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RENO FORM CHART RENO, Nov., August 30. Second day. Reno i Jockey Clubs Fall. Meeting of 19 days. Weather clear. i Stewards, L. O. Henderson, G. W. Wingfield and . W. W. Finn. Presiding Judge, Leon Wing. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary, W. AV. Finn. 4-QRRO looou First Kacc !-2 Furlongs. Aug. 13, 1S15 54 5 111. Purse 00. 3-yearr olds arid upward. Claiming. Not value to winner, 10; second, 0; third, 0. , Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. ! 49258 Prophecy 109 l3 H Stuart 300-100 49258 Heads I Winl07 2J J DeFord lSGO-100 402.45. Virginia dOr ICG 3 R Carter 4G9-100 ; 39058 Florcc Cline 102 4 Perry 850-100 40ii58 Ida Brown H!9 5i A Zeigler 510-10 .My Mazie 104 Gi C Gross 310-10Q .! 49064 Paradigm 110 7 B Pinnegar 900-100 mutuels paid, Prophecy, .OO straight, .20 place, .20 , show; Heads I Win, 2.10 place, .40 " show; Virginia ilOr,. hB1.80 show. " , Time, 24, 49, 55. Track fast. Winner i C. II. Uennisons cli. -g, 4, by Astronomer Fleda B.. by Falsetto trained by D. Denni-son; bred by Mr. K. P. Shipp. Went to post at 2:21. At post 1 minute. Start good and s-low. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights Virginia dOr, 4 pounds; My Mazie, 2; Paradigm, 1; Ida Brown, 2. 49RR1 Second Race 4 1-2 Furlongs. Aug. 13, J915545111. Purse 00. 3-year-olds arid upward. Claiming. Net- value to winner, 10; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 47958 C. O. Doren 10G l1 R Carter 80-100 352703Ebenezer 114 2si H, Stuart 4S90-100 492463McCroan 114 3J J DeFord GGO-IPO 49874 Montana 10$ 4"fc a Zeigler 1310-100 49244 Mar.Schlafer 107 G1 C Gross 350-100 47972 Jimp 114; G2 B Pinnegar 184D-100 49237 U Bet 103 7 L Mills- 22G0-100 mutuels paid, O. O. Doren, .60 straight, .40 place, .40 show; Ebenezer, 8.40 place, .20 show; McCroan, .00 show. Time, 24, 49, 55. Track fast. Winner H. E. Davis b. g, 3, by General Roberts Jvetcham trained by H. E. Davis. Went to post at 2:45. At post 2 minutes. Start good, and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights U Bet, 1 pound; C. O. Doren, 2. 49882 Third Race 5-8 Mile. June 26, 1918 a a u o 59 8 111. Purso 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 1.0; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 49872 Gd Enoughll4 1 X Zeigler 830-100 49875 Lantern 114, 23 L Mills 1C20-100 492502Muriers Pet 112 3S R Carter 2GO-100 49264 B. Lucille 112 4i J DeFord 400-103 49237 C.A.Comey 114 G B Pinnegar 1GO-100 49232 Robt. MantelUlt G8 T Walsh 3090-100 3238.5 Pr. Eugene 114 7 F Baker 32S0-100 . mutuels paid. Good Enough, 8.60 straight, .60 place, .20 show; Lantern, 2.80 place, : .20 show; Muriels Pet. .20 show. Time, 24, 49, 1:01. Track fast. Winner A. S. Williams ,b.. g, 4, by Harrigan Sevenfull, by Edinborough trained by G. Williams; bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jones. Went . to post at 3:10. At post, 5,-minutes. Start good, and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same. 3 49888 oou Fourth Race 1-2 Mile. July 3, 1916 y 1:12 3r-lll. Purse 00. 2-year-: olds. Maidens. Net value to winner, 10; second, 0; third, 30. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 492612Brolaski 117 U M Matthews 110-100 49230 H. K. Ashcr 117 2J B Pinnegar 810-100 498.733Geo. James 114 33 R Carter 240-100 48917 Saint Pierre 117 4 A Zeigler 1240-10? 47906 Hyampom 114 5. G Gross SGO-100 48761 Victory Won 114 G H Stuart lSGO-100 i mutuels paid, Brolaski, .20. straight, .00 place, .20 .show; Hugo K. Aslier, .S0 plape, ?3.20 show; George James, .40 show. Timo, 24, 49J. Track fast. Winner G. W. Itillermans. cli. cj 2, by Enfield Colusa, by Joe Terry trained by G. W. Billcrman; bred by Mr. S. S. Eakle, Went to post at 3:52, At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and tliird the same. ,a00a 49884 Fifth Race 1-2 Mile. July 3, 191C 1:12 3 1110 Elko Handicap. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Net value to winner, . 80; second, 0; third,, 0. ." Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 49873 EtheI BrownlOl 1 C Gross 340rl00 491C6 Roy Dewey 101 2J M Matthews 2090-100 49261 Kirkwood 128 33 B Pinnegar ilJO-lOO 49261 Letty Ree 103 4J H Stuart 1290-100 487l PhilpeLugo 103 5 L Mills 740-100 49241 2 Old Squirrel 10$ G J DeFord 430-1C0 mutuels paid. Ethel Brown, .80 straight, ::00 place, .20 show;. Roy Dewey, 0.40 place, .20 show; Kirkwood, S2.S0 show. Time, 24, 48. Track fast. Winner A. N. Ilolters b. f, 2, by Leonid Itosiris, by Joe Carey trained by W. Singleton; bred by Mr. Chas. B. Daniels. Went to post at 4:27; At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights Ethel Brown, 2 pounds; Roy Dewey, 2. 49885 sixth Race 1-2 Mile. July 3, 1916 uo:u 1:12 3 111. Purso 00; 3-year-olds arid upward. Claiming. Net value to winner . ?210; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 492522Forum 114 lnfc J DeFord 1550-100 492533L.St.Patrlck 112T 2h R Carter 530-100 1 49258 Okla. Irish. 107 3J Perry 850-100 49237 W. C. Dooly 114 4-1 B Pinnegar 760-100 , 49237 Emily M, 112 51 C Gross 100-1CO 4 92 5 8 3 Fayette C. 117 C2 L Mills 31G0-1C0 49.067 Dr. Kendall 114 73 A Zeigler 1560-1C0 393 14 Juno Girl 112 8 J Logan C120-100 mutuels paid. Forum. 2.80 straight, 1.00 place, .S0 show; Lady St. Patrick, .20 place, , .00 show; Oklahoma Irish, .20 show. Time, 24, 48. Track fast. Winner F. A. Sharkeys -ch. g, 9, by Voter - Harpsichord, by Amphion trained by E. Getchell; ; bred by Mr. James It. Keene. Went to post at 5:05. At post 5 minutes. Start t ;good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the - same. ;49RRfi Seventh Race 3-4 Mile. July 19; 1916 S .10000 l:12 3 111. Purso 00. 3-yoar-iolds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner r ;10; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 492482Zamloch 109 1J Perry 1060-100 4923fi3Maud Smith 112 2and B Pinnegar 140-1C0 492592Sham. Green 107 3i J DeFord 1060-100 49257 Count Boris 109 43 R Carter 1010-100 4922Sam Hill 109 C25 C Gross 150-100 492C5 Lewis B. 114 G J Clements 3S90-100 Time, 24, 49,l:14i Track fast. mutuels paid, Zamloeh, 3.20 straight, .S0 1 place. .20 show; Maud Smith. .60 place, .S0 show; Shamrock Green. .40 show.. AAinner Polk and Askeys br. g, 9, by General Koberts AAoolen, by AAoolsthorpe trained by T. Polk; bred by Mr. Of L. Rogers. AAent to post at 5:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily: second und third driv-