Second Race [Second Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-05

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a SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Sunset Purse. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Feb. 19, 1916—1:05 3-5—4—129. = MISS MUEFINS. b. f, 3 101 By Luke McLuke— Carmen, by Peter ftulnoe. 1 I Trainer. G. H. Kcene. Owner. M. H. Fletcher. 51425 Church] 7-8 l:3B%faat 7 115 ill l and 7,:; G Btoue 8 Raacooa, WbitoBtar, BhrT.Kmm _ .,K.:i. K.itoni., . r l e.r slow 3-5 ir rt 3 i i k ri ; Stone 5 BrureDudtey, Poncee a T Hert E1075 Latonia 1-4 l:12%faat 3 107 1 ill- l G Stoae 5 Rettiaa, Poagee. Millersburg PB87 Latonht 3-4 l:12%faat 17 5 101 1 1 2 2 4* G stone 8 Jos-ipAvc. AphieDear. L Kate I4FM0 SartOKa 51 t IMC fast B 134 • M M 10 9 E Martin 1 1 Prudery. StepLightly, NaucyLe° BJCBi Sartoga M 59-igood 9-10 115 2 11 l» 2? E Martin 8 Gos. Avenue, Tidings, Intrigante WESTWOOD. br. c. 4 114 By Honeywood— Roselawn, by Orsini. Trainer, E. Trotter. Owner. Florisant Stable. £1076 Latonia 3-4 20-10 118 1 2 I 5 •:, H Lunsfrl 8 Aagoo. Tip.Witchet AtlaBovIl 51001 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 12-5 119 2 2 M Garner 4 J.HaiiJr.. B.Be.nitv. AttaBoyll 50552 Latonia J-4 l:12%faat 10 115 1 111] In M Garner 8 Flags. Angon. Jack Hare Jr 49581 Bar* toga 11:37 taut H 115 1 3 2 2 3* 3* M Garner 0 Afternoon, Tel.Haad Sw.Music 18562 Ft. Erie I2%faat 5 11". E I E 3 1*| J Butw 11 5 HisChoice. Marj.Hvnes Ft Blis* 48M1 Latonia 3-4 l:12%faat 8 104 2 2 2 K |» M Garner 8 M.llynes. B.Paradise, C Taylor 47276 Church! 7-81:28 slow 21-18 115 5 44 :: it 11. m Gam.-r 13 Lord Wrack. Berritor Alex Jr 1 47143 Cburchl 7-8 1:21 gaud I MB 725 3 7 7" M Gaxacr 8 Patches, Beat Pal, Alex Jr MYTHOLOGY, b. c. 3 94 By Zeus— Miss Oertel, by BaaasaL Trainer. W. A. Burttschell. Owner. W. Durnan. BW F.Gada El f i:v5«0fast IS Ml 2 I i I 2» n Thurber 8 Tnb.dBonneur, Grayson, Linden 49414 Pt.Erie 5; f 1:06 go oil 11 113 2 I I I E B Blmpson 5 ByJiminy. M.A.NosnsB. Napoo 47S21 r.-S 1 :02 fast 5 116 5 2 1 1 l2 R Simpson B Yooimel. Dora W.. George 0. Jr. 47791 Dorval f.-S l:Pl*sfast 120 110 I 1 f. 54 "J R Btmpson12 CliarlottoC. Anna Wood. It. Beige] 47718 Dorval S-8 l:02%faat 1X7 Mi 7 7 7 8 64j R Blmpson 8 Baaqaoi, lliinti...n. By Jhalay 471Tn pimli.-o 41 f M%fast lis J12 7 7 u 61 6 B Sndman 7 .li-jr. Night Haider, Quecreek LINDEN, b. h. 5 110 By Martinet— Lady Esther, by Lord Esterling. Trainer, J. McPherson. Owner, J. MePhcrson. • F.Gnds ."•: f 1:0... .fist ;h 112 l :: .: :. I i Connlly -• I ,.i...i"H "n.-ni-. NytboTy. Gysna 51339 Churchl 7-8 1 :2." 2 MS] :: 4 t 5 E .-,■ ii Connlly ; MsrJ.Myaes, MinuteMaa, kinbn 61311 hur.hl 3-4 11 W8J 1 4 I ::* ::4 1 Connlly 1 Man llym -. J.BareJr.. tt. Stride t latoata I l:39**faat 3-2 in 5 2 I I l»| 2 B Kcnndy ni.ii.kvi;.. Madge P., Barry B. GOSH Latonia n-4 l :ii "r.i:ist 29 MS I I I I P E Martin 10 Angoa, Miss Jemima, Flags 50533 Lntonls I 4 1 :12 7 MS 4 IIS 6*1 G Btaek :» Wests I. Pugs, Aagos HERALD, b. g, 6 104 By Coy Lad — Angerona, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. H. Cavanaugh. Owner. J. M. Goor-e. .-■72: P.Gnda 3-4 1:13 hvy I 113 ."■ 2 2 I* - .1 Oraber 8 Plibgibbet, GrernGrasa, Trooper 525KS F.Gnds X-4 1 :12 «fast ..". 112 5 I I 2". :. . II King 10 FltraGold, CryMalrord. kuklux SS4M P.Gnda 1-4 15 MS E E 4 7- 1*1 II Kins 8 t;-«..Slai r. Sr. Isidore. THraGoM 52415 F.Gnds 3-4 l:12%fast 4J 112 8 7 6 61 5* .1 J Mney 11 Tg-a-I/g, Hid.. Jewel. M.Maxim 52342 P.Gnda S-4 I:l21fciast * MS I 2 :: Ei i: * 3 11 Kins IS ULGaht, T.OBoanr, Si. Isidore E2252 F.Gnda 3-4 1:15 hvy 5 1M ". 6 0S 7:- H King B LadsLore, CoLTeaa, Dr. Carmen 68617 Latonia 1 1-18 l:453.-,fast 18 US 3 112 I* !••• B King 10 Mat. Idol. Dr. Carmen, B.ChalW ST. QUENTIN. b. g, 6 114 By Hit Majesty— The Marchioneat, by Bain. Trainer. J. B. Dunn. Owner. Dunn and Cahn. • P.Gnda 3-4 l:lP fcfaat 12 112 S S ; ■" r- r King 7 Min.Man, T.dBoaaear, Mabony 52467 P.Gnda 3-4 8 MG 4 E E «■ l*|L Mi Uee R Col.Teaa. UltraGoM, T.dBonr 5241C P.Gnda 3-4 l:12%faat I MB 6 •; I 6* V 1. McAtee P Mabaay, Colam.Teaa, A.Alexder S F.Gnda S-4 l:16V»mud 20 109 7 l 1 .•., ::- I- McAtee 7 Angoa, Wyoming, Ii.-i.wi.-k .".-1 1 7 Jcfson S-S i.ou" 25 114 6 6 4 6 6 1 I. McAtee S E.lticber, Man. May. A.laikll. GRAYSON, b. g. 6 104 By Sir John Johnson— Melee H. Moore. Trainer. F. Heavner. Owner, G. Drumhiller. % a P.Gnda i i:i..imn i in i :: :: :; 4* i;- I. Morrta 0 Title, Taatalas. Pair orient 52589 P.Gnda 5. f 1 :05«.-,fnM. IS 107 ■". 2 2 V. P .1 Roberta K Tab.dBaeur. Mytbaly. I.iudon EMU P.Gnds 11:39 fast J 108 2 3 3 3 41 "J J Roberts 9 Dr. Carmen. Lftata A.. Tantalus 52296 P.Unus 1 1-K 1 :-i.-.-.iast 1S-6 MB :: 2 2 2 4" 6"! J Roberts fi ienernlHaii;. Taatalas, Hadrian 52233 F.Gads 1 l:4S%hvy 10 loo 2 18 ?, S| "■• .i ,i Mney 7 Waaaaas, Tip.Wtteaet, Q. Bail ."2 136 JeTson 3-4 l:13*4fast 20 108 1 I 3 2J l"" J .1 MneylJ Maliony. JockSeot. Dane. Spray 51798 JeTaon 3-4 1:16. -,mud 6 MS 3 I 1 P H Thurber 4 CstbeRst, T.Swiiner. T.Sahib VICE-CHAIRMAN, b. c, 4 114 By Ballot— Bittra. by Kilkerran. Trainer. J. Booth. Owner. W. Lock. a2S90 F.Gnda 1 1-1C l:45%fast 12 ioi 4 2 ! 