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THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dixie Handicap. 3-year-olds. Feb. 9. 1918 — 1:11 1-5—6—116. MUSKALLONGE, ch. c. 3 126 By Meelick— Gay and Festive, by Knight of the Trainer. C. Buxton. Owner H. C. Fisher. Thistle. 52662 P.Gnds 5j f I 3 MS :: 2 2 2" I"* s McGraw 8 T.dBonnr, Geo.Starr, Min.Man 52356 F.Gnds 3-4 1:12 fast S 10r» 2 11 !• f s McGraw 8 ■■•!. !• tin. Rapid Day, c. Mac 52176 F.Gnda S-4 ;• 10 lis :: l l |» !■» l. Lyke 8 Iolytbls, RisgRock, WhiteStar 51927 JeTson 3-4 l:lS%fast l 120 l ill- r- s McGraw 4 Undine, Petrarch, Lady Stella 51057 l.atonia. 3-4 1 :i2-«f.f:ist 11-18 107 3 3 J 2h lag McGra-ta 12 Coyae, Rising Bock, Raaas 50789 Latonia 3-4 ■ 118 2 2 1 2- 21 S McGraw 13 Kangodn McGoodwtft, Gangway 50613 l.atonia S| t l:SS%faat 13-10 111 2 1 1 || 2* S McGraw 12 BehaTeYself, Col.Baker, Ggway 50531 l.atonia E| 31 106 2 1 1 1*1= S McGraw 11 Brunswick, Rangoon, Den Valet 49017 Kwrth 5 f 1 :0S fast 9 114 6 3 2 2k 3» J SmallwM 8 Ar:isan. Mricell., Mad. Lillian MYTHOLOGY, h. c. 3 111 By Zeus— Miss Oertel. by Handsel. Trainer. W. A. Burttschell. Owner, W. Durnan. 52589 P.Gnds 51 t" l OSftfast 15 982 1 1 1 2. II Tharber 8 Tab.dBoBneur, Graysoa, Unden 49414 Ft. Erie 54 1 l : K good II 113 2 :: :; 5 .,"• K Simpson 5 ByJiminy, M.A??fooaan. Napoo 17831 Dorval 5-8 1:02*fas1 E 1M E 2 l 1« Is R Simpson »i Voorsaei, DoraW.. GeoraeC.Jr. 47791 Dorval 5-S i:oi-f:st 120 no i t :. ;, -■ R Btannsonl2 CasriotteC.. AnnaWd, M.Reige] 17715 Dorval 5-8 137 112 7 7 7 s IJB Simpson S Ranqaoi, Plantoon. ByJiminy 47270 Ptmlico 4] f " 118 112 7 7 E 8" o 8 Sndrnan 7 Jeg, Nighl Balder, Quecreek MASTER JACK. b. c, 3 111 By Zeus— Francei, by Singleton. Trainer. J. E. Nash. Owner, J. E. Nash. 52692 F.Gnds I 1:40 fast -il- it" 5 3:: H li mtn 6 Cat Up, IwTree. T.Foreisner 52642 F.Gnds I l:89*4fasl I 104 2 3 3 2 3- :."■ L McD*ott S Pantoebe, Batberation, G. Fringe 52602 F.Gnds 3-4 1:13 East 15 M I 7 . Si 1J L, McDott 9 Raaaaf, WteStar, TratOfflcisl 2520 F.Gnds 11:41 fast 4 HB 90S I ;■ 2: H Hamtn 9 Piaalieo, TbePorsger, Loreleai 52286 F.Gads 1 1-16 l:47%fast 40 M ». 6 6 S I 4J K Josiah 8 GeneralBaig, Taatalas, Hadrian rii P.Gnda lm7 y l:t: hv.