Kenilworth Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1920-10-13

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KEN1LW0RTH PARK FORM CHART WINDSOR, ONT., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1820. Kenilworth Park. " Sixth day. Kenllworth Park Racing Association. Autumn Meeting of 7 days. Weather clear; temperature: 60. Steward to Represent Canadian Racing Associations, Francis Nelson. Stewards, S. McBride and M. N. Macfarlan. Judges, E. W. Cole and S. McBride. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary,, W- R. Norvell. Racing starts at 1:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. in... Indicates apprentice allowance. AQQ FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. July 24. 1917 1:11 4 110. Pnrse ,500. 2-year-olds. tlyOQ.V Maidens. Allowances. Net value, to. .winner , 81,150; second, 50; third, 00.. . , Index Horses. AWtPffSt Vx Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odda Strt 50539 PETRARCH w-411 S3 42 41 2k 1 W Wright G J Long : 250-100 50711 MAB. JOSEPHINE w 108 4 6 8 7! 4 21 I Fletcher AV Alford- 1135-100 50510 CAPON wn 108 3 7 5i G2. 72 32 F Chlavta W C Weant 1020-100 507123ROMPER wn 112 6 2 Cl 5nk Gl 4l H Thurbef W P Johnson 285-100 47198 BROWN BILL wn 108 5 4 21 2i 3 5t F Murphy W M Cain 560-100 50711 JOSIE GORMAN w 112 2 5 3 31 V 621 G AValls T J Elward 83V100 50712 JOHN ARBOR .w 108 1 8 7l 8 8 7 H Myers F St John 2625100 50237 BERTHA S. w 103 7 1 l1 lk 51 8 J Conway H Oots 970-100 Time, 24, 49, 1:14. Track fast. . ; . . mutuels paid, Petrarch, .00 straiglit, .90 place, .70 show; Mabel Josephine, 0.70 place, .80 show; Capon, .50 show. ... . ... Equivalent booking odds Petrarch, 250 to 100 straight. 145 to 100 place, 85 to 100 show Mabel Josephine, 435 to 100 place, 190 to 100 show; Capon, 175 to ! 1QQ show. Winner B. c, by Sain or Free Lance Mytilene, by Falsetto trained by R. W. Williams; bred by Mr. George J. Long. . Went to post at 1:35. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily.; second and, thin! driving. PETRARCH was saved to, the stretch turn. from, where he moved up swiftly and won pulling -Up. MABEL JOSEPHINE began slowly and was forced to race wide, but -closed a big gap and ran a good race. CAPON finished with a rush. ROMPEIt also finished fast. BROWN BILL showed speed. ETflfiCIA SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. July 24, 1917 l:ll-i-4 110. Purse ,500.- -3year-olds ,t3JQ3j and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,150; second, 50; third, 00r ; Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners.. "Equiv. Odds Strt 50412 SAGAMORE w 3 106 10 7 C 4t l2 1" E Haywd P J Jones .57000 50238 DOUBLE VAN WB 3 103 3 5 3U 21 31 22 J Dreyer G S Abbott 3710-100 50513 SENATR JAMESwb 10 108 9 3 21 11 2 3! F Murphy H W Plant 2130-100 50743 FLYING FROG wb 3 103 8 1 4l 52 41 41 L Aron C Leydecker 2500-100 50796CLARK M. wsb 10 103 1 9 ll2 81 71 5U E Barnes G Holmes 59M00 50512 ROCK SILK w 4 108 7 11 9 9 81 61 W Hlnphy Coronado Stable 575-100 50442 GALOPIN wb 5 103 5 S 71 G2 51 73 J Conway W G Campbell tl390-100 50439 MANNCHEN . w 6 112 11 2 ll 3" 6 81 J Grune C Whyte. lCa-lOO 505902ELMONT w 3 107 12 S S1 71 92 91 H Thurber E T Zollicoffer 133-100 507S6 TOM LOGAN wu 3 102 2 10 10 102 102 10 E Pollard W M Cain T 50687 HEMISPHERE w 4 103 G 4 5 11 11 ll1 H Gibson H Warner 50740 OUR HAZEL wb 3 98 4 12 12 12 12 12 M Schwtz J F Dolan t tMutuel field. Time, 23, 48, 1:13. Track fast. mutuels paid, Sagamore. 3.40 straight, .00 place, .10 show; Double Van, 5.60 place, 9.20 show; Senator James, .50 show. Equivalent booking odds Sagamore. 570 to 100 straight, 250 to 100 place, 155 to 100 show Double Van. 1GS0 to 100 place, 860 to 100 show; Senator James, 375 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g, by Uncle Lj-dia II., by Luke Blackburn trained by C. Phillips; bred by Mr. Hal Price Headley. 1 Went to post at 2:16. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second. and. third driving. SAGAMORE moved up on the inside after passing the far turn arid, racing into a long lead ;in the stretch, won pulling up. DOUBLE VAN was a forward contender all the way and finished-fast SENATOR JAMES tired after taking. the lead on the last turn. CLARK M. -closed a. big gap. , Scratched 50823 Susan M., 108;-49733 Cy Merrick, 108; 50411 George Washington, 103. Overweights Sagamore, 3 pounds; Rock Silk, 1. s Continued on eighth page. KEN1LW0RTH PARK FORM CHART Continued from third page. . RrQQ-fl THIRD RACE 1 Milo and 70 Yards. July 24, 1917 1:43 6 132. Purse ,700. 3"03 JL 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Foaled in Canada. Net value to winner ,300; second, 50; third, 50. , Index Horses AWtPPSt M Vz -14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt I 50742 ALGONQUIN wu 3 10c 7 6 ll l1! I2 Is 1 E Haywrd J C Fletcher 425-tOO 50738 GALL NT GROOMw 3 10S 5 5 2? 2 2 2 H Gibson J Meagher 1205-100 5 0742 2 BUGLE MARCH w 1 113 4 1 4l 41 31 3 3l H Thurher T Riddle 90-100 50742 WOODBINE wn .1 107 2 2 52 5 58 510 41 F Murphy Brookdale Stable 630-100 50685 MALLOWMOT w i 103 6 3 3 31 41 4l 5 2 L Aron F Farrar 510-100 50822 GLENALVA LASS w 3 100 1 7 7 61 6 6 63 W Bogski J ONcil 8415-100 50325 ADOROCK w 5 101 3 4 61! 7 7 7 7 M Schwtz J Anderson 6845-100 0 Time, 24, 48, 1:13, 1:3955, 1:44. Track fast. inutuels paid. Algonquin, 0.50 straight, .10 place, .00 show; Gallant Groom, .50 place, .00 show; Bugle March, .50 show. Equivalent booking odds Algonquin, 425 to 100 straight, 155 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Gallant t Groom, 375 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; Bugle March, 25 to 100 show. Winner B. c, by Gala tine Chinka, by Florizel II. trained by C. Phillips; bred by Mr. Joseph E. Seagram. Went to post at 2:58. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third , driving. ALGONQUIN raced into a quick lead and easily held the race safe all the way. GALLANT GKOOM raced in closest pursuit, but could never get to the leader. BUGLE MARCH was sharply cut t oft" by the winner on the llrst turn and ran well. MALLOWMOT quit. Overweights Glenalva Lass, 3 pounds; Gallant Groom, 3; Algonquin, 1. EAQQQ FOURTH RACE 1 1-4 Miles. Oct. 18, 1916 2:09 5 102. KENIL WORTH PARK OUODI GOLD CUP. 5,000 and ,000 Gold Cup Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Weight- - for-Age. Net value to winner 5,000 and ,000 Gold Cup. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Enulv. Odds Strt t 50253MAN O WAR w 3 120 2 1 l2 l2 l3 1" V C Kummer Glen Riddlo Farm 5-100 5 49710fcIR BARTON wn 4 120 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 F Keogh J K L Ross 555-100 0 Time, 23, 46. 59, 1:11, 1:37, 2:03 new track record. Track fast. mutuels paid, Man o War, .10 straight; no place or show inutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds Man o War, 5 to 100 straight. Winner Ch. c, by Fair Play Mahubab, by Rock Sand trained by L. Feustel; bred by Mr. August Belmont. Went to post at 3:37. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second driving: MAN s O. WAU rushed to the frout when the barrier was released and, setting a great pace for this track, won " all the way never fully extended. SIR BARTON was under the whip before they had gone a quarter, but was unable to improve his position. Scratched 50S24 Wickford, 126. EC ACQ Q FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. July 24, 1917 1:43 6 132. Purse ,000. tJvOiJd 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner ,500; second, 00; third, , 00. . Index Horses A Wt PP St V Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 1 50790 MAYOR HOUSE wn 4 100 5 4 1 ll l1 1 ll I Fletcher C H Gilroy 520-100 507442NEPPERHAN wn 5 102 4 5 21 2 2! 21! 2" J Grum: W Walker 440-100 50742 UNCLE JOHN w 4 122 1 2 3 31 4 4 Sl H Thurber J B Crawford 405-100 m 50825 ED STONE w 4 95 3 3 5 41 31 3nt 421 E Harbne R A Mooro 365-100 ,A 50711ESCARPOLETTE w i 107 2 1 41 5 5 5 5 G Walla G E Brown , 185-100 l0 Time, 23, 48, 1:13, 1:39, 1:43. Track fast. mutuels paid. Mayor House, 2.40 straight, .10 place, .60 show; Nepperhan, .90 place, .20 show.; Uncle John, .30 show. Equivalent hooking odds Mayor House, 520 to 100 straight, 155 to 100 place, SO to 100 show; Nepperhan. 