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: FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW" ORLEANS, LA.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 0. 1921. Fan .rounds. Kifth day. Business Mens Rat -ing - Association. Winter Meeting of 88 days. Weather clear: temperature 75 . Stewards. K. C. Smith. M. Maofarlitn and A. Mehte. Jodges, .1. B. lamiiliell and .1. McLennan. starter. A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary, Joseph McLennan. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 2:1a p. mi. •Indicates apprentice allowance. _ CCQQECfl FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 7. 1916— 35,— 2— 115. Hiawatha Purse. Purse SI 000 l_ _ _._-_lVr 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. Not value to winner 00- second 00- . thirdlOO Index Horses AWtllSt W Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O 11 C V ft GENTILLY « IM 2 2 I* ]! s McUrawG I. Tilackford 4 .". U-64-6 1-3 52107 EVELYN WHITE w HE I :: 4- 2 .r Buxton J Dundee 8-6 U-OtJ 4-5 1 I 621a7:GRACE E. w 11.". l 1 3» 3* !■ CKlletttS A Clapton 2 3 ■ : 4 :, l-:; OGARITE w HE I E t .1 Willi ims.l II l.oucheim in 81 ifi | .-••,l!7 KITTIE WARMER w n:. E 1 1. McAtee Van Behetck I 11 U 4 k-6 Camilla s. w 117 I s . s w w Tior.i li Baker j a 7 ■• -, Time. 12%. 25%, 38. Track heavy. Winner — Ch. c, by Light Brigade -Handaarra. by Handsel drained by I! N Venial bred by Mr John II Mania. Weal to p.-! at 2:14. At post 2 ariaatea. Start good end slow. Won driviac; second and third the P same GENTILLY -• t .1 | 1 pnee ami ran like a good colt, was forced extremely wide on the stretch h turn, but held on gaaaely and outstayed EVELYN WHITE. The latter becaa -lowly, bat, under hard ,1 riding, made up ground and was oing fast at the end. GRACE E. came wide on the stretch turn and ,1 tired in the tinil drive OGARITE ran well. Overweights Camilla S.. 2 pound-. _ KOOpr -j SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. eb. 9. 1918— 1:11%— 6—116. Vanity Purse. Purse j _— — — _ . 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Net value to winner S700: second. 00: third. 00. j j Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys" OwneTg «J u C I* S~ 62 ISO MADELINE LXLLN w 110 21 . . : PI L McAtee L-unn"~AL- Cahn 3 T,_l 1 1-" 61471JOHNS IMMA w 104 4 I H I- 1 2". .1 .1 Mn.vC H Smith 8 4" I riMO WEDGWOOD w 10tJ E 2 1 i I] .1 McTigt.I J .Murphy s ] r I U 01S78LOVELINE8S a "4 7 4 i :: :;.*. 4i ; Stone V. H Fletcher 8] 4 4 T-6 7-M * .-•ilHH IOIUI.I.A w lot v I 7" 7" P P F Smith J: Rosenthal 4" 1; ", fc-7 4-", 5 -it. ■».■■ OCEAN SWELL . 108 3 I P E] 6* P M Baxtoa H C Fisher IE 31 IE « 3 1 6t#dOCBLTIC LASS WB Ml 1 ."■ P l 7 7 S McGraw J A c,,t,Urn IE 18 8 M I 60002 JO AQUINA wa IM 17 I s | | .1 Henpel 1 II Wilson G II l i • Time. 23%. 48%. 1:16%. Track heavy. Winner— Ch. f. by BaaayaMde -Napa Girl, by Solitaire II. trained by .1. I! Dunir bred bv Mr ,. Adoiph B. Bpreckela. W.nt to port at 2:10. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and tliird driving. MADELINE LILLIAN raced forwardly from the start and, being hard ridden in the stretch wore ra JOHNS IMMA down in the last sixteenth to wtt going away. JOHNS IMMA showed the most early speed and tired, but Ofliabed gamely. WEDGWOOD ran a good race throughout. LOVELINESS had l ; 1,1 no mishaps and will do better. CORILLA was away poorly and was going fast at the end after losiii" S a big gap. Scratched— 52318*Ttilaible, 104: 51000 Kehocaa, 100: 62155 Miss Rankin. 104. Overweights — BToOgWaadi 2 pounds. _ •Ofr jr_THIR_~XACE3.4 Mile. iFTb. 9. lSrS-lTllVs— G— 116. Purse Sl.OOO" 3-year-ol- is %J+d*idt3+d and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third, 00. Horses AWtpfSti k % Str Fin Jockeys Owners o BJ q p s~ .v»i77 _—__ LADS LOVE wb 5 UC 4 1 - i 1 - ~L Lyke S S Lan i 7 i~ ~ ~ l8SOtOecOLUM. TENN w 11 : :. 