Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-07


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1 i [ . HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. THURSDAY. JANUARY 6. 1821. Oriental Park. Thirty-tilth day. Cuba -American .lockev and Auto clnh. Winter .Meeting of Iimi days or more. Weather clear: temperature 90 . Stewards, .1. Haehmeister, C. II. Lonsdale and I-. J Km, n. start, i Jatn 1. Milton. ItaT-ing Sec-retary. M. Nathanson. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:57 p. m.i. Indicates sppreatiei allowance. 99/11 FIRST RACE— 1-4 Mile. Jan. 24. 1919—22—2—112. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Oad«ai:-X Fillies. Special Weig-lus. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. index Horses AWtPPSt U Vfi % 8tr_Pin Jockeys Owners Q jj C V S 53 100 HOLD MM u 117 2 2 1= 1- »V Kelsaj I. Cebrian 1-:. 4-a 4-0 i-| out PINNACLE v 112 G 1 2" :■■ V Wilson H P Whitney 6-5 0-6 trS 1-3 eat BITTER BITING w 112 I 3 v Pickens P Power - pi io I out JU8TINAE vb 112 ». ., and1 p. R S. ott G B Km, n. r IS 31 31 I out MOLLY PUFF w it: 1 l .1 BatwaU P Power -v m M I uu: XAOM1 K 112 3 I I W rum;. .1 f. Kurt I t| i l out iCoiipbd in betting: no separate place or -hew betting. Time. 23. Track fast. 32 mutmls paid. Hold Me, 83.83 straight, sl.3h place; pinnacle. 32.00 place; no -how mataels -old. Bqnlvaleat booking odds Hold Me, 85 to loo straight, 15 to kmi place; Pinnacle, 80 to 100 place. Winner — I., f. by Von Tromp—-Dally, by OlgantCOm trained by J. Lowe; bred hy Mr. Edward eliri.-in I Went to post it 2 32. .t post 4 miaates. Start good and slow Weii ea-il.v; secoad and third driving. HOLD ML outran the others rem He -tart and set a great pace all the way. PINNACLE raced in closest pursuit and made a game lini-h, hui swerved over to the Inside in the last sixteenth. BITTER BITING wa- lame whoa goiaf to the past, but Baished weR. JISTINAL. a go,,d looker, ran green and 1 BMJ improve. RT QQ/f RT SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920— 1:11— 6— 102. Purse £700. 3-year-olds. 1 OiHtO Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. S100: third. 0. 4 Index Horses AWtPPSt"" %~Str" Fin Jockey Owners O H C P S 5205.VGKT KM w U2 3 1 P 1" ■ 1- 1" .T Lutwoll 1 McGinty Est •; .. 7-.7 7-,7 1-2 1-4 5206S*CIQALE w ■ 1 I r." 6* P P F Hunt .1 Law* * -fi M 8-3 8*6 1-3 g 6SSSS*GEORGE C. .1H. w 100 £ 4 0- 4 4 0 F Wilson I. Brown 2] 3 I 1 1-1 6144S*CORNELIA C. W S7 7 2 :. 3* 8« 4» S Lowe V F Crosby 10 10 10 4 2 ;, £2018 SCOTTV wa 1 U S I 2 21 6* 5" A Pickens .1 M Lovely 81 M M 10 j. r.ilQi DRAFTSMAN will! 14 S V P* 6»| ■ BaMea T Hodge I I I j IS11S FELIX M w MB 4 7 ft tjuk i.t jie J Krancis A II Dint 15 M M I I 19419 SADDLER M2 : I 7 I 8 H W 1 r- It I. L FttngeraJd I" M 51 21 M Time, 24. 49%. 