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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO, 111., December C. Weather forecast: Illinois Unsettled weather. ,with snqy in north, and central portions tonight and Sunday and in extreme south portion tonight; coider Sunday and in south portion. Missouri Snow and colder tonight; Sunday unsettled and colder; probably show flurries in north portion. General forecast Unsettled conditions will continue tonight and Sunday in the western lake region, the upper and middle Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys, with snow, in northern and central, and rain in the southern portions of this area. Generally fair weather and low temperatures will continue in northwestern sections, while somewhat colder weather will overspread most of the forecast district Sunday and Sunday night. PARIS, France, December 6. In a note drafted by the supreme council today it is demanded that Germany sign the protocol providing for the carrying out of the peace terms, failing which the allies, it is set forth, will be obliged to have recourse to military measures. Marshal Foehs military program, according to the Iutransigeant, is one approved in June, 1010, by the allied commanders,; comprising occupation of the Ruhr basin and Frankfort. The newspaper says that heavy artillery has lieen going through Strasbourg and across the lthine since yesterday. WASHINGTON, D. G., December 6. "Not one cent can be- added to the price of coal to finance anv increases in tho wages of miners," Fuel Administrator GarielU declared today, after reading press dispatches that Governor Cos of Ohio had proposed that miners and operators in that state compromise on the basis of a 25 per cent advance in pay for the men. Dr. Garfield indicated that the government would interpose no objection if the increase could be given without advancing coal prices. NEW YORK, N, Y., December 0. Foreign exchange went through another day of demoralization today. Rates on the principal European countries continued to fall, in several instances to new low records for all time. The pound sterling checks was quoted at .85, or more than a dollar below its parity, and franc checks also made a new low at 10.77. The German mark, at todays figures was worth only 2.1 cents, or less than 1 per cent of its nominal value. WASHINGTON, D. C, December . No provision for compulsory military training will be contained in Uit; army reorganization bill as it comes from the house military committee, it was announced today at the committee meeting. Whether this subject will be treated in a measure to be prepared after completion of one establishing the peace time strength of the regular army has not been decided, members of the committee said. , WASHINGTON. D, C. December G. Prosecution of western oil producers for alleged profiteering was ordered today by Attorney -General Palmer. On complaint filed by Senator Capper of Kansas, federal agents were instructed to proceed at once against producers who have taken advantage of the fuel shortage in the west to increase the price of their product. PITTSBURGH, Pa., December C. While the will of Heiiry C. Krick, the steel magnate, and art col-lector. who was buried, here yesterday afternoon, - has not been probated yet, it was learned authoritatively tliis afternoon that about 75 per cent of his estate, which is estimated at nearly 00,000,000, will be distributed in public bequests. SPOIvANE, Wash., Dpceniber . Orders for seizure by the government of 5,300.000 pounds of sugar held at Yakima and Toppenish, Wash., by the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company were issued today by United States District Judge E. E. Cushman of Tucoma, sitting here.