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HAVANA Tin- horses which seem best in Fridays races are: Havana. Cuba. January 6, 1921. 1 -Cubanita. The Enquirer. Lotla Speed. 2 — Our Nephew. Honiam. Sinn Feiner. S — Sister Susie. ,u- Scheer. Chimera. 4_ KIKHKLOW . Penetope. Mum ho Jumbo. B — White Crown. Frank Keogh. Jack Healcy. .— Sans Pear II., American Soldier. Mather. T. K. Lynch. New Torlc Handicap. l_ THANITA, Lotta Speed. The Baqairer, Fltw-liigh. 2 — Our Nephew. OMalley. Thorn Bloom. Ilomain. 3 — Sister Susie. Chimera, Discussion, The Belgian II. 1 Fuibtidp. Penelope, Belle of Elizabethtown. Maaspo Jumbo. 5— Biuieraiia. Manokin, Jack Healey, White Crown. 0— Sans Pear II., Matler. The Pirate. Candle Light. Chicago and Buffalo Handicapa. 1 — Cubanita. Tuanorea. Shy Ann. Pansy. 2— Oar Nephew. Sinn Feiner. Roundel, Eddie Henry. 3 — BUSTER SUSIE, Di-cu-sion, Gus Scheer, The Belgian II. 4 — Penelope. Belle of Elizabethtown, Munibo .lumlMi, Bally. g — Manokin. .lack Healey, James. Dewitt. ►--Sans leur II.. Candle Light. The Pirate, Zoie. Observers Handicap, 1 — Cubanita. I* tla Speed. Tuanorea, The Enquirer. Pai-y. 2 — Our Nephew. Frank Burke. Sinn Feiner. Koundel. M BISTER SUSIE, Cms Scheer. Discuss ion. Chimera. 4 — Pailwtosr, Peaetopt, BeRe f Elizabethtown. Pally. 5 — lack Healey, Dewitt. Frank Keogh. Bunerana. 8 sans peiir 11 . Candle Light. Mather, step-on Consensns of Handicapa. 1— Cubanita. Letts Speed. Tuanorea. The En quirer. 2— Oar Nephew, Sinn Feiner. Domain. OMalley. :, SISTER scsiL, ;u- Scheer, Dsacsssatoa, chimera. 4— Kurhelow. Penelope. BeUe of Elizabethtown. Munibo .lain!". :, Manokin. Jack Healey, P.uncrana. White Crown. i;— Sans Peur II.. Candle Light. Mather, The Pirate.