1 1645. Track fast. |2 mntnels paid, » : -r Em, s.". mi straight, .70 place, .40 show; Cigale, .50 place, s2.3o show; George i Jr., 83.20 Know. Equivalent baohtag odda Gel Ian. 120 la loo straight. :!.". to 100 place. 20 m 100 show; Citrate, 2.7 £ to Ktg place, IS i ion show; Henrce c. Jr., OH t . loo show. t ■Tinner It. g, bj liarae Abe Direct*, bj V sartor traiaed bj II. McCaaa; bred by Mr. Edward Cebriaa. Weal to pod al 8:00. At post 11 mlaates. st -irt gaod aad slew. Wmi driving; m ■ wad aad third tin- _ tame. GET EM took the lead at nace nml drew away alter roandiait the l:;- t tara, thea tired, but bung 6 M f.-niiit.-i.- hi the taal drive. CIGALE began slowly and waa outran t the stretch turn, from where 6 she came with a rank m the outside, but tired after1 getting oa almost equal term* with GET EM. ■ .% GEORGE c JR. Oniahed well and outstayed CORNELIA c. The latter waa a eleae tentaBder aaaal of ■ the way, SCOTTY showed speed, Bcratched 52101 Ant. nn.it k Red, 10S; 52060 Wiaall, 85; 51750 Darley Belle, 92. Overweight- Pelix M.. 3 pound*; Bcotty, -. PT •" O A f* TIURrTR ACE~5_LirFiirloiiffs . Jan. 24. 1917— 1:C5%— 5— 1C2. Purse 00. 4 -year-e3 ,*bt M -|r 3 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; tliird. 0. Index Horses AV.tlISt U : -4 Sir "Via Jockeys Owners O ~H~C P 8 r.MK! KKWKSSA waa 11 104 9 10 ■ i. Penraa n w I. Oliver i 7 7 2 6-6 r 52204 ED GARRISON w 7 111 4 . 1- l1 1»1 V .1 r-mnodvW !■*• m-liter 7 7 7 8 0-5 , 52200 SS A YON A WB fi M0 E .7 P •;. 6* :." It McDouA C Henderson 8-S 8-S 8-S 3-S 1-1 StIOS DRIFFIELD wn 7 MS I I I] 7 Q :1 H BrMajea A C Niehmoa 10 10 10 4 ! 5««00*JUANITA III. WOMS I ! V 41 4 [ME l.arnes Tussle 4 4 4 s.-.". 4-5 : : iU~4 MARTY LOG wa 10 111 I I ::1:." 9 V .1 iuuvell Roscdble St-:blo 13 Q 1] 1 1-1 | ril0tx*MISS WRIGHT w 0 M0 - 1 ".: 5»« V ~- L Cordon 11 1 Woods 10 10 I Q 0-6 Siltft* ASSIGN Willi lor, 7 I 7- v *• 11 l..istr.l W Moor. 4 V. 4J S T, 4-._i "j :,l»"!i PRINCE BONERO w 6 110 I S I I I C OMihyW C West land IS ::0 81 10 r. i Time. 24, 49. IM%, l:09/5. Track fast. IS atBtnela paid, Keweaaa, 0.50 straicbt, .--:i.:;o place, 14.50 show; Ed Garilaon. 1921.sh.10 place, .00 i -how: Bayoaa, .00 show. Eq alvaleut li-inkii odda giwraaa. ttL." to HKi atraicht. 805 to 100 place, liT. to U» show: Ed Garri- J mm, -C to lixi place, ISO to 100 show; Bayona, n~ to 100 show. Winner— B. n. by McGee— Sanfara, by Inattldahy trained by V. Cedar; bred by Mr. Charles W. J Moore. Went to post .it :!::•_ .t post I minutes. Start good :inil slow. Won diivinj;: second and tliird the same. K.EWE8SA worked his way op on the outside and, tinishiim iii reaolnte fashion, won in the lnt -1 r 1. 1 *. ED GARRISON tired in the laat sixteenth after showing the bmbI speed from the start. SAV- ■ una . lose. i a yap and oBtatayed DRD7FIELD. The latter cloned a Mg ana and run away a mile after the race. MARTY LOU ran well to the but eighth. Scratched— 52225 James. 