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SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Jan. 8, 1920—1:11—6—102. OUR NEPHEW, b. g, G 107 By Dr. Leggo— Georgia Girl, by Solitaire II. Trainer. F. J. Kearns. Owner, J. Gengler. £2126 Havana ImSty l:6S%hvy 1-5 in :. :: :: i F •* c n Miller 8 J. Healer, Mnn Pi— tr, Llt.Bnss £2054 Havana 51 f l Of "£fast 6-5 H2 2 :: :: ::* 2* .1 Connors 8 DireetorJamea, Vim. DtntyMre 52916 Havana Si f 1:08 fast IS 113 I I I 6** 5*1 J Connors 8 Pgoordine, BdOnrrison, PyJane 61751 Havana 5-8 1:86 good 4 lis I I I 5* rW Kelsay B Miss Brush. Biaaca, Ooemko 6I9R7 Kmpire Ah 3-4 l:ll%fast 5S 113 13 I 13 1 LH 11" Rolisonl." I.ibertycirl. BotiTromp. Chimera SINN FEINER. b. g. 5 115 By land league— MiU Bay, by Bed Heart. Trainer, W. Cedar. Owner, W. L. Oliver. G2183 Havana 3-4 l:2R**hv S :. 113 4 3 :: V 2* .1 Batwell 8 FarRnat, DtyMeore, JkDawaoa 52125 Havana ImBOy l:58%hvy 25 113 ill a 3* 8" .1 Batwell 8 J. Healey, OarXepbew, Lit. Buss 52879 Havana ImfiSy liP-.fa-t M MS 1 4 2 4 l- 6" R M Dott s cup. Bancrana, Bol Gllaej 52966 Havana 61 f l:97«£faat 31 Itt 7 6 I 4* 4" .1 Batwell 7 Undo, Sen. James. NorfolkBefle BUSS Havana ImBOy i:4S%fast 6 in i 2 J j» f .i Batwell 10 AlUmoke, James, Garaatw EM33 Havana 61 f 1.-87 fast 13 li- 7 I G I1 !»• J Batwell 7 MtlrjOIrl, QnaSeheer, PoterCot EDDIE HENRY, ch. g. 8 112 By Cunard— Melton Mowbray G. C. MizV.l. Owner. G. C. Mizell. DISSS Havana 5-8 l :w.,livy 12 113 6 I »". 4 r j .1 DoaVlek 7 Blaek Prince, Aatxicn, Prasenek 40708 Havana ImfiSy j: u hy 7-8 M7 i ."; Z I -l"" I" R Ball •". s. MeMeekin, Ar*trater, Bt.3ade 406B6 Havana lmSOy 1 4-5 111 5 11 1 11 1| R Ball 7 C.M*«-liiin.iit . D.Tkrnah, S. Sandals 4P613 Havana ::-! l ::-2 W.i 4 :: 4 :;. 2=1 K HHeman K Clark M., .Marekeaeat, LeeaM 40295 PUnllco 11 16 l:47%faat * M7 1 ?. 3 3 2- »* C Robaon 9 Berenest, Wppoorwlll, LasyLoa M2S6 Plmllco 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 10 ins 3 1111 li hmia BdrttsfrlB Beieaeat, Air .Man. PatraaM ROUNDEL, oh. g. 5 115 By Peter ftuince— Balkis, by Orlando. Irainer. H. Shields. Owner. H. Shields. D1973 Havana f liOxlfcfaat :: 111 :: ! J :. VI J Carmodyl2 .nil. Prank Burke, Bastern Glow 51831 Havana 51 f l:iT;.fast 12 112 5 I ! Z 2«* W Jarrell in LghinsEyrsII., Vision, T. Pirate 51 79S Havana 5-8 144Hltood 2] 1M 1 :: ". V 4*1 "W Cramp 7 SUpperjrBilver, Darella, BJSotler B1711 Havana 51 f 1 : ll-.slow _, US " 1 :: 4:l I* W Jarrell ". I.ihy Bond, I.iama. Miscrirorde 5168S Havana 51 f l:14todow 10 1M 6 5 7 7- 7 .1 Carmody f War Lean, Riga, White Crown 51607 Havana 6-8 l:l4fthvy f. loo :. i :: :. |«« i: Renndy 9 Mnglran. B.