Fair Grounds Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, February 5, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-05


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: FAIR GROUNDS ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5 "WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK SLOW. Bating starts at 2:18 p. m. CMeaaa time, 2:15. ® Superior mud runner. X flood mud runner. - . :1: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. • Apprentice | : allowance, b Blinkers. : - | First Race — 3-8 Mile. | Review Iurse. 2-year-olds. Allowances Track record: Ian. 15, 1921—31. ,2 117. i - I Todays lad. Horse. "Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. ; I 52250 Gentility 115 ::ish 110x725 | 52018 Holly Yardea ...112 :3i--. 118.. 720 52443 Cornstalk 114 :35 , 11:,.. 715 ■ 52506 Adventure Us :35--. 113. .715 52588 Flying Beaaty 188 :83% 113. .715 520883 Mawrcoroa M ..115 :35. no.. 715 52414 Johnny Dundee- ..118 M 113.. 710 52888* Black Track iMl.112 :8S% 107. .710 53818 Baby Evelyn Mi. lot; :80% 107. .705 i j 52088 Maryland BeUeM112 :3iP . 107.. 705 52888 Miles s. Ml 115 ::;7,. 110. .700 52888. Reel Tom Ml 115 :37",. 110. .700 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Sunset Purse. • I 8-year-olds and upward. AHowsace*. 1 j Track record: Feb. 18, line; -1:05% — 4— 128. 51125 Miss Muffins 124 1:lii--, 3 101.. 750 51070 Westwood 4 1144:745 525sei- Mythology 9S:l:05i.-, 3 M..745 1 52588 bl.incbii 112 1:0i;-. 5 110x740 1 5272::- bllciMlel 100 1:08a ti 1O4X710 52588 bst. Quentin 110 l:07Jr. 5 114x735 52713 Grayson 107 liim1.-, 0 104x785 52580 bVice-Chalrmaa . ..108 l:OMi 4 114x730 52580 Daydue Ill 1:00% 5 114x730 52882 bl.lue Paradlae . . . . 1 13 1 :ot;.-, 0 88X780 52880a British Liner Ml. :: 84. .780 43331 st. Kevta 1M1 ...187 l:14h 4 MM X 728 Third Race3-4 Mile. Dixie llanelie-ap. 3-year-olds. Track record: Feb. 8, 1!IK -1:11% I 118. 52ii2i 1.MUSKALL0NGE .109 1:12 128. .758 525B83 Mythology 111.. 740 52882 bMaster lack 88 1:18 111.. 72,5 52012- Rothc-ration M . .103 1:18% 100*735 52H02 BuBupj Ruck 8811:13 107x735 52oe.1i Day Lilly 100 1:13% 103X735 527211 Runzaf 107 1:13--, 1130730 520881 Re- Sun- 1111:13-. 188.. 788 02724* bBeg Pardoa 105 1:15.-. 101. .725 52090- Stoto Ml 100. . 725 Fourth Races — 1 1-16 Miles. ity Park Handicap. 8-year-olds and upward. Track record: Feb. 18, 1813—1:44% :: 184. , 1527251 blippity Wit. hit ..128 1:43% 8 1289730 520883 St. Isidore- 188 1:43% 8 113X745 51028 bWar Mask 188 1:43% 5 117x710 .52521 Lucky I! 10X1:45"- 0 188X740 52003s bOeneral Haig 111 1:43% 5 188X785 52740 bWsakeag 188 1:43% 7 103x730 52740 bSnapdragon II. ...112 1:45% 0 104x725 33888 bDaaicksg Spray MS 1:43 5 100x720 Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Meadows Parae. 3 year 1. Ids .inel upward. ARowaaces. Track record: Feb. 12, 1818— 1:42.-, — 1—113. 520951 bGrandee 10s 1 :4r. ■;-. 5 181 / 725 520111 bSIr Grafton 188 1:45 5 101x720 1525211 Lucky H 115 1:44% C 101x715 52044 bComme CI 118 1:44% 5 181x713 5272:; Mlreen Urass . ...1SS;1:44% tl 101x715 527231 bFlibbertygthbet ...112 1:44:-. 4 110x710 52714 blr. Carmen 188 1:44% 9 10.50710 52150 bTlie- Are-her 183 1:43% 1 88X710 52093 bBone Dry 188 1:43% 4 lOTX T85 52713- bTantnlus 188 1 :44% 5 105x705 52004 Day of Peace 107 1:44% 4 103.. 70.5 52K3- bLouis A 108 1:44-, 4 188 X 700 58881* bShillelas:h II 4 103X7CO Sixth Race — 1 3-16 Miles. 4-ye-ar-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: .Ian. 1. 1828— 1:57%— 8— 185. 52253 bBeaverkiU 1ST 1:38% 7 13208133 527«8J Wadswortbs Last. 188 1:38% 9 1110720 52805 bPleaty 187 1:38% 5 114x715 52713* bFair Orii-nt MB 1:38% N 112X715 52K3S *bLord Herberl 112 2:01V-. 0 110x715 52720* bRomeo 5 112X710 52004*bRalder 103 2:01::.-. 7 112x710 52221 bGaia de- Cause 102 2:10m 4 104x705 52885* *Sandy Mac 4 104.. 705 Seventh Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 8-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 1:;. 1915— 1 :44«:,— 3—104. 52025- I Rantry 102 1 :4t gj 105. .725 .526081 •Se-ntimental 104 1:47% B M3X720 53587 *bCriasssa Rambler. 3 85..721 52808* Magnet Land 188 1:47% 5 105x715 52358 *MhMBjhU S 110 1:45- 7 110X715 52448 •bSpeedster 114 1:48% 10«x715 .-.2715- •Search Licht 111.113 1:48% 5 103X715 52073 bKine. Nc-ptniii- ....115 1:40"-. S 111071O 52468 •liRond 108 1:45% 7 110X710 52768 Mary Foaao 90 l:5.!-,m 3 Six710 52025 *bSalate 102 1:4B% 5 110. .710 52722= Serbian 114 1:46% 5 111x705 4SS47 bTie Fla 107 1:47% 8 103X705 52600* bSasin 107 1:45% 8 105X705 52728 bBIUebaanock 105 1:48% 7 115x705 52743 Sir John Vergae M 115 1 :48% 5 ia5 x 70:. 52021 Benevolent 1071:45% 3 113x780 52021 I". G. King 183J1:48 8 183.. 708 52713 bKrove A 4 103X7OO 51t80*«bAlma B 97 1:48% 7 180x780

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921020501/drf1921020501_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1921020501_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800