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t « i • M 1 s a e d FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. June 28, 1916—1:05 1-5—3—118. VANESSA WELLES, ch. m, 6 109 By Dick Welles— Vanessa, by Belvidere. Trainer. E. Barton. Owner, M. Sanders, 52174 Tijuana . l 1 faal iM 1- ■ Taylor ■ H.L.Owen. BobjBaker, Deekhaud 52083 Tijuana 5J f l:07%faat 6 lil :J i: Haywd 11 Lobelia, Hgaaaiielr, Mannchen 52O20 Tijuana 51 f l:07%faat 61 Ms Willis 10 Ringleader, Velvet. Gertrude B. 5U13 Tijuana H t l:u7%fast 0 Mi 4-J J Glass 11 Delauiey. pvt IV at Irish Daisy WALTER MACK. br. g, 6 106 By Haps burg— Foneda, by Kingston. Trainer. H. E. Crist. Owner, H. E. Crist. "174 Tiju... 67%iast ll ill P|R Carter R Vaa. Welles, K.l.oven. B. Raker | "2152 Tijuana 5-8 1:01 fist 5 in 7 N Poden » .1 e Blair, Corncutter, Neg 1 51941 Tijuana 5-8 103%mud 5 bi9 I • R McCrnn 8 Betsinda, Bchucay, Caeambo - 61989 Tijuana 3-4 l:13%faat M 112 8*1 R McCrnn H OlynnjnaaKiag, DeLaad, Sturdee 61767 Tijuana 5 s 1 "1 22-5 115 fl W Taylor T King. K. Cheatham. R.L.Owen I 51717 Tijuana 1-3 :4S%teat 21 H4 4j R McCVna 7 "eutter. Joe Blair, Apropos BIPOSTA, b. m. 7 112 By Chuotanunda — Canastota, by Royal Emblem. Trainer. C. B. Irwin. Owner, C. B. Irwin. E21S6 Tijuaiiii Eft t 1 ni?--.l: st •; -.. IV: Bird. 1* Martinez S C. Waavcr, C.iik i«.n. Sm.M.-igui- 6210S Tijuana Eft f :* 115 1- P Martinet 10 Cover lp, Irish Dnisv. Nashotiib ; 619S4 Tijuana HIM T-S Hi 1| D Hum T Heg, Little Jake. Little Bem-h i 61964 Tijuana HIM fast I M ink u Hum S Clear Lake. Mlldii. Cnl Can I 61902 Tijuana Eft f 1 :07«.-, 11 IMS :»* D Hum 9 Milda, Perch. Smiling Maggie i 61745 Tijuana 6-8 1:02 fast 9-10 M Bled. C WhittonlO Veer Up. . D. Sugg, Crispie i MIDIA. b. f. 4 101 By Bock View— Galaxy, by Star Shoot. Trainer. G. Pyle. Owner. V. Mannale. 61964 Tijuana 5-S 1:01 fast R 103 6s B Marelll 8 Clear Lake. Milda 618S1 Tijuana 3-4 6 10G 4s B Marinelli 7 Ike Mills. Robt. L.Owen. DeLand 61746 Tijuana lm70y 1 :4;" .f ast 16 IM 7« E Taylor 7 Bonneville. D.Dodge, Reveler ROBERT L. OWEN. ch. g. 6 114 By Blues— Lemon Girl, by Madstone. Trainer. N. S. Vail. Owner. C. Vail. 6::174 Tijuana Eft f 1 :ii7 -last 10 1 If. V M Mthews S Van. Welles. Bol Baker. De.khM 61983 Tijuana 3-4 l:13%faat 8 US 322 L Gaugel IDnJih, B.Baker. K.Cheatham 61920 Tijuana 3-4 l:14~fast 9-10 113 2 P Martinez 7 Pierrot. Viva Cuba. Our Leader 61881 Tijuana 3-4 1 :14Vkf ast 23-5 108 2 D Hum 7 Ike Mills. De Lni, Midia CICELY KAY, b. f. 4 102 By Robert Kay— Siss Lee, by Oddfellow. Trainer, G. Guion. Owner C. Guion. 61".83 Tijuana 1-4 1 :16i.-,fast ..". « fii C Gross 7 Midia. Bees Wing. Viva Culm 49970 Reno 4! f Sftftfaat 10 1 16 6« C Gross 6 Fireplace. C.A.Comk. B.Lucille 49875 Reno y-8 l:03%slow 11 102 47J H Slghter 7 Iiidianola. Fireplace. Km. Weller I 49245 Reno 5-S l:02Vsfaat 7-10 Ml 1J E Taylor i . Irish. M. Josephine. C. Master 49171 Reno 1-2 4"»t.-,fast 12-5 102 2* K Taylor ." Milda. Forum. Daisy X. 49073 Reno 5J f l:01*sfast 15 110 4«3 R Lowe t MissParnell. MoveOn.BeesWing FOXY GRIFF, b. g. 9 107 By Marta Santa— Marina, by Fonso. Trainer. G. W. Crippen. Owner. Frazier and Greenleaf. 45920 Tijuana E| f l:15%hvy C 114 710 J Lowe 7 Little Abe. Don Jose. Miss Brush I 45740 Tijuana .1-4 l:M%faat 7 IIS I :, 1 Connlly t! Freedom. Mex. Tiajan SGRS Tijuana S| f 1 :0S fast 21 lit n r Lowe S I.W.Harper. Muriels Pet, Ouwa ■ ■MB Tijuana Eft f 18-5 113 l1 R Lowe 0 Gila. Doveridge. Lantern 42062 Oak lwn ll:42%fast 15 113 4 1111 11 11 112» W Ridenrll RobtLee. Th. Seven, Lit.String 41801 Oaklwn I 1-16 l:«fjfcfaat -« luS 4 5 6 6 54 41* S Boyle 7 Medusa, Ellison, Bajazet