-Xa-Brna, I..-Mi-me 51527 Havana 5-8143%alow 10 M7 :: .". I 6 «T V Jarrell B Golden Chance, Clip, Jold Stone FRANK BURKE, ch. g. 6 115 By The Commoner— Ice "Water, by Watercreta. Trainer, C. R. Smith. Owner, C. R. Smith: 52183 Havana 3-1 l:24*Uivy - 112 l 7 • T ".! Dmlnick 8 ParBaat, DtyMoore, SlttnPelner 51973 Havana 51 f i: 23 111 l :: i 2s 2 i .1 DomicklS Jill. Ronadel, Raatern Glaw 51932 Havana 3-4 1:15 fast It 112 1 2 :: 8» S»J J DomIck ! View, Harry Glover, nelneratof 46443 Havana :: I l:13%faat 3 110 5 7 7 7- P|B Atklnanle Bnrtlnaaaie, J. Healey. M. Mirror M34S Havana 2-4 1 :l:.:l3Rood 21 IS4 6 4 ."i 4 41 B Atkiusn 10 T.C leamei . F. Jewel. H. Cora C3S7 Havana 51 f i:07,.3fiist 5 US 3 8 s 71 7»i it McCr*nn s Bon oris. Baatee, Shasta AFRICAN ARROW, b. h. 6 115 By Javelin— African Slave, by Kano. TTainer, H. G. Bedwell. Owner, J. K. L. Ross. 51186 i.aurei 1 1-1 , l:-ls-,fast 7i 1"!4 .".4 7 7 .- 7!T T Nolan 8 W.M.u line. M.Filley, T.. Kill " lino 51123 Laurel 1 1 !"• 113 • I R 8 I I 3 "I" Nolan 8 lielario. Flihgihbet. VIveMcGce 43878 H.deGce lm7Syl:434faat 21-:. 106 r. 4 3 2 2« 23 K Sande ."« Leochnres. Franklin. Dairyman 43S04 H.deGce lm70yl:45%faat 21-10 113 4 4 4 3 2 1= R Sande 8 Dairyman. Knot. Escoba 43658 Sa rat oca 1 l:39%c6od 3 116 3 3 3 3 3 3ir-J Loftus 8 TkiaUedon. Sasin HOMAM, ch. g. 7 110 3y Star Shoot — Sosega, by The Commoner. Trainer, 0. Tugfcle. Owner. 0. Tuggle. Havana 5] l:Q94Urood ..,, j, .-, | :. ■, | | i . pickeaa 9 Gold Btone. M. HoUins, View --■os Havana InSSy 1:5S good 6 10 1 6 12 2 2 V L Penman A 8. Prince, Plantarede. J.OBrien 52144 Havana 1 1-16 J:0H-,hvy 6 *S 5 :: 4 4 4 ■ B« 1. Penman 7 SolGilsey, Plantarede, B.Hunley 51679 Havana ImBOy l:44ttfant is IS 7 s 7 7 6- 4;I s Balunaa 8 Clip, Baaeraaa, Sol BBaef 61956 Havana 1 1 :42" -i MS ." 3 .". 4 ?,- :• I, Penman ! Lariat. I«dyBester, .lose deVales B1.S91 Havana 6» t 1 :0a=-,f aat 2 MS 5 7 6 62 6»J C CMahy 8 T.Pirate. MissVrij;tit, Huntress 61832 Havana 6 f 149%fast S Ml 7 5 6 61 4"i I Fletcher B Litholirk. Punctual. Smite VJM. b. g. 4 107 By Hessian — Astarita, by Bathampton. Trainer, J. C. Mayes. Owner. J. C. Mayes. 62225 Havana :-i 1:H t,on l I 109 :". 18 8 BH W KeUay 8 Srarpfai li.. Bianca, Incinerator .". ■•102 Havana 61 f !:I4-hvy i; M4 7 5 6 Sl S" F Smitli s I.ue.May. MbMWaht, L-Halafre 52964 Havana 51 f ltOgiandfaat 6 M4 3 ! ! 21 P I Smith !» Dir.Ji -. OnrNepkew, D.Moore f 2014 Havana 51 t 1:89 fast U loi :, 2 :: 4i S» .1 Smith B avail Hoy. P*a«eaet, L.Ilesier 51443 Bowie 9-4 1:M mud 67 los 4 2 1 14 14 J Pierce It! Turf. BargOyne, Huron II. 50.",51 H. del Fee 3-4 1:17 slop M MS 4 4 ." i* V* R Fator 7 Zouave. Link Boy, Kirali 5O404 H.deGce 1 1:12 fast C9 M2 5 4 6 7 7"»73 J Shelepeta 8 Sii ■Win.