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1 , 1 1 • . 1 j ! TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico. Wednesday. January 5. 1921. ■Thirty -sixth day. Lower California Jockey Club. Winter Meetlag of 121 or mere day-. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. A— oeiate Stewards. J. Coffroth and Leon Wing. Starter. Harry Morrissey. Pacing Secretary, l.eou Wing. Raehsg starts at l :•" •» p. at. tCMeago time 8:S0. 997 First Race— 5-8 Mile. fMay 20. 1920— """" 59—4—107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third 0. Evpiiv. Odds, lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Joekey. Straight. 51897 II. McCarty 111 Is ; Yeargln 7640-103 .V-iOO-J Chrome P7 l1 B Fa tor 500-100 518!Mi Lantern 110 3] M Matthews 11400-100 51896»Kmnia WellrlO.". 4. H Marinelli KO-IOS .■51909 July Fly IP! 51 N Foden 2420-101 .- !H.-»« Volima MO i1- Rowe 71540-100 4TS70x*Anns Star 108 71 K Taylor :.!HM00 .-.-Z081 Masledovntl IM si R Dority 4620-100 52002 Tem. Duncanll:. :i P .Martinez J70-100 51938 Dienero HI 10*1 W Varley t 51919 Hon Sante 113 IP A Zeigler 410-100 40418-Little Oae H- 12 F Chiavetta vMlltuel field. 32 matoela paid. Battle McCarty, 1154.80 straight. 334.20 place. 7.40 show; Chrome. 37.30 place. 35.30 show: Lantern. 330.40 show. Epiivalent booking odds— Hattie McCarty. 7340 to 110 straight. 3110 to 100 place. 1770 to 100 show: Chrome. 280 to llMI place, 150 to lHl show; Lantern. ULd to 1IKI -how. Time, 1:01 Vs. Track fast. Winner . E. Ilavison- ch. in. by Prospers — Poll Weevil, by Cayuga trained by C. E. Davison; bred by Mr. E. II. Andru— I. Went to post at 1 :." !!. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the ! same. Overweights — Dienero. 1 pound. KOOQQ Second Race— 1 Mile. June 17. 1916— u-hjcju x:38— 3— 95. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. Bqniv. Odds. lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 51838 Our Maid 10S 1 W Hir.phv an-lnO .VJ148-LV.1 William no 2i R McCrann -un-iii" 52103 Maud M. los ::- p Martinez 1730 i 0 i BtltO*Arietta H9 ■■ H Mariaelli ES9fl 160 i S3003* Links Lady M3 •.- T Kindle t:.Lso-ioii 54il48 Handy Girl Ml ii. . eargin 5601-11 i 31383ftlr Oliver no ;- P Chlaretts S90-160 i 51917*Sadie Stronp H3 8SJ M Slaughter 51008*Satsma Bellel03 9 R Taylor t 53137 P.. rtiiee EL pis ma Rowe 19230-100 i 53103 Pastime 110 11 A Zetgler 1540-10 tMntael field. SL muiiiels paid. Our Maid. 33.80 straight. 12.80 i place, .40 s|„iu : Red William. .-?:. Hi place, i ■boa : Maud M., 38.83 show. Epiivalent booking odd- Our Maid, tin to Kill i straight, 30 to loo place. 20 to 100 show: Red William. 71 to 100 place-, 30 to 101 show; Maud M . 90 to Kid show. Time. 1:42. Track fast. Winner — H. S. Kearneys b. f. 4. by Imle l.u-v Edith, by Yankee trained by 1. Kearney; bred by Mr. W. 1,. Miller. i i i i i i i i Went- to |.,,-t :,i 255. At P"-t 1 minute. Start rood and -low. Won easily; second and third uiP -ing. Seratched 38183 Petclu-. 110. 99 Third Race— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24, OitiiKto 1910—1:45—3—110. 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50- ■-. ennd. 00; third. 0. Kptiv. Odds, lad. Hots,. wt. Pin. Jockey. straight . StlM*Mlke Ttaly 110 r M Slaughter Pm-loo 53148 Wetnlaad llfi 2J C Daggan iaa0-100 53173 Perf i I Lndj 103 « V. Taylor S0-1W 58083 *Gen. Byn»s llfi V o ITeargin 1B60-1O0 58148*Battl MtalnMa 5*J P Horn M833-10J 58171,*Andrey K Hi C 1 Harn io.0-itw VJ213 Perfect Day K-3 Iup.W llinpliy 7040-133 33 mutuels paid. Mike Daly. 85.80 straight, .LIKI place, 2.40 show; Welaland, |13.00 alaca, 31.30 show : Psrfeel Lady. sj.::i show. Kpiivah-nt booking odds Mike Daly, IttO to 100 straight, 108 to kh» place. 20 100 show; Weiahtad, :,mi to iik» place. i;ii to Kid show: Perfect Lady. 10 to 100 show. Time. 1:38% Track fast. Winner Araot Stables br. g. 7. by Pavid Teaaf Dewiane, by llreen trained oj Q. W. I.illernian ; bred by Mr. S. S. Kakte. Went I,, post at 3:40. At post 1 minate. Start good and -low. Won handily; second and third driving. Overweights Perfect Lady, • paaads. vn£i-i 99 40 Fourth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. reb_ x 1920— 1:43;.— 6—122. Purse S500. 4-year-oldj and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50; second. 