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LA TONIA GA VE MOST MONEY IN 1920 TWO MEETINGS AT COVINGTON COURSE YIELD 98,719, NEARLY 00,000 MORE THAN ANY OTHER TRACK In the matter of money paid out to the owners of winning horses the I.atonia Jockey Clan by far excelled all of the racing organization- id North America. Its two meetings produced a total of 66,719, which i- 01,101 more than it- closest competitor in that feature, the Cuba - American Jockey am! Auto Club af America, dbtribated. The latter body ha- become an Important factor in racing ami is liberal and progressive in all of its pottetea except in the aateance of maintaining "syndicate" hooking. That j is the only blot on the now oio-perou- Havana racing. The resumption of racing at .Tijuana was attended with -in -cess and the distribution af a sum placing it third in the li-t of money producer-. Inn-chill I Downs advanced above the Maryland Jockey club. Maryland state Fair Laurel and the Westchester Jockey Club and now i- fourth, followed in order by the Maryland Jockey Club. Westchester Racing AOSO- elation and Saratoga A-sociation. Laurel dropping back behind Havre de Grace. Follow ing is the record of the distribution of mom y by racing organizations in 1620 and Lie comparative figures of the three preceding years: Distrilu Di-tribu- Distrihu- Distribu- Kacing As-ociations. lion 1!H7. lion 1618. tioa 1!tl!t. tion IPSO. Keatacky Jockey club Latonta f SS7.165 $ SIMM $ MMwl 9 768,719 Cuba -American Jockev and Auto Club 238.910 286,476 407.1 l 567.615 Lower California Jockey Clak 19©. 123 162.900 Keatacky Jockey Club Churchill Downs 148,730 la6,663 898,589 396.920 Maryland Jockey Club 196,595 2andM2S 126,675 386,011 Westchester Raciag Aaaoctettea 240,608 272,616 314.297 363,318 Saratoga Aaaoctettea 268,535 280,042 296%337 358.240 Harford Agricultural and Breeder- Association.. 139,405 MS.60G 271.191 348.432 Maryland state Fair 211.340 167.460 3Ls.3s, 337.254 jiieens County Joekej club 211.105 22S.327 259.1o:i 312.206 Metropolitan Jockey club 87.040 17i;.!isii 8*0,69 282,825 Jeweraoa Parish Fair A—ociation 83.375 90.400 1M.608 279.995 Empire City Racing Aaeoetattoa 112,780 ISg.BaO ir .L77 •_ 7."..77l Keailwortfa Park Racing Association 4l.Mmi 248,420 New Orleans Baataeaa Men- Raciag Association. 188,410 18S.1M MUM 242,629 Southern Maryland Agricultural A—ociation .... 101,050 i:i." .3!0 1H7. M!7 L:!l.:i!t Windsor Jockey Clah 60.005 201.010 Ontario Jockey Club 74,450 L.7! o a.."»70 200.865! Western Racing Association Devonshire Park.. 7o.7im 167.680 1 .Niagara lta«UK V"s u.iation b. ii»:. HOT" KefKilck.v JocTcey mm Lexington 118.080 120,850 143..V..". 148.470 ■ Hamilton Jockey Club to.OMi 131,840 Tborncilffe Park Racing and Breeding Association 31.800 114.slll Montreal Jockey Club :i..nv". 1.050 SM incur. Donral Park Jockey Club •_••; .985 83.750 C taught Park Jockey Club S2.885 80.415 Reno Jockey Club 42.350 23.240 -o.V.n 77.460 Metropolitan Racing Association 40,350 62,000 Back River Jockey Club 25.200 59,009 National Jockey Club 38.000 51.050 London Jo. key Club SI .000 4H.INHI koniptoii Park Breeder- Association 4!».imk» bagria Falls Jockey Club 6.066 King Edward Park Jockey Clah 1 4.7m» 44.800 Gentlemens Driving Park ami Fair Association.. 11.300 11,160 14.000 19.610 Maryland Stale Fair anil Agricultural Association 12.550 lo.7."«lt 12.425 17.860 Blue Cra-s Fair Association 8.950 ltl.LtMt 17.800 Southern Maryland Agricultural and Fair Assa.. 11.060 7.L0t» 17..",M Hagerstowa Fair and Raciag Association 3 1. too 15.500 | Virginia State Fair 7.725 10.100 Caited Hunt- Raciag Asseetetfea 10.099 10,800 20.675 »i. 4.". , Lexington Colored Pair Asaoriatioa :..V t» 5.350 Montgomery Co. Fair A — n Mt. Sterling, Ky. I 1,725 U.700 Basiaeas Men- League Hot Borings »;:_. sou 123,180 J14. imki | Cheyenne Thoroughbred Breeder- A-sociation ... 39.150 30.000 27.850 | Clarksburg Pair and Lacing Association D.SMM l l.ibi i tyville Jockey Club 7.7.MI Rose Tree Hunt Club Media, la.l 4.156 8,150 I Amtear and MOitry Lac. Assa Arlington. Pa. 8,325 3,100 I Padacah Fair and Lacing A-sociation J.7."il I j Boyd County Fair Association Ashland. Ky. 1,800 I Kentucky Jockey Club Douglas Park H:L!I7 156,710 ...... ...... Prospect I. iik Fair and Racing Aaaoctettea 10,750 10,850 , Indiana State Fair 6,000 Tomato Driving Club -pt.LIMI Jockey club Juarez 35.100 Bones Park Jockey Club 37,085 ...!!! •New London Jockey Club 34,500 Piping Lock Lacing A—ociation 23,785 Missouri Breeders Convention and Lace Meeting. 31,700 West Michigan State Fair A-sociation 14,200 Monterey Jockey Club !t.:i7". ...... Staten Island Agricultural Society 9. Otto ...... Wilmington Horse and Hound Show 8,000 ...... Jefferson Fair Bhrewsbar] Fair Meeting 3,050 Rockaway Hunt Club 4,335 Warrentoa Hunt Clah;.". !!!!!; Tatahi 34.066,253 S3.4.-..::i7 84,642,865 ".77;;. 107 •Meeting held at Mount Royal Lark.