112 7 2 H 1*1 V V B Pollard J H Baker 7 I 7 B 8-S j .-.■177 DR. CARMEN wn : 114 3 :. 41 # l ::- m Garner R L Baker I I 1 2 0-5 52000 TITLE a ■ i lO.i 8 8 s s 41 P .1 .1 MneyJ Brown || 8-5 7-M M ■iSSS PICKWICK ra 7 119 I 7 1*171 6" 0* C RobsonW C Clmcy 6-6 8-211-191-2 1-4 I 1 4 g ;, j. j £ t _ 6 6 ■ .% ■ r , : | "j i i J J ■ ■ : . : . : ; .71 I961FRANK MONROKw 7 111 I 4 S» 6" I" C J Brll LA Seregni 51 MO MO M 10 4H517 HERALD WB 0 110 5 8 6* E» x 7- H King .1 _ Ooodo 1". 1". IS 5 21 51887 »TRANTULA Wl •: 1 1 V 8 71 S T larvis .1 R Skinlur 15 1.7 12 5 2 Time, 24. 48%, 1:15. Track heavy. Winner— Ch. g. bv Hamburg— Ballot, by Ben Brush 1 trained by R. McKeag: bred by Greentree Stable. Went to post at 3:00. At post 5 minutes. Start good and stow. Won ea-ily: second and third driving. LADS LOVE was awav well, followed COLUMBIA TENN closely and. racing into the lend in the hut eighth, Won easing tip. COLUMBIA TLNN showed the most early spaed-, MM tired in the stretch drive. DR. CARMEN raced well and Oatnbed fast. TITLE dosed a big gap. PICKWICK was far back all the way aad ran a poor race. TRANTULA ran a good half and unit. Scratched- 52040:Bohby Allen. 110; 52SS8 Redmon, 110; 52000 Phantom I.iir. 100; .".2220 Vice-Chairman. 110; .72170 Pastoral Swain, 110; .".0002 Rancocaa, 100. Overweights -Frank Monr •■. 1 pound. "99 FOURTH-RACE— 1~ Mil~-. nd~70~Ya rds . Feb. 12"! 1910— l:42%I-4— 113. Esplanade OiiJihltJlJ Purse. Purse ,500. 4-year-eids and uoward. Allowances. Net value to winner Sl.OCO: second. 03: third. 50: fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtllSt V4 Str Kin Jorhexs Owners ___L_ _______ BStSl _IFF BANG wb 4 M0 2 2 1* 3i» 2 i i G Babin Pauer stable 11-1013-108-61-61-3 5I4SS SNAPDRAGON II.WB « 103 I I I I I t. !■ E Marin .1 W Hatch 10 12 11 4 7-7 » 1 7 H PTJ—BR wt! 7 Hit; E t V 2 V V :.- F Murphy E 1 Sumerfi. !d 1 81 I 4.7 1-1 52222 ST. GERMAIN a I Md :: E B" l1 81 ::. t S Wide I" Fnrrar 13 _ 12 4 o-.7 T,vvii VETERAN wb 5 lei 4 I 2 l" 4- : .1 McTagtFry S Dalnkerj 1 I I v-r, ?,-:, r»14.»4 BEAVERKILL wa 7 104 1 1 P V P I I 1. McAtee Ogden Stablj i 15 7 21 8-S Time, 25. 49. 1:15, 1:42%,. 1:47%. Track heavy. Winner— it. -, by Textile Byf, by Miller traiaed by ;. C. Wtarfrey; bred by Mr. Thomas Monnhan. Went to post at 3:34. At post 1 minute. Start goad and slow. Won driving: second ami third the MHne. BIFF BANG was taken back after leading for nearly a half mile and had to come around the leaders oa the stret.-h turn, but Onlsfaed fast and gaaaely and just lasted to win. SNAPDRAGON II. eante with a great rush in the stretch aad weald have won in a tow strides more. FIXER ran a good race, but after taking the bad tired near the end. ST. GERMAIN ran in improved form. VETERAN quit. Scratched— .72221 IS.-ri Sinner. 102. Overweights- Veteran. 2 pounds; Snapdragon II., 1. RrYw fJT d FIFTH RACE— 1 Milcl Jan. li, 1916— 1 :37%— 5— 10C7 Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and O _■§_■!_■ _ upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: tecond. 00: third. 00, Index Hors"s~ ~ AWtllSt1* H H Str Fin .lockeys Owners O H C P 8 .•.17! TOM MoTAcifJARTwr: 7 v.: :: ..3 l l i B Martin P .1 Rellly ■; 6 I 2 1 52000 *TROOFBR wn 0 110 E 1 l«S 1** 2»1 21 -"-.I .1 MneyJ Brown 2 4 f 7-61-2 -■,»•» ItfSiH ot ON w 1 110 1 1 2- I* :: 1* Is .1 Hi wc I I II WHaoe s I E 8-6 7-M 52222 •FLUB* YGIBBET WB 4 MS 7 3 4. I- 1- P 4" T Inrvia Robson ft If del I s I 2 4.7 ,r.2202,WAR CLUB « 7 112 1 I 6 7 7 11 B» C Ponce C X Freeman x s. s :: t;-;, ."••i18 101TAHK w 0 112 », I 7 •;":. P P l. McAtee J Kernied 12 15 1". E 2 .