Fifth Race [Fifth Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-05

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FIFTH RACE — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Meadows Purse. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Feb. 12, 1916—1:42 1-5—4—113. GRANDEE, ch. g. 5 101 By Loienzo — Crowborough, by Crowberry. Trainer. W. A. McKinney. Owner, E. T. Zollicoffer. .,;,- F.Gnds l 1-8 l:5l%fast l 115 t 2 2 2 1*1 I | H Tharber 6 Pit, Hess boat, Koh-i r 52399 F*Gnds 1 1-16 1 10 11" S 7 :i 6 SI 6" H Thurberll Cliesly. Our Birthday. Jalway 52353 P.Gnds lm70y 1:46 10 704 10 7 7 S 7 osJ H Thurberl3 Seourg. man. OntcrK., Boisierer 4278 F.Gnds bnTBy l:40%gnod IS M6 7 4 5 6 6 6!1H Thurberll On High, Salute, McAdaa tbtila Jefson lm70y 1:45 fast 3J MS 3 2 2 2 3J 3J H Thurber 7 Glasstoi. Oienzo, Kimimlong SIR GRAFTON, pr. h. 5 101 By Fitz Grafton— Simple Aveu, by Ayrshire. Trainer. R. E. Watkins. Owner, R. E. Wat kins. 52604 P.Gnds l:38%faat 7 115 6 6 1 --L 2" J Beapel 8 Y.Ching. BarryShnon. Bomany B 1 P.Gnds 1 1-8 l:..3--,fast 2 104 :. 1 1 1 P 1* • Beapel !» WadsthsLast, S.Cmain. D.I»u 52397 P.Gnds lm7" 1 : 1 -"-.f ast 88 1021 5 6 5 E B S1 J Heapel 0 CsptsinMsc, Hadrian, Wyoming 52177 Ft3nda S-4 l:12»-fast 109 M0|12 12 12 M* 9° J Heupei 12 E.BIckbber, B. Proof. C.Hsliler 0901 Empire i l:;. -fast 100 107 5 f» 9 9 J- 8" Sf Buntoa 10 Alpbee, DianaCsre, NatlBridge 18801 Empire Ab 3-4 1:1" fast 40 114 10 11 10 8* 1 M Baxton 12 iiekwiek, Abadaue, Betty J. CMOS A. | duet 61 f 1 :20%fast 12 115 9 10 9 9i V- M Buxton 15 TeiiCan, Ir.Danur, M.Antnette LUCKY B., b. h. 6 101 By Jim Gaffney — Viola B.. by St. Avonicus. G. B. Henressy. Owner, P. Arieux. 52521 P.Gnds 1 1-n. 1 : h. last 9-20 107 111 1 ll ll J Boberta 7 Kuklux. Khnpsluag, Kaider 52420 F •. :. Is 1 I -18 1 !.; f, si 5 1..3 2 12 2 21 2J J Kob.rts 8 St. Isidore. FairCrient. Trooper I 297 P.Gnda l 1-16 1:48 last 1 IM 1 1 l 1 PJ P J Roberts 13 Petetan, Prospector, Bar One 531.7 P.Gnda S-4 i:i2-.Vast I 102 2 I 5 51 r, I Boberta 12 t:.Bi kbher. R. Proof. C.Hshler IC52 ■, paon l i-■ l :." ;--]fast -5 MS 2111 H II J Boberts 6 C.IaaOir. N.Yarke, UEnuaeUne 51SC9 JePson lmTOy 1:45 fast 7 5 K3 ill 1 1 1 J Kob.rts 8 Nelle Yorke, Pharr, Baladin 5K98 Churchl 1 1-16 1:47*41 asl 11-5 IM 2 111 21 -1: J Boberts 8 BrothlyLoTe, Accelste, Lothair It in.. 1 1-16 l:48Hrnad 19-M Ml E 4 3 4 V I" J Kob.rts 5 Dr. Carmen. Mat. Idol. C. Blossom C0MME CI. ch. g, 5 101 By Astronomer — Keep Still, by St. Blaise. Trainer, F. ~H. Smith. Owner, F. H. Smith. 52044 Jefson 1 3-16 2:01 fast 4 111 6 I I I 8* ll J Bodges 7 WsrChlb, Darkllill. Kinipalong • is,,,, ltu7-... I.t7:,-.hvy 20 M7 1 7 n S F h*« W ObCfl 11 Chief. Title. Lads Hove ! .1432 Bowie lm70v l:49%fnst 18-5 112 2 7 7 4 l4 l2 J Rodgez J SansIVurll., Hendrie. Deekmate 51377 1-imlii-o 1 1-4 2:os .;-,fast 3-2 110 3 6 4 1 I5 l-l J Rodgez 7 BoBdBk, Amer.Boy, Benevolent ilS49 liiiili.