145 to 100 place. CO to 100 show; Uncle John, 05 to 100 show. Winner Br. c, by Hanbridge Helma S., by Cesarion trained by G. P. Sherman; bred by Zenaida a Stock Farm. Went to post at 4:22. At post 1 minute. ,Start good and slow. Won eaisly; second and third driving. - MAYOR HOUSE took the lead soon after the start and, setting a fast pace to the stretch, won n easing up. NEPPERHAN raced in closest pursuit, but tired and just lasted long enough to outstay y UNCLE JOHN. The latter finished fast and was wearing the leaders down. ED STONE ran fairly well. ftTfVQQf SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. July 24, 1917 1:43 6 132. Purse ,800. J "O tjPX 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner ,400; second. 50; third, 50. index Horses AWtPPSt j A Y4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Str7! 50799 TEN CAN wn 115 2 4 1 11 l"t l"k l2 II Thurber F St John 150-100 I G0713 ANZAC w 1ft! 6 7 i 3"t 31 3 2s F Chiavta W C Weant 340-100 50743 MURRAY wn 112 3 1 21 2S-22 2 31 E i Haywrd R. F Coppage 375-100 50743 BALLYBELL w 109 1 2 7 6U 52 4k 4J G Walls Pelican Stable 770-100 50823 2 "HUSH vf 104 C G 4 CJ 4nk 51! 51 B Barnes G Holmes 1075-100 W 5Q743WHO CARES w 105 4 3 5 l 7 6l 6 6s L Aron F Farrar 1630-100 W 50796 ELEVE w 101 7 6 31 41 7 7 7 F Murphy G B Cochran 5120-100 -yn Time, 24. 48, 1:13, 1:40, 1:44. Track fast. mutuels paid, Ten, Can, .00 straight, .00 place, .60 show; Auzae, .80 place, .70 show; Murray, .80 show. t. s ti to I L. i: I 8 v I 1 5 5 j fi l J : Equivalent booking odds Ten Can, 150 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Anzac, 90 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Murray, 40 to 100 show. Winner B. c, by Ten Point Canastota, by Royal Emblem trained by J. Tigue; bred by Mr. Anthony Aste. Went to post at 5:02. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. TEN CAN set a fast pace under slight restraint until in the final eighth, where he shook oft MURRAY and drew away decisively. ANZAC began slowly and was forced to work his way up on the outside, but finished fast. MURRAY raced in closest pursuit, but tired after running on almost even terms with the winner to the eighth post. BALLYBELL finished well. Scratched 50743 Keep, 107. OverweightsEleve, 2 pounds; Anzac, 1. RAQQtt SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. July 31, 1917 l:44s 5 110. Purse ,500. 4-year-Sjj OtfQ olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,150; second, 50; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt M Str Fin Jockeys Ownera Equiv. Odds Strt 50826 DUKE RUFF w 4 106 1 2 11 lt 11 l2 1 E Haywrd J de Estrampes 7RO-100 50797FLAME w 5 98 2 1 2?1 21 2l 2 2i J Grune P G Christopher 485-10! 50796 2HONDO wb 6 103 8 7 41 4h 41 31 3s H Stearns W Ritte 570-100 50569DOUGLASS S. w 6 106 C S 8 7l 61 5l 41 F Chiavta T F Bornman 380-100 50744 DOTTAS BEST w 4 103 3 3 3" 3"k 31 4l 51 H Thurber R L Nelson 365-100 50716 CHICK BARKLEY w o 103 5 5 6l 8 8 8 6l W Bogski P J Miles 13370-100 507 96 DISCORD w 4 101 7 6 71 61 5t 6s 7s F Murphy S Burnside 335-100 50741 T. F. McMAHON wb 4 106 4 4 5t 51 7and 71 8 C Duggan W Walker t tMutuel field. Time, 24, 49, 1:14, 1:40. 1:47. Track fast. mutuels paid, Duke Ruff, 7.60 straight, .90 place, .40 show; Flame, .90 place, .80 show; Hondo, .60 show. Equivalent booking odds Duke Ruff, 780 to 100 straight, 295 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Flame, 195 to 100 place, DO to 100 show; Hondo, SO to 100 show. Winneir Br g, by Duke Michael Red Ruff, by Collar trained by J. Hope; bred by Mr. Thomas V. Ryan. Went to post at 5:43. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. DUKE RUFF took a quick lead, saved ground on all the turns and drew away in the stretch to win easing up. FLAME ran a game race, but tired in the last eighth and had to be ridden out to outstay HONDO. The latter ran well and was gaining at the end. DOUGLASS S. finished fast. DOTTAS BEST quit. Scratched 50821Toombeola, 106; 50823 Pierrot, 108; 507412Brookland, 10C; 50741 Dandy, 108; 50139 Sky Pilot, 106; 50826 Garbage, 103; 50623 Prunes, 103. Overweights Duke Ruff, 3 pounds; Discord, 1.

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Local Identifier: drf1920101301_3_2
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