■"il7» MASTER BULL wn 4 IM 2 7 El a1 6 7 7: "RilettiJ Mariao I 31 7 : :-J i-4 Time. 24%, 48%. 1:15. 1:43%. Track heavy. Winner B. b, by Chactanunda T plash, by Tap GaRaat 1 trained by 1:. T. Cettoa; bred by Mr. .1. ha B. Maddea. Went to ost at :!:ri0. At pant 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second aad third driving. To.M McTAGGART was saved under restraint until reaching the stretch, where he raced into the lead and held the others safe. TROOPER set a fast early pace and stayed gamely throuuh the timil drive. SHOOT ON raced prominently from the start. FLIBBERTYGIBItET had 110 nrJahapa. MASTER* BILL quit after going a half mile. eOfhfre: sTxTH~RACE— 1 l-Td~MileT Fe_! 13. 1915— 1:44%— 3— 104. Purse _ 000. 4-year-«_J and£i*3*J olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt »4 Vfe S4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners ~~Q II C~~ P 8 6222S*GEO. DUNCAN wn I 10:: i I . V V 1- V J .1 MneyJ Griffin •; « 4*. S-7 4-.7 6SS0S BETSY m 5 SM E S 7 7 - 4 2 . 2 C Pa_c4 E Loh 10 12 10 4 M 5t205xSERBIAN w 5 MO 2 2 P Ha f p : a Collins I! Neaatetar 7-5 3 tO-M 2-5 .72073 SlSAN M. w .7 H5 S I t:1 ;: 01 61 Il T Jarvta 1 McDermid s 10 8 3 7-5 52098 ADELANTE WB 7 IM " 3 61 6 7" t;; J* II Garaer G Oddo M :» 20 8 4 EtlSlMEDUSA witt; 102 1 1 V 2» SJ 1 8" K Pollard H J Harris 11-521 12-54-61-1 621 10* JUDGE PRICE WB7M1 I 7 4 4 1 61 71 7l H Gregory!: Field .70 ."i0 50 20 10 52228*PADDY DEAR wa 7 107 T880888F Brya n S A ciopton 1; 7 t; 2 4-5 Time, 24%, 49%, 1:15%, 1:44. 1:51. Track heavy. Winner — B. g. by Blaea Erraat Lady, by Kalght Errant traiaed by K. T. Rnnnells: bred by Mr. r.c.i.iamin A. .lonesl. Went to post at 4:24. At post 1 minute. St.:rt good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. GEORGE DUNCAN, showing much improvement, moved up steadily from the far turn and. racing into the load in the stretch, wen as his rider pleased. BETSY began slowly, but closed a big gap into .1 game second. SERBIAN set a good juice, but tired from his exhaustive earlv effort in racing with MEDUSA. The latter tired badly. 81 "SAN M. lini-hed well. PADDY DBAS dropped far back soon after the start. Overweights — Serbian. 3 pounds; Adelante. 5. P6- 6s7j eVenTH_RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915— 1:44%— 3— 104. ,000 Added. 4-year-O ana _ _ «3 "3 olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second, 21; third, 14. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O HOPS 5220S*BOND wb 7 103 1 2 P 1- l"c. i» i| E Pollard Cain and Sanford 12-53 8 1 2-5 .72073 VERITY W I Ml I 3 4 4i 41 2 2- .1 Henpel Looker £ WhtonS 10 S 3 8-5 .72223 TIGER ROSE W 7 !5 :, 1 Il 2i 2 :;- :: T Jarvis .1 Robertson 10 1.7 15 6 3 52154 HIGHLAND LAD w 7 112 E 4 :, 3*k H 4 41 H ThtirberF T Zollicoffer 1 E U 7-5 7-10 .72181 LOTTERY W 7 10.7 7 7 7 6* ".4 7- 6* I. McA|C« Marshall Bros. S "i 41 2 1 6216 l*BEN HAMPSON WB 7 1U I E 6*1 P t.:1 ** fil J W Mphy.j R Skinker 5 8 6 2 1 CtlSS KEEP w 4 mi 4 1; « 7 7 7 7 F "ItilettiA Swenke _ 1 18-57-5 7-10 Time. 25. 49%. 1:15%, 1:44, 1:51%. Track heavy. Winner Ch, g. by Ethelhert — Boudoir, bv Octagon trained by W. M. Cain: bred in France by Mr. August Belmont I. Went to poat at 1:48. At peat 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and tliird the sane. BOND showed the most speed all the way. but was driven out at the end to outstay VERITY. The latter raced in improved form and finished resolutely after rioafac a big gap. TRIER ROSE raced prominently from the start, bat tired near the end. HIGHLAND LAD was well up in the early running, but lost ground in the Stretch. KERF WBS always outrun. Scratched— 52073 King Neptune. 105. Overweights — Ben Hampeon, 4 pounds.