- :: 85 I I I 2 41 B" P Cltlletti 8 D.ofPeace, T.Porc4gaer. Walk Up 52176 F.Gads S-4 I:l3-.iast M 1 K s 8 8 8 s-1 S Mitchell 8 Mnskallonge, 1olytliia. Ris.ltock 52042 JeTson 8-4 1:14 fast 20 losj 7 7 7 5 f." H Hamtn 7 PolytMs, BaagaBack, M.LOttaa bl4!l Bowie 7-8 1:29 fast 11-5 M8 1 7 7 62 8»| B Lcaster 7 P.daMoray, Sobgade. H.MeLlii. BOTHERATION, b. c, 3 M 109 By Helmet— Bed of Roses, by Cunard. Trainer. J. S. Ownbey. Owner. Ownbey and Kinney. 52042 F.Gads 1 l:39%fast 3-2 1084 1 2 2 1 2- 2" W Heinch 5 Pantoebe, Mas.Jack. Gilt Fringe 58S88 P.Gnds 1 i ::,,i,.-,lHst 1 102 ". 2 2 2 2» 21 1 Roberts. 8 I. into. he. liiteStar. GiltPringe 53499 F.Gads I 1:40 fast :: 108 8 0 7 7 S" 3 I P Long 8 s, Allan, riser, Fsatoclie 52446 F.Gada 7-8 1 :2i;-.-,fast 2 M8 7 5 E ! - 21 W Heinch 8 BronCbeek, LaTeliBesa, Twopaii E23S6 F.Gnds 3-4 1:14 fast 28 is M M 7»| 4*| W HeinchlO r.offi.iai. d. Cheek. J.a Umsu E1SS9 JeTson 5-s i:o:;r-.nvy 6 M8 6 6 5 4» 4 ;; W Heinch 8 Bas, Parsder, Begarola BUNGA BUCK, ch. c, 3 107 By Vulcain— Mary Orr, by Orimar. Trainer, J. H. Davenport. Owner M. Dattner. 52092 P.Gnda 3-4 1:18 fast I :•■: 7 7 -_• jt| x Jarvis ! MasterJack, Bnnaaf, WhiteStar 62539 F.Gads 3-4 l:13%fast 20 MC 1 4 4 I ■ 2| T .Farvis 8 La. Verde, Bancoeas. T*atOKici 52116 leTson S-4 1 :11" , s III 4 S 5 E S»| B I.unsfd 5 Pander, Polythia, Mad. Lillian 52042 JeTson 3-11:14 fast 3i 1M 3 2 2 22 V Heinch 7 Polythia, Madeline Lillian. Ace 51949 JeTson I l:43%hvy 16-5 M8 111 1 II 21 II Kins 5 Pantoebe, WhiteStar, Bay LUl 51887 JeTson 2-4 1:14 fast 12 SS 3 5 6 B* V S Mitchell 8 E.Bbscher, Bterliag, BaaartGaj 51820 JeTsoa 8-41:18 mud 10 UO 5 6 3 3 21?. s Mitchell 8 White Star, Parader, M. LiUlaa DAY LILLY, br. f. 3 105 By Olambala— Orange Lilly, by William the Third Trainer, J. Tigue. Owner, F. St. John. : P.Gnda 3-41:13%faat 3 MS I •. 6 in 1«| J Roberta !i I..l... Raacoess, laUi.N. 9 F.Gnds 3-4 l:13%fast 12 99 7 Lost .1 McCoy 8 in. Verde. BaagaBack, Bsacoesi 52478 F.Gnds 3-1 1 :i:r--fast 4i 1-.6 2 4 4 2i l» P Wdsfk 11 Bancoeas, Boas, Oeeaa Swell 52341 F.Gads 51. f 1:07. -fast 7 M3 s 43 SJ 2 .1 Roberts IS Kaacacas, Roto, Tan s..n 52198 F.Gnds 3 4 1:17 hvy x M2| 1 2 PI 1" .1 Roberts 9 Carina, Lacy Kate. Gflt Fringe 52166 JeTson E| t 1 :0t;-"-,fast ~ M2 2 6 7 CL S*l J Roberts 7 Mavotirneen, Dr. Cheek. Tan Son tifl4!« JeTsoa l l:4S%hvy :2 MS 5 2 3 4 4J 4» H Thurb.