untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1920-10-13


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I W W -yn SITUATION WANTED A first-class trainer, thoroughly qualified, pre- vious results to provo; can furnish best of refer- ences. J. COFFEY RACE TRACK, LATONIA, KY. BIG DOINGS I I AT LATONIA 0 I know at least twelve good things that 1 will be sent after the money this month. 4 These horses are waiting to be put in a 4 1 i suitable race, and I believe by playing the y i above good ones that the play will show a i i good profit. t y ; Terms: 0 for 6 Winners ; If an equal bet basis doesnt show a t i profit at end of week you will receive next t i six wires FREE. J; CL0CKER P. McCUTCHEON j; 0 HOTEL WALTON, CINCINNATI, OHIO. i I Special Notice For the benefit of the . 1 t racing public that are attending the Latonia j 4 races we have on sale our Daily Racing . i y Message, price 50 cents, daily at Hotel . k 4 Walton. GRAPHIC WEEKLY New Issue Out Today. PRICE 35 CENTS TfinAVC. I LAUREL Life-Sun-Atc. LATONIA-Paper-Dog-Bag. fKEE FDFF rnnFC. CODES: JAMAICA-r-Cotton-Ate-War. LAST WEEKS BIG FREE CODE WINNER: PORT LIGHT, 0.60, WON For sale at the following leading news-stands: Eilcr and Goodman, 227 Fourth! Ave., Louisville, Ky. H. Euphrat, 129 South Jefferson St., Dayton, Ohio. O. Schroeder, 212 E. Superior St., Cleveland, Ohio. L. Grosscup, 85 Congress St., West, Detroit, Mich. Foster Book Co., 410 Washington Av., St. Louis, Mo. Wm. Laser, 7th and Market Sts., Kansas City, Mo. Ricksecker, 9th and Walnut Sts., Kansas City, Mo. Robert Bishorn, 5th and Walnut Sts., Cincinnati, O. TERMS: .00 A WINNER OR 0.00 FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE GRAPHIC PUBLISHING COMPANY 116 NASSAU STREET. NEW YORK CITY. LOUIS A., 15-1, won BELARIO 12.05 to 1 WON DARK HORSE 11.05 to 1 WON SEA SINNER 5.00 to 1 WON ONICO 2.20 to 1 WON Above long shots wero given in our latest book. New Book Out Today If you are looking fcr winners, get the STANDARD and you will have the best. 35 cents per copy. For sale at all news-stands that handle this paper. WEDNESDAYS FORM SPECIAL: March-Peach-33-63-34-23, THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 403, 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, Illinois. National 0. K. Racing Letter 50 cents is all it costs to get TODAYS SELECTIONS AT LATONIA. Thcso selections are wired direct to our Chicago office. For sale at all news-stands. National 0. K. Publishing Co. ROOM 411, BALTIMORE BLDG. CHICAGO THREE NICE BABIES ri.-,,. UNCLES LASSIE, 1440-100, Won PfiSL, MOCK ORANGE, 505-100, Won lirandCz RECONNAISSANCE, 615-100, Won WLp? last weeks THOROUGHBRED gavo. 1M tfSfe-; New issue on sale today whorevcr IHPPr Racing Form is, 35 cents. Its got 1 " some nico babies in it. Todays Best: No. 492, Book 4S3. THB AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bldg. Established 1907. Chicago, 111. L A T O N I A R ACES J. J. SCHREI N E R AMERICAS PREMIER CL00KER 30 Years Experience as Trainer-Clocker. YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU. 5 FOR 10 DAYS. RUSH ORDER. I wire one or two horses daily at 11. a. m. Tele-graph remittance or remit by express order in letter. 237 E. THIRD ST. COVINGTON, KY. HORSES TO FOLLOW v PIERROT, 1170-100; HIS CHOICE, 405-100; CRANK. 450-100; SUNNY-LBmSsandA LAND, 6-1. Four nico winners No. fSjMWa 827 gave. Today on sale all news-PY stands, No. 828. Got one, only 35c. Some specially prepared we toll you about. Wednesdays Special: Mail-Monday-Bed-On-Let-It. THE TURF REPORTER. 22 W. Quincy St. Estab. 1904 Chicago, Illinois. TELEPHONES: Automatic 62-756. . Harrison 1314, 1315, 1316. All Departments. OWEN H. FAY LIVERY CO. AUTOMOBILE LIVERY AND GARAGE 435 Plymouth Court - Chicago, III,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1920101301/drf1920101301_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1920101301_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800