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t THE ONLY TWO HORSES I SENT OUT THIS WEEK. t RUSTLER, 6-1, WON EVELYN WHITE, 5-1, WON ! or I ONLY SEND OUT TWO OR THREE HORSES A WEEK. y iii:i:k is what my CHIBT of staff says in his TSLEGBAM, .iist RBCEHTCD: S it "THE HORSE I CONTEMPLATE SENDING YOU TOMORROW SATURDAY IS A FASTER HORSE THAN EDDIE RICKENBACHER AND WILL BE THE SUREST THING THAT EVER WENT fi TO THE POST. JUST LEFT OWNER. HE WANTS WINNINGS OF TWO THOUSