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BRUCE LOWE NO. 19 FAMILY + — Notable Group Gf Great Thoroughbred . Sires and Race Horses. ♦ . Monarque in France and Isonomy in England Probably Its Most Distinguished Members. ; fBT KXII.D.I , Bruce Lewi » mum or id a lug family No. 19 1 m .ii dowu in Ibe social circle baa ever bm tol in*- omewhat of a mystery, [or So. 1!» burses, be I they Hire* or runner-, have ever, since the . 1 .-1 — «f f Monarqni and Vedette, played ■ prominent part t in ilr making i f turf history. Mouarque. fouled in 1852, was the unbeaten winner " .-.- ;i three -year oM in Prance • Peule dEsaai, ■ Prix iu Jockey Club, Grand St. Ltger, etc., and ;i vi .ir later f seven out of eiglii starts, aad alao won the Goodwood Cap ia England. Monarque Was. I think, tae flrsl Of tin- Ni. 10 family to o exhibit those sterling race horse qailittes which m 0 many of its liieiniii is have since proved themselves s in be poaseaaed r. It i- bj Moaaruue Hint the Defeace line to | Rclipae carrier on. Moaoraue was the aire of •f I i Gmdiateur. the i niy Triple Crowa, Aarot OoM up p: I ami Uraad Prix wiaaer in all the history of the e J | turf, iiid also of con-ui, ancestor of Btaioa nod d i Bardaaapah . Outcroaaing, 1 think, .-ill will readily y concede in be the life and soul of horse breeding, :. | I and becaaae of thia sometime in tin- future ihis ■ I rather neglected line to BeUpue i- certain to he e I i brought far BH»re lata pnwnlmiu c than is now v I the cane. j Another JfiVlfl No. 1!1 horSV of the Tib*-, pood i ] hoth as a race borae and as ■ traaaaiitter of sire e IM-iiiein-c. was the Tu i Thoaaaad Guineas and 1 Doncaatcr Cap wiaaer Vedette, winch was foaled d in is.-t. Vedette was only twice defeated la ins ■ whole rareer and Ma value aa ■ sire can Im- realized d when it i- remembered thai be is the sire of St. Simons sire Gulonln. Quit inaalar. I wrote, ■• was the life and soul of borne breeding. Additional il proof is given to ihis by the sweet as of si. Biasoa ■ and hia sire Gukmiu. which two came just in the • nick of time to relieve the already overworked 11 Hues of Birdcateher and Touchstone. The besl race horse, according la my views of f the eniire So. It family, is the n| borae Isonomy. which was foaled in 1873 and la the sire f the " lanreat money winner in the history of the turf. ■ Isinglass, and of that prodigiously successful Irish • sire GuUinule, in addition ii. the dams of Cyllene * and •_. FAMILY OF GREAT RACE HORSES. The No. 19 Derby winner sir Hugo i- graadaire of IfcOee. Sir Poote scored a ready success as a she la Aaatralia. The Ceaarewltch winner Child -wick sired the famous I.a CamargO, Clyde and id Nejtofol in Franco. Another Krenclmiau in ITpaa i- waa a mighty runner in his day anil i-- the sacceaa-fnl she of Klf and Omnium, and by theoe the " Plying I»iiichm;ii line to Herod carried on. Then " there la the No. IS St. Lager winner Tracery. • which i- nothing if not a rover. Pealed as be waa |s at the Nuiserv Stud of this country, he Was SOOO " on bis way to England where, fat aa ■ pig. I myself saw him run third to Tagalle for the Derby * and remarked to I rather astonished fair one " alongside. "By gad, there goes the wiaaer of the ie St. Loger." Tracery is now the -ire of the Two ." Thoaaaad Guineas winner Tin- Panther, and of this s seasons Middle Park Plate winner Monarch. Sometime thia paal summer Tracery was pare baaed for " a record price for the Argentine, where be is now domiciled. A rare mover, a good bred one. of strength, power and vitality. I am aatieipatiag "• unusual snrceaa for him i- a sire in his new " found home, especially 0 In a n .a ted with -nine of " those Argentine man- of I.c Samaritain descent. All members of the So. 1*.t family track hack by the amy of Tnberoae, by Herod to the original :l mare, i daagbter of Davilla Old Woodcock. Tabe- " rosc In id two g 1 daughters ia Rosamond, h.v •* Tandem, and Coatessiau, by Young Ma rake. Members " of the Contessima branch of the family, bow-ever, v far excel in general excellence those which ■" trace to Rosamond. And. I for one, should not care II to laves! in any borae, for nee as ■ sin-, which strains in the female line hack Jo Roaal id. for the simple reason that successful sire- in the paal from ihi- branch of the family have not come. onteooima bred two good foundation mare- ia " an unnamed daagbter of Brent and Coaataatina, by Walnut. Droin- unnamed daagbter bred three in III Kttphryaynes, dam of Caoana; J. incite and Anna 1:1 I.elia. by Shuttle. The Collins mare hied Charity ,: and Mi-- Whinucy. to which latter trace the Grand 1 ll i winner Si. Christophe and Isonomy and the " lust of the Charitys Lowland* r, Perigord and im 1 ported Midlothian. POETESS BRANCH ONE OF THE BEST. To Janetta straia Alaim and Cambnacan and to ,„ Ann:- Bella, Mi— Annette, anceatreas of Manoel mmI also Poeteaa, bj Royal Oak, da f Moaaruue. This, the Poetess branch of the So. lti family, r] ,.!,.■ of the heal there to. Poeteaa fa the granddam m of Mini Etoile. a daagbter of the Herod horse ,e Pita Gladiator, and to Man Rtoilc -train such a-Poeteaa, .,„ bj rrocadero; her daagbter Platoaaterie, e which is the dam of Chihlwi-k: K: Iteur and „l Topiary, dam of Tracerj and Trap Rock. To Moa ,i, Btoile also strains the late Mr. Vanderbilta Preach l, Derby winner Sea Rick, and 1 i- the borae which would be of nn re actual benefll to American Mood si ck breeding Interest* than any other I know. c .u-tantiuas daagbter Msette by HamMetoniaa, n. bred aa unnamed daagbter, by Orrille, which became e tin- dam of Madame Veatrts, bj Camna and id Twinkle by Walton Madame Vestria i- granddam m of Nan Darrell, to arhicti trace Vedette, the Ceeare-witch c winner King I. ml. Greyfrinra, Sir Hngo Mr. i. r.eiuiotit- imported Pelncca ami the nadefeated d Colin Twinkle fooled Casl Steel. I,y Whisker, and -tie i. in lam hied Garland, bj Langar. and Oaaaamtr. •r. by Birdcateher, aa well as Gaiety and Geeoaader. i- The two former were the heal prodaciag foaada a tioii marcs of the Twinkle by Walton branch of of the No. 19 family. To Gossamer trace Kings si n. e and id m c Mr. i. d i. •r. i- a of of si Mesne agar, Ba efoot. sir Poote Baca Papier, etc., ami to Garland, bj wnj of Vctrumna, by Btockweli, Galllnule. Pioneer, Cpas, Birenia. Blberlan, Snow Martin. Uangibby, Hammerkop and Ibla years winner of the Derby, Bpioa Kop. To those win. aaaert thai spoeial rhargcteriaties are not traaomitted bj member* of the different families to tin ir offspring for inau.v sacceaoive pen elation- I would aaj tin- i- indicative of anything but nn intimate or complate knowledge .f tie hrrfrtlnf of the thoroughbred borne, or bow | come il thai membot- of the No. 1! family, un matter the particular branch, have ever been noted for their soundness, hardihood and endurance.