0C; third, 0. Epiiv. Odds. Pel. Horse. Wt. Iin. Jockey. Straight. .VilOBSh enandoah 103 1 B Taylor 30VH3 5-Jl 18 Sau-T in ps R Carter 860-101 33 103* Baby Slater 101 ::-] P Martin- ■/. s,7i» pio SOOU-Corcha 113 KFoddi jpIO-100 BSJ98 Tok. Mar ii Wl B« C Van Doaen I3t0-1* .V! 1 92 -/.et-tie 109 S FChlavetta 570-]OI 51858*Brown i:— 107 7 M Slaughter 531S8:*Humma 113 I Rowe 538-18 S8171 Tre-wen kIS as ,• Gross 7310-M 53102 K. of Pythias 111 1" ; n arin 3280-MO 58103 Madrid ill llJ .1 Glass 5801t*Stanley 8. lit 12 J Clements t tMatnel field. 82 miiiii. I- paid, Shenandoah. .80 straight. .*3.«n place. s:!.im show; Saaer, 84.40 place, 33.00 s|„,w ; Baity Bister, 34.00 show. Bqairalent h king odds Rheaaadeah. 340 to Pm straight, u t • k« place. 50 to hmi show; Baoer, 120 I-- 100 place, 80 t- 100 show; Bahj Slater, 130 to 100 show. Time. 1:46. Track fast. Winner .1. R. Thoraoys cl . r. I. hy Sea King Blae Grass, hy Hamharg traiaed by .1 R. Thorn -by: bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Wen; t- i-osi i 3.80. At t»ist 1 minute. Start good and slow. ,,ii haii-lil.: second and third driving. Overweights- Shenandoah. paaads. 99 41 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. Dee. 20. 1916— u-jij. l:U%— »— 110. Purse S600. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 20; second, 20; third. 0. I j I i i i v . O-h Is. lad. Ibis. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 5SlSOa*Bilry Lane ■•- Hi D Hara 110-101 53178*Roy Dewey M2 V M slaughter MO-MO 48909 Cabal. in 114 I ] i-: Denny 430-100 52085 "Mary Reiael PI:; r E Taylor 470-100 51837 Tawasenths N .". B Marinelli 1250-PKI 58030 Hyampom Pit C G Veargin 3333-180 58150 Dark Fri. tr ii! 7 C Van Dusen i;ci-l0" 82 muiinls pa hi. Billy Lane. 84-20 straight, 3SJb place, 52.40 -how: Roy Dewey, 87.20 place. M.JO -h. a : aha Ian, 33.00 -how. Bqairalent backing odds Hilly Lam- 11 » to 100 straicht. 08 to l » place, l-ii to loo -how: Roy Dewey. 200 to 108 place, 110 to loo show; Cahalan, .-,i to 100 show. Time, 1:13%. Track fast. Winner. L. H. Tryons b. g, by Keformution — Barbara Laae, by Ueaeral Roberts trained by L. 11. Tryon: bred by Mr. beotge M. Van iordenl. Went to post at 8:32. At post 4 minutes. Start | I an I -low Won ea-il : second and third driving. Overweights Tawaaeatha, 1 immuuI. vnti-xtt 994.9 sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20, 1916— l:1125— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Uet value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0, Kasjtr. Odds. Ind. Hoist. Wt. Fin. Joekey. Straight. 5:»127John Jr. 117 H R Graves 1S30-M8 52174*Deckhand 112 21 B Marinelli 130-100 153034 -Pvt. Peat li« 1 ■■ B Taylor 210-100 13139 Orchid King US I B Pinnegar +l620-iii«t 52171 Delancey 117 .V .. V Cbia vetta 880-108 53105*Miss Sedalia 101 0* Rowe 7C0-100 52131 Babylonian 114 7 P Martinez 1333 138 4«528afuteria PIS S E Iator t tMatnel field. sj mutuels raid. John Jr., .S33.HO straight. 30.00 place, 34.00 -how: Deckhand. 3320 plncc. 32.40 -how; Private Peat. 32.00 show. Lipiivalenl booking odd- ■! in Jr., 15sii to 100 straight 880 to loo place. Phi to ion show; Deckhand. 88 to 10 place, 20 tu 100 show; Private Peat. 30 to KK show. Time, 1:13%. Track fast. Winner W. I" Poisons b. g. 8, by Marta Santa Maude Fealy. by Pen BtTOOte trained by W. F. Poison: bred by Mr. Walter S. Payne. Went to pool at 3:50. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving : second and third the same. Scratched— 51788 Tom Goose. 114: 521 74 -Robert L. Owen. 117: 52215 Irish Maid. 107: 52174 Woodie Montgomery. 110. Overweights Onhid King. ." pounds; Miss Sedalia. 1. Kitii*-x*j F»99 4cl Seventh Race— 1 1-8 Miles. May 23, 1920—1:53—4—109. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20; second. 20: third. 0. L jiiiv. Odd-. Ind. Hone. Wf. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52084* HO p. i: Marinelli 98-180 58173*Hor. Lerch las z, P Martines 1960-100 88108 *Darnay mi :: Rowe 910 100 53005-•Verdi Loon 103 l ■ E Taylor 430-100 52130 Peerieas One 101 !•: Fa tor gii-ini S2 mutuels paid. Regresn, s:,.s i straight, *3.oo place. 32.00 show: lb race Lerch, 37.40 plan-. 33.20 -how: Darnay, 83.40 show. K |iiialeni bookiag odds Reareao, DO to 108 straiaht, 50 to ion place, 30 to 100 show; Horace Lerch, 270 to 100 place, co t.. 108 -lev . Daraay, 70 to 100 shoo . Time. 1:534.-,. Track fast, Winner I Kearneys ch. x. 7. by Ha-tings — Ariine. bj The Comasoner trained bj I. Kearney; bred by Mr. c c Patrick. Went to post at 4:20. At post 1 minute. Start bad and sle«. W n easily; secoad and third driving. Seratched 52215 Marie Council, lm;. Overweights Horace Lerch. 1 pound; Darnay, I.