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CANADIAN BETTING QUESTION IN COURT ■ ■ TORONTO, out.. January 8. Attorney General W. L. Raney baa submitted a -rated case to the ■ • "i 1 of spneals, Osgood* Hall, embodying the following questions: "Has the Untenant governor in council power under the corporations tax act to impose as a condition that gambling by beftkmaklBg. pari 11111 on 1- or pool selling shall not be carried on by any tecotporated rvrupany, aasociatiou or dub." "If the lieutenant governor in council !ais no sack power can the tegistetare of Ontario give testrae lion- to insert, as a condition in rachig licenses issued by ihe provincial treaaarer, a pr bibition of race 1 rack gambling?" Mr. Raaej ha- aaked the court to net the ease down for bearing tin- month so that in case be get- a aegative answer an the first uaeatioa and an affirmative one on ihe bitter In- can introduce legislation at the forthcoming se-si n of the Ontario legislature, which open- in r»lanaij