-Iohnsen. Orenzo, Arbitor THORN BLOOM, br. g. 7 110 By Flint Rock— White Thorn, by Nasturtium. Trainer, H. W. Plant. Owner, H. W. Plant. 52294 Havana 3-4 l:18%good 2J it; I 5 4 c 4»1 J Francla 8 Maricaaa, oMaliey, WnoorwiU .".21S4 Havana ::-4 1:21 hvy l 11.". 2 1 l l"1 8»| C Raaiea S I.e Ralafre, Btanca, Pokey .lane 52899 Havana ::-4 l:ls*-mud 10 111 1 111 3- .1 Dminick s F.F.nuy. Btnaonry, Wak. Dream 51896 Havana lmandSy l:43isfaat io in 4 l l i r j 7,:! J Domick B Back Nail. Dtngooa. Mn in— le :.1s:j4 Havana 1 l:44.-,fast 31 1M 2 2 1 2 61 61* W Crump B C.Uskt, T.J.Hogan. Fly Home 51732 Havana 2-4 l:18HslOW 4 113 2 5 6 7 7" W Crump 7 P.lazeauay, B.IIunley. LeB*aCn DINTY MOORE, b. g. 4 M 109 By McGee— Polly Grant, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, E. W. Padelford. Owner, W. M. Sh eedy. 62181 Havana .1-4 1 :20"-3h.y 3 110 2 2 2 2«*i" W Kelsay S ParBaat. SimiFciner. .FkPawsmi 62964 Havana 61 f l:08%faat 10 MS 8 I I 7l 4T R Atkinsn ! DirectrJaates, OarNepoeW, Vim Cl! !4 Havana 61 t" M IM 4 6 S !t 9= E Atkinsn 9 Blaaeaway, JnatPancy, Sis. Susie 51143 Laurel 1 1-16 l*SS%taat 18 107 3 12 8 4J 81S L McAtee M Att.v. Muir. Arbitrator, Stir Up 5KM2 Laurel I 1 IS 1 Wikt ■■» 8 103 5 6 5 3 3 3J F Cltilettl « Sir Jack. Bar Coy, Donado ULSTER QUEEN, ch. m. 5 M 110 By Ulster King— Cygnets Song, by lally. Trainer. W. Sims. Owner. W. Sims. 52999 Havana 51 f" 1:12 mad 26 MS i I o I i;-- c iTMahy S Anarita, B.oCRPtown, PetaiCab 4.".79.- F.Gnda lmTSy l:43%taat 26 MS I 2 M M » 7" w Wright l Mai . HandfnU, Tit for Tat 15697 F.Gawa 1 1-1« l:48%taat G loo* S 6 5 7 S1 6« W Wright U La Foudre, J.David. Mar.Connell 44282 Latonia 1 1-16 l:;.F:.mud 29 HH 8 8 6 6 93 9" W Wright 12 Lariat, Fr.Mattox, Loreaa Moss 43039 La ton ia 1 1-16 1 :4.H3fast fij 10112 12 12 12 ll» U»» C Bobsonl- Luckv IS.. Bol0S7, Fair Client 42742 Latonia 3-4 l:13%slow 97 108 8 7 7 71 72 J Groth S Madge P., L. F. Play. AdeliaVV. 0 MALLEY. b. g, G 110 By Charles OMaliey— Shrike, by Gallinule. Trainer. W. Brown. Owner. Pogolotti Stable. 62204 Havana 3 I l:18%trood l" li". 2 2 - J 2*1 w Crwaap 8 Maricaaa, WpoonriTi, T. Bloom | i2in2 Havana 6 f UP.-lny 12 112 8 8 s | ■•• H Garner B Lnc.May, MiaaWght, LeBalafre 49991 Havana 1 1-16 1 :46 Sfast 6 110 2 3 4 6 6« 67 E Atkinsn 7 Baladin. I. Williams. Gnat Gull 46012 Havana 1 1-16 1 :47*3fast 7 US 2 3 4 4 41 41 E Atkinsn 7 Solid Back, Assumption. Chilluin j 45867 Havana lm20y 1 5 110 2 6 I 6 ,- 612 H earner 7 Bake Buff. Legacy, Zodiac 45768 Havana 1 1-8 l:55" 10 Mill 1 Ink o4 J A Pickens • Attorney Muir, Kegrcso, Ellison