 3."c mailed direct, plain sealed envelope, .50 for 5 weeks. Send for 2 Spec, goiug Dec. 13. Mondays Special: Start-Thursday-Bed-Law-Bed-Do. THE TURF REPORTER. 509. 82 W. Qulnoy St.. Ettab. 1004. Oaioturo. III. TELEPHONES: Automatic 62-756. Harrison 1314, 1315, 1316. All Departments. OWEN H. FAY LIVERY CO. AUTOMOBILE LIVERY AND GARAGE 435 Plymouth Court : Chioapo,