-o 1 l:tl4-,fast 21 98 S 7 10 10 S1 5 1 9 l.ux 10 Mbo.Iumbo. Alvord. LadyEmline J1243 Laurel lmTOy 1 :4H gond 8 9S 6 7 7 5 V 5» 1 Yeargln 7 C.Sii:imii.v. Flihgbet. I*agAdaaa 51044 Laurel S-4 l:13*4faat 30 115 S 8 8 4J 3J 1 Yeargin I Bro.Ma.dean. SmartCny, JkScot GREEN GRASS, br. g. 6 101 By Hurst Park— Marsara, by Tournament. Trainer, B. J. Brannon. Owner. B. J. Brannon. .".2723 P.Gnds 3-4 1:15 hvy 15 MS 3 I S 5* ::• L McDott 8 riibbertygibbet, Herald. l,-..oper _.,i. !-,i. is 5] tl-n: fast n2 in 1 3 :. ,",ii 57 li J Burke n Apple Jack II., MeUara, Ablaze ._.. P.Gnda 3-4 l:12%faat 20 112 4 E 5 8*1 S"l H J BnrkalO UltraGaM, CrystslPord. Herald nurchl 7-s i J8%taat 14 106 112 :: 5 S«s s Wtda 8 BlaahingBeaaty. BarryB.. Dadga 4S609 Latonia 3-4 l:14%s!ow 23-10 108 1 14 4!"4I8B Pool ■". Mlle.D.izie, LadyF.Play. Taeola FLI3BERTYGIBBET. blk. g. 4 110 •»/ ster Pan— Paintbrush, by Broomauca, Trainer. O. E. Pons. Owner, Robertson and Reidel. "2723. P.Gnda 3-4 1:15 hvy 30 in 7 r.4 21 P J Boberts 8 Herald. Cr.en Grass, Trooper 52714 F.Gnds lm70 l:47%mud 3 108 4 I 3 :: ;; - l. McDott S Dr. Csrasen, Warsaw, Phasey 1 52540 F.Gnda lmTOy l:43Vcfast 12 Mi 4 I I 1 E] 5*1 J J Mney i; St. Isidore. Wat-saw. IastlSwain 52479 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:4S%f ast 40 Ml 5 4 I 5 41 4" T Brooks B apt. Mac. T.Wchet, C.Hsliler 2344 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:434.-,f ast 15 1"6 4 5 5 4 21 2 C Ponoe C DsrkBiU, Fail-Orient. Veteran DR. CARMEN, ch. g, 9 105 By Boanereea — Lady Knighthood, by Knight of El- Trainer, A. Thomas. Owner. R. E. Baker. lerslie. 52714 P.Gnda lmTOy l:!7--mud 8-5 111 1 1 1 1 PI I1 B Pool 5 Warsaw. Plibbtygibbel Pbxsey 526 -4 P.Gnda 1 l:38%faat 5 l"!» 4 4 2 1 21 .". F. lool 8 Y.Ching, B.Grafton, Barry shn 52508 P.Qnds 1 l-M 1:48 fast 6 MS E I I 1 I* :-, M Garner 7 Bdrsgonll., LouisA.. BarryShoa 58418 F.Gada 1 1:M fast t: M8 12 1 1 1 ll B Tool .» Ixuiis A.. Tantalus. Fautoche 33357 P.Gnds lmTOy l:49MjCaat ! MS 16 6 6 5 S*] B 1.. 1 » sr. Isidore. Biff Bang, Inquiry THE ARCHER, b. g. 4 98 By Uncle — Busy lass, by Meddler. Trainer, A. G. Blakeley. Owner, T. H. Cross. 52156 Jel .-..n 1 1:3a fast 5 1 71 2 3 3 3 5 ,; T Nolan « Sundial II. . Wsnkeag, Hadrian 51968 Jer son lmTOy l:47%hyy 15 Ml 2 9 : 9 »; ?* K Cltlletti 10 Chief, Title, Lads Ixivc 50213 Aqduct l 1 :::7 M 107 6 5 6 5 F 5-7 i. McAtee 1 Yell. iw Hand. Qeorgkf, Whisk 18088 Jamaica lm70y 1:46 fast 7 105 4 2 2 2 2- 23 M Euxton ." FairGain, K.Albert, Anversary 17453 Jamaica 5-4 1 :];.;: low 7-20 115 4 4 2 l1 ll M Buxton 4 fgftstt, Ill. Fair, D. Fairbanks BONE DRY, b. c. 4 107 By Beach Comber — Melton Mowbray, by Melton. Trainer, J. MePherson. Owner, F. S. Peabody. 52693 F.Gnda lm7"y l:44%fast E W0 3 1 1 1 1 7" F Cltlletti 7 Inquiry, LouisA.. BarrySliannon 52664 P.Gnda ltnTOy I ; r.f.fnst 20 ion :; _• 3 :; 8 os D Connlly s YaagChg, Bar.PJaana, ft Sta 1 1 fl . 32570 F.Gnda lm7 l 1:44 fast .1 MO| 1 i S E E ."." 1 Connlly S Past. Swain. Taatalas, Besthoff S2479 F.Gads 1 1-16 l:454fast M lull 3 E i 4 I r." F Smith 5 CapCMac, T.Wehet, C.Hsliler 52416 F.Gada 8-4 l:12%fast £0 10918 8 8 8 8- J Connelly 9 Mahony. OahHB.Teaa, A.Alexder TANTALUS, b. g. 5 105 By Knight of the Thistle — Tantalize, by Meddler. Trainer. W. A. Burttschell. Owner. J. R. Skinker. 52713 P.Gnda I I I0S 2 ! 3 ! 2* -- 0 stone » Title. Pair Orient. Grsyaos .".:.:•: P.Gnds lmTOy a MS E 3 4 I I1 4i C. Stone 7 Inquiry, LouisA.. I .Shannon 52570 P.Gnda lmTOy 1:44 fast E MS 4 4 4 4 4* 3 11 Thurber ." Past. Swain. Besthoff, Sagamore 52418 F.Gnds 1 1:39 fast 7 106 3 1 2 2 3« 3J H Thurber 9 Dr. Carmen, LouisA.. Fantoche 522115 F.Gnds 1 l-M 1:4, -fast 8 M8 13 3 3 P 21 11 Thurber 8 Gen.Haisr. Hadrian. MasterJack DAY OF PEACE, ch. c. 4 108 By Jim Gaffney— Stella Moberly, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer, J. Cavanaugh. Owner, J. M. Goode. 53604 P.Gnda 1 l:88%fasl 2". MS 1 3 2 I I 7 - II King B Y.Chiag, S. Craft. m. Barry Shn E2SO0 P.Gnds 1 1-14 1:16 fast 10 Mai I 1 J 6 7 7° H King 7 Snapdragon. LsadsA., Dr. Carmen ..2:77 F.Gnds lmTOy l:444cfsat M3 1 l l l P 1* B King IS Prospector, SYagtowa, KMfcloauj Sim P.Gnda 1 1-14 1 :•"■: -.-.livy 7 107 1 1 1 1 I3 P 11 King B Serbian. Deekmate. Queen Blonde 52201 F.Gnds lmTOy l:49%hvy 12-8188 111 1 l» 1 H King S The Foreigner. Walk I p. Amaze LOUIS A., b, c. 4 103 By Buckhorn — Electro, by Eleotionesr. Trainer, E. P. OMeara. Owner, OMeara Bros.. 52693 P.Gnds lmTOy l:44%fast I l-M 100 2 0 7 7 S :";- H Thurber 7 laqairy, Barryfnaoa, TaataiaO ... F.Gads 1 1-14 1:48 fast 7 M4 3 4 4 I 2» 2* J Roberts 7 8dragoall., D.Carssen, Bar. Shn :.24is P.Gnda l 1:39 fast I M4 7 E 4 4 2» :"! .1 J Mney 9 Dr. Carmen, Tantalus. Pantoebe 52342 F.Gnds 3-4 1 : l24.-.fasP 15 lost! 9 !i ! F I Roberts 13 ll. Cold. T.dH niir. Ot.lalOaia 51408 Charchl 3-4 1:14 fast 2it MS 5 5 5 1«|1« .1 Roberts 8 Dr. Carmen. Iaiiauiau. Am.-r.Aiv SHILLELAGH II. . b. c. 4 103 By Irish Lad — Artless, by Hamburg. Trainer. E. Peters. Owner, E. Peters. 6391 Aqduct i B-M 2:13%faat 8 M7 122 3 1 .1 Callahan 4 Baaadall., Bundl II. . K.Agrippa 56279 Aqduct l l:40%fast l 116 2 2 2 2 2 21 C Knmmer 2 The Lasab 19986 Belmont 1 1-8 l:.", 8 112 3 11 1 2- 21.1 Callahan IN. Bridge. Pierre -a -Feu. LeGlox 19858 Belmont 1 1-16 1:48 fast 2 M8 4 2 I I 2" ll J Callahan I Service Star. Brink, Cliimera 4P63G Sartoga 1 l:37%fast 15 115 6 7 5 6 41 5" M Kowan 9 Voung Adam, IMialaris. Tan II.

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