-r S Katitoehe, BaagaBack, WteStar 51 mm; J-fson 1 l:42" 4J M8 2 2 11 l*| 2* V Beiach 7 Katitoehe. Hiien. Ionia RUNZAF, br. c, 3 113 By Runnymede — Zafra, by Solitaire II. Trainer, J. W Forman. Owner, J. W. Fonnan 52724 P.Gnds E f 1 a.v-.hw 9-20 M0 3 I 3 2: 1" S Barrett 8 Jskas I inma. Beg Pardoa, Bas i .._• F.Cnds 3-4 1:13 last 31 107 4 2 1 2- 2* N Barrett t Mas.. la. k. W.Star, TratOfficial ES497 F.Gnds S-4 l:13%faat 12 114 6 .". I 0- 4,; X Barrott H Twoaair, Joaaaiaa, Alcstrss 48327 1st tonia B] t l:064-,fast M U5 5 4 6 71 6T3 I. Mink S H. Servant. Last Dose. Monsoon 48137 Latonia 5. f i , 16 lis 8 5 5 4- PIC Rohsoa 9 Ceatisaeter, N.Klkkora. TheAlly 48038 Latonia 5si:03-.hvy 9-10115 2 2 1 1* 1« W J OBn 0 WestSlde, Firebrand. BegPardoa | 2009 l.atonia S-8 l:09%faat 8 113 2 4 41 4" W J OUn ti itrunswi.k. Creenland, ■sstesMc I 47s4~ 5-S 1 :0044f ast 39-10 110 6 4 4J 3i W J OHnll IneleVelo. Drunswiek. j BE SURE, b. c, 3 108 By Helmet — Presanella, by Cyllene. Trainer, W. Hurley. Owner, E. R. Bradley. MM F.Gnds 5 f l:» 13-K ill 2 3 E S 1" L Lyk ■ 10 stot.-. DiaasrU _... 3-4 1:13 fast 19 111 7 s p |»| L Lyke ! Tenite. I.rit r. Vol. I.l. —*m 4M35 Latonia .. f 1 3 110 _• ti 4 #» l«| L Lyke 12 MuskaUonge, Old Chap, Napos 479S l.itunia 4 f 54 -last 30 115 2 1 l» 2»" 1 C.ialhlL V.I.I51ossoin. lep.lolly. Tawtlia 47628 Churchl 4. f 12 115 I 6 6* tv. 1 Connlly 8 AITiiomas. PepperyP., M.Reigel 47486 Churchl 41 f E3%faat il H2 1 8 6 6;J L l.yke 12 WiD o Wisp, PhUer. W. or Qail 470H2 Lezton 4. f ES%faat 11-10 117 5 7 6 6«i L l.yke 8 Pfeuat, Clean. .r S., Will or yuil 86874 L-xton 1-2 48%fast 14 112 3 5 4: 4" I. l.yke II The Ally, Usagway, Dads Velo BEG PARDON, b. c, 3 101 By Smoke House — Morning Hours, by Yankee. Trainer. J. McKinney. Owner. R. P. Marshall . 58724 P.Gnda 5 1 i:o:o:hy 15 104 4 2 4 4" S* .1 .1 Mney 8 Baaaaf, Jobni Innna. Baa ■ lmr.h1 S-4 i:i3-.f.i.-t »0 106 4 5 E M 1" ■" A Collins 10 Coyne, Bin. Bock, Blow. Bubble* • hur.hl 7-8 l:26%fast t;7f 108 6 8 8 11 111 11 M Garner 12 c.yn •. Red Legs, BirThos. Keaa Churchl 7-s 1:27 -.mud 44 107 4 3 S s S S-s T Murray 8 Bro.Batck, Baagaoa, Sport. Blood 49S69 Windsor 5: f 1 oi;-fast 41f MS 11 12 12 12 12" A Collins 12 ]..«, ratal. Polythia. J.S. 49669 Windsor 5. f 1 :0S fast 8 110 8 6 6 8" 8*1 J Batwell 11 MaurieelL, J.l.udrow, Easteside 1X774 Windsor S-8 l:0S-ihvy 18-5 116 1 1 1 li 1»| W J 0*B*al2 DtdCkap. Johl.Auti .I.ertlia.S. PTOTO. b. c, 3 M 100 Ey Luke McLuke — Merode. by St. Simonian II. Trainer, S. H. Keane. Owner, M. H. Fletcher. . CM P.Gnda ■■. f 1:07. -fast 3 114 5 1 3 *| :•■ S Barrett 1 » Be Bare, Vulcssise, l:im..:is