Tijuana Entries and Past Performances for Friday, January 7, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-07


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TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR FRIDAY, JANUARY 7 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Raring s:irts B ].-,» ,, m Cnientn time 3:50. i C?i Snperior mad runner. X Good uiud runner. ■■:- Fair mad raaai r. M Maldew. *Apnreatica •llowaace. b Bliakers. Eirst Race — 1 Mile. .! year-alda and apward. Maidens. Cbibniag. itiaik record: Jane 17. MM — 1:38- :t— 95. i Today*! lad. Horse. wt. Bee. A.AVt.Han. 5l,11I" bC.-nterville M 1 : tl--, 4 11. .723 r.Llti- Mistake inj 1 : I : J » - :, 11..7Lll 5S10N •Maywortk 88 1:41 1 E 180. .715 53182 Florence Gline ...Ml 1 : 1 1 - . 6 US.. 715 5ll11 *AUce an- .1881:44 7 MS.. 710 5i!»7s *Helman 6 110. .710 52210 Sadie i ir_ 1:4S% 1 188.. 705 R1BM Minhty Lever 103 1:40% 4 10S..7O5 5LL:ts *Maad M 7MS..70C 51s •Ardeacia 115 1:40-. 6M5..TOn 5-iiiL I.isiai in 1:48 B 1M. .708 Tuscan, b. b. IS, by Taaculum Scotch i;osr. i,y Midi.. tliian llv Second Race-=-l Mile and 70 Yards. 4-ycar-elds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. I. MS0— 1:4S% *; — 12. 53340 *p!ielia 9S 1 ;45 !» 103X725 52242 Miss Sedalia • 108. .TM 5LL:«t Audrey K 1001:4S% 6 109x715 52240- Saner 113 1:40 8 110XT15 52128* George Maeblebach.108 1:40% 5 115.. 715 52258 French Xarae 0 108.. 703 52193 •Moataaa Belle .... 94 1:47 8 1004:700 52214 Kvalvn Harrigaa... 5 108. .705 C2S0S stebliff 1111:50% 12 115®705 Third Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. ! . ar-olds and upward. Ctafjaiag. Track record: Beb. I, M20—1:4S%— 0—12S. SSOSS* bl.ute Drapeaa ...llii 1:44% 8 118. .723 S2006 *Cavalead..ur II. ...103 1:45% 5 110.. 720 52190 Handle 104 1:44% 8 108x713 52240 *Hnmma 108 1:46% 8 103.. 713 52182 Boreas MO 1:40% 6 115. .715 52240 Stanley 8 Ill 1:48% 13 105X710 52188* Honolulu 110 1:48% 6 108X703 52288 Links Lady M.. B 103.. 700 Fourth Rnce — 5 1-2 Fuilonjs. 8-year-old* and upward. CMbaiag. T ck record: Jane 28. 1016 1 K»% 8 118. 521741 AXBB8 A ELI XS10S 1 o7 .-. 6 109 723 52174 *bVal:er Mack M 1:0i-, 6 lini [713 52103 Itiix.sla 115 1:07-- 7 112*713 51804 Midia 112 1:10 4 101X710 52174s Robert I.. Owen ..110 1:06% o 114-71" 51388 Cicely Kay 104 1:08 4 102X705 15020 Foxj GrlM 1 1* 188 8 107* 705 Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and apward. Cuiming. !: .... : . .i.i: Jane 1. 1010 1 :43 3 110. i 52240 bBbenandoah M 1:48% I 100X723 52263* Cork 105 1:47% 6 110X720 52212 Examiner 10 1:50s 8 115. .715 52106* *Rahy lal KMt 1:40% 8 108 X 714* 52105 Till. .is n 112 l:35%h 8 117X710 i "Jilo Raby Bister 1o7 1:50% 10 1os®"05 52100 lass A. M S 103 700 Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. 8-yegr ..ids and apward. Cuiming. Trad record: Dec. Lo. 1010- 1:11% — 3 -110. 51841 3 Betsinda 109 1:16 4 100X725 52151 bl.adv in r.la.-k . . . 103 1:12% 4 06.. 720 I 52152**bNeg 112 1:14% 6 100X71*".] 52037 Freedom - 103 1:13-.. B 111. .715 52036 haw 112 1:13 3 1Hlx7l0 52024*bMay Maul-by ....102 1:13% 6 108.. 7141 52210 Sturdee 108 1:12% 7 110X7M 50768 Bedegrasa 104 1:14% 4 105X705 51900 Beveler 90 1:11-. 8 108X703 52210 Ike Mills 107 1:18% 0 115x705 l 51744! •Great Hawk MO 1:15% 4 87. .700 52216 Myrtle A Ill 1:12% sun .TOO i Seventh Race — 5 1-2 Furlor-jc. 3 viar-.d.K and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jane 28, 1010— 1KK*%— 3— 118. 52174 *l..d Baker 115 1 K»7% 5 10 1*725 ■ 52085 Dancing Girl 112 1:07 510V. 720 p 53152 bar Lake 103 1:07 7 100. .715 j 517*18 T m Goaae IK 1:07 8 111 • 710 , 52131 *Den Jose 111 1 :o7 8 112*715 j :.l7isi Bees Wing 100 1 HIS 4 108 7lo i 522K; Kitty Cheatham ..105 1:08% 7 11l..7!5 , | 52M5 Claude Weaver .. .103 1:07% Sill.. 705

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921010701/drf1921010701_7_1
Local Identifier: drf1921010701_7_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800