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HUNTING, FISHING AND SPORT. The season for squirrel shooting in Ohio will open on September 15 and close on October 20. Five squirrels a day is the bag limit for each hunter. Big game to the number of 1,820 were shot in Saskatchewan, Canada, last winter, as compared with J0O in 1918. Of the number 1,101 were moose, G01 deer and 4 caribou. The, open season on doves in Oklahoma has been changed from September 10 to September 1, thus giving Oklahoma sportsmen two weeks earlier shooting than under the old law. George L. Degnon caught a record black bass at Liberty Lake, near Spokane, Wash., the other day. The fish was a small-mouthed black bass, twenty-three inches long and weighing nearly five pounds. It was taken on a live minnow. Heie are two of the seasons fishing records at Storm Lake, one of Iowas famous fishing resorts: A pickerel, thirty-nine inches in length and weighing fifteen pounds, and a catfish, thirty-eight inches in length and weighing twenty-two pounds. A muskallunge weighing fifty-four pounds was caught in Dells Pond, near Eau Claire, Wis., recently by T. G. Beam of that city and Charles Anderson of Minneapolis, Minn. It measured three feet and ten inches in length and it is said to be the largest fish ever hooked in that section. Mr. It. F. Freeman, of Fulton, N. Y., fishing off the Catalina Island, California, recently brought to gaff a tuna of 128and pounds. For four and one-half hours xhe angler battled to conquer the monster fish under lite rules that would permit him to become a member of the famous Catalina Tuna Club. He also lauded another tuna of 10S pounds.