2 V V B Josiah 8 Troilaa, Kbspaloac, Proctowa 52499 F.Gada 11:49 fast 7 107 i:;2 2 7- 7" J Beapel 8 8t. Allan. Iizii. BotberatloB US37S P.Gnda lm70y 1:45 fast 12 111 2 3 3. 2 2- t* M Cuxton 5 C.IIersliIer. TheWit. YongCbing 52296 F.Gnda lm7i»y 1 :44* 29 112 3 2 1 1 8 7,3M I.uxton 10 Sundial II., H.SIi.-mnn. St. Isidore 52220 F.Gnda 3-4 1:16. -.mud 12 K :: 3 5 41 8*1 M Baxton 7 Asajon, VfyaatlsK, St. Jaeatbi 51948 JeTaon 8-4 l:16-.-.hvy 6-5 113* 3 1 1 !■ I4 L. Lyke .".Hadrian. Baaaaaorc, Smart Guy DAYDUE. br. h. 5 114 By Peep ©Day— Subdue, by Star Ruby. Trainer, W. Block. Owner, R. Firneno. 52S89 F.Gnda S I f 1 :0."-»-fast 4 ill 4 I I 41 ""I. Morrta R Tab.dBseur. Mytbaly, Gyaon 52416 P.Gnda 8-4 l:12%taat 7 111 3 3 3 CJ 6« M Buxton 9 Mahony. Colum.T.iin. A.Alexder 52294 P.Gnds S-4 l:13%fast IS 110 3 4 4 7* 7" M l.ut..i, ]o K.IUckbber, Col.Teaa, EUp.Day 52157 JeTson 3-4 l:13%fast 13-10 117 1 I :: 34 8" M Buxton 4 St. Isidore. Oca. stair. Min.Man E1S0S JeTson E| f l-06%faat IS r. 1 12 5 E 4 4* 5*| M Baxtoa 8 George Starr, Aaron, Yoaaeed SI189 Baaplra Ab 3-4 l-oa-Vast 13-5 no 1 1 l l3 1] M i.uxton 8 Ticklish, LordBrigktsa, SeaMint BLUE PARADISE, b. m. 6 99 By Helmet— Randello, by Kingston. Trainer, B. J. Brannon. Owner, B. J. Brannon. P.Gnda 5] f l:0S%fast 28 KM t I ■"• •• r- F Smiili 8 Masknge, T.dBoaaear, ;. Starr 52589 P.Gnda :. f 1 rOandHfaat 7 Ml 2 7 I ;- PH .1 Burke B Tab.dHneor, MytkoTy, Gyses 52498 F.Gnds 3-4 l:l2r,fast •." MO 7 6 7 S B»J H .1 BUrke 9 Geo.Starr, si. Isidore. CltraGold 181 Churchl 7-8 l-J6%a*ood 13 I ■ i 1 l i ih 5J p Smith !i TuKa. Dr. Carnea, Bread Mas 51326 Churchl S-4 l:12%faat 10 M2| S 4 7 8 8" P Smith n UigbCtoad, It. Beauty, iecSrarr 51297 Church] 7-8 l:2i;4-,slow H Ml I I I 2 U ::: P Bmltb 8 Bedaaoa, Kisbara, Legal 51055 I. at. .hia 2-4 l:114.-,fast 17 1"4 4 3 4 k Pi C Duel 7 jori.", Marj.H.vnes, ciiutonvillt BRITISH LINER, b. g, 3 M 94 By Cunard— Masks and Faces, by Disguise. Trainer. L. Cahn. Owner. T. J. Pendergast. 52880 F.Gnda 3-4 1:11 fast 4 l"7 2 1 2 9 i P Smith » Tenite, Be Bare, Yellow Blossoar, 52802 P.Gnds 3-11:13 fast 15 ion 9 9 9 I ft P Smith ! MasterJack, Baaaaf. WkiteStai :_.::• P.Gnds 3-4 l:18%fmst 60 106 6 6 6 6 5- F Smith S In. Verde, BasgaBuck, i:ancocaf- ST. KEVIN, b. g. 4 M 104 By His Majesty— F. Sharp. Trainer, H. H. Hewitt. Owner. North Shore Stable. Bmpire 5-j l -Olftfast 8 Hi 4 4 4 4 4s* J Rodgos 4 L.GIorieax, Bpiaaway, Pocatello ■i 189 lain. ire El f l:1245hvy 12 Ml 7 7 7 6i V L, Fator 8, Coraioraa, I.BaUaai

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