103; 52205*Bibbler, 105; 52206 Short Chance, 112; ."iL-_o: Top Baag, US. OverweJchta Marty Lob, 4 pounds; Ed Qaiilaoa, 1. K «rry—F0URTH~R ACE— 5~f-2~ Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1: 05 V5— 5— 1027 Purse 00. 4-year-0 aa4Mf~db a olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. ladaa Batata AWtPPSt »4 ~*%~Str~pTTi Jockeys tTwners" O H ~C P 8 ■ r.tlOO*ZINDO w 4 no 7 :: 1J ll l" flN Collins J L Wada ;; ::. :;■. l i- : 5t01SPERIGOURDINE w 0 M0 l V VI V V .1 DOwsonKtnaere Fm BtaO-fi 0-fi 0-fi 0-6 1-1 . 5010S*DOCTOR D w9MC 2 ! J1 4l 4- :U .[ Francis C Deroaaet 12 II 12 4 i« : .*.:»O8!»SMIT10 a ■ I MB 1 1 1" 21 ::: - K WOaaa W II Hall 1-6 0-6 04 2-51-4 . 5210S*LADT IONE wa 4 M0J I 5 t11 ".: P E Rareea .J s Baldwin s io 10 4 ! : 5Z054*DIREC. JAMES wa IMS 4 •; til tj f •■• 1 Fletcher H Hrrdel I M 10 4 2 r.HHi BKMP. STALWARTw S 1!2 7 s I 0 0 7| ,T CarmMy.l C Baton 16 16 M fi 3 47042INDIAN CHANTwB « Ml s 7 71 7 7! s A Plckina F L Fitzgerald 0 M M I 4 Time, 26. 48%, 1:022D. 1:0845. Track fast. ; OS rnutiii •!- paid. SlaOa, sil.su atraicht, .Si.uu place, .s:!.40 ■haw; nilianialai. .90 place. ?3.10 show; Doctor 1 .. .S7.M show. Kiiuivaleiit ixiokinir odda- -Zlado. 400 to Hhi stratcht, 110 to 100 place, 7i to ltx show; railnaidlai. OS to UK place. "i" t.» 100 -.how: Doctor l».. lH t.. 1 m» ■haw. Winner— Br. c, by Waldo Ehata, by Woalathurne traiaed by J. Barfca; bred by Mr. .1. Prather. Went to post at 3:"i7. At p M 2 niiimtes. start «.mhI and slow. Won easily: secnad and third driv-bBK- EINDO forced ■ fast early pace and. racing into a BBad lead on the last turn, won eaatac "p. PKBIGOlTRDlNE raced well and Baiabed gamely. DOCTOR D. closed a gap and made a fast tinisli. SMITE becaa Well and set a fast early pace, lint tilvd in the last eighth. Overweights — Lady lone. :i_. pounds. PT OO/i O FIFTH RACE— l Mile! "March" 23. 1919— T3iV— 5— 105. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and t3aaas~xO upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt H % i~ -ft StrFin Jockeys Owners Q~ H C P S- ."216. GRUNDY WB 7 M0 i 1 !■* 1*1 V 1 1 A Pick, ns ArmoBla Stable t i ! 2 i .06-2I BXHORTER w 7 M0 4 1 !• 1 | 2 l; 2; .1 Francbl .1 Wnltera 10 io 10 4 2 r-SISS*GUARANTEED w 4 103 1 1 ::- 3 1 ::- :: ! | F Wilson W F Knebkaaaptl 0-6 0-6 1-6 1-6 .■.•2IH 5 BETTY J. WB I Ml 2 ; 4- r 0*4 4*1 C Kmi s T Ho. life I I I ;". r,,", 52077 *HOCNlR w 10 MO 7 E .". 6*0*61 0* R McDottW B Plnnegnn fl S-6 0-6 2-6 1-6 KSWSBALLYMOONEY WB 6 MO I I «l 0« 5| 0» %* K LeasterM Goldhtatt 8-3 8-6 -5 1-5 1-4 ,-;j091 SWEEP CLEAN va t ill :. 7 7 7 7 7 7 J CarmdyOaMnpph Stable 5 G ti 21 tl-0 vCoupled in bettUg; no separate place or show betting. Time. 24%. 49. 1:15, 1:42. Track fast. 62 mutiieis paid. Grandy, 818.70 atraicht, 88.00 piaca, si. in show: Bxhorter, Sli.tii place. . 20 show: W. 1. KnelM dkaui]i and W. It. Finnegaa entry. 8S.40 show. Bqahratsat boohing odda Grandy, s:;;, t.i 100 straight, MM to 100 place. MO to KX show; Kxhorter, :.30 to Itsi place. 110 to ltK show: W. 6*. Knehelkami and W. B. Finnesjaii entry. 20 to 100 show. Winner— th. ;. by Boojaelaari — Prade, by Meddler traiaed by W. A. Carter; bred in England by Mr. I*. ". Stern t. Went to post at 4:20. At «ist 2 minutes. Slart good and slow. Waa easily: second and third driving. HIlNDV. running in something like his tine f..ini. forced or set a fast pace until rounding the far turn, where he went to the front and drew away to win in a canter. EXBORTEB ran well, but tired and probably was a bit -hurt GUARANTEED raced gamely, but could never get to the front and tired in the last quarter. BALLYMOONEY was outrun from the start and never dangerous. Overweights — Betty J., 1 pound. KOO A€k SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and £0 Yard.1T March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. t-adafTtCy 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. 1 lndei Horses AWtPFSt 34 and % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H 3 V S- 62070 •CLIP w 6160 I 1 :. : 4i 2» ij r L caster L Crist : ii ?, i T WiOO-DVKK RUFF w I His 7 1 8* 2 2 »a p| B Barms .1 do Estrampe.s 5 G I ■ 6-. 5S0vSPA8 DK CHNCE.vr. 7 110 4 2 1 Ill- 1 V R MclVottW It Padgett S S S 8 8-5 52187* •DOUBLET II WB 4 872 6 5 4»J H !■ t- 4«| I Fletcher .M. E Thompson I 8 I I 8-5 R20tS**BUCK NAIL w 0 MC 1 1 7- I I 61 t* .1 Fran.is L FOLtary 2. 2. 2l. 1 1 52017*BLACK THONGwB 5 103 5 I 0 8* P :•• P F Hun.. Wllllajtna Bros. 7-5 0-6 8-6 S-6 1-1 B2052*BIERM N WB 7 101 I 7 s 7i I* 7 7- A McLhllnE Alvarez E .", I I I C2102 ABBESS w 11"- I I :;L 41 7» 8 t W .larrell O Maekenfnaa M 00 :a 20 10 Time. 24. 48, 1:15%, 1:42, 1:45%. Track fast. S2 mutuels paid. Clip. s--»0 straight. 85.20 place, N3.W show: Duke Itufl". .$.".70 place. 8S.S0 show; Paa ie Chance, s4.tn show. Equivalent booking odds— Clip. 39.*i to 100 straight. ItiO to 100 piace. 80 to 100 show; Duke Ruff 106 j to 1H» place. 7.". to 100 show: 1 as de Chance. 145 to 1«» show. Winner — Br. g, by Sain— Clip Hook, by Waten re s i trained by I.. Crist: bred by Mr. I.ueas It. Combs. Went to lxist at 4:40. At post 2 minut s. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and tliird the same. CI, II was outrun for the Brat half, bat came around the leaders after rounding the far turn and. finishing fast, was drawing dear. DUKE ROTT ran a good race and outstayed IAS DE CHANCE. The 1 latter was much used in making the pace and tired in the final drive. DOUBLET II. ran well. BLACK TIIONO began slowly, but ran a bad race. scratched 52100 Lariat, 103; 521448oI Gilaey, 100: 52208 slippery Silver. 10»; 52306GBaraaaaaa 10S. Overweights — Doublet II.. I1 . pounds; Buck Nail. 2.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921010701/drf1921010701_2_10
Local Identifier: drf1921010701_2_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800