Favorites to Fore at Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1920-10-13


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v FAVORITES TO FORE AT JAMAICA NEW YORK, N Y., October 12. Four out of six of the favorites won at Jamaica today, reversing the racing of Monday, when only one out of the six choices was successful. In the October Handicap, the feature of the days program, Sen-nliigs Park, the heavily-backed favorite, made good in commanding fashion and equaled the track record for one mile and a sixteenth, made by Boniface June 14 of this year. The performance of Sen-niugs Park was as good as that of Boniface, which carried only 117 pounds when lie made .the track record, while today the son of Jim Gaffney carried 118 pounds. A close finisii came in the fourth race when Sea Sinner, War Plume and Salvestra crossed the winning line only heads apart. In fact, Salvestra and War Plume were so closely aligned at the finish it was impossible to tell the place horse until the Judges officially gave it to War Plume. Salvestra Jooked all over the winner in the stretch, but suddenly tired right near the finish. Sea Sinner was rated off the early pace and gained steadily through tlie stretch run, finally wearing the leader down right ut the finish. War Plume "also showed a good performance .and just failed to get up. Thomas Welsh, trainer for J. E. Widener, and Max Hirsch, trainer for G. W. Loft, plan to leave for Latonia Thursday. They will take along Fair Gain, On Watch, Donnacona and other hordes which are engaged in stake fixtures at Latonia. including the Latonia Championship and Latonia Cup.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1920101301/drf1920101301_1_7
Local Identifier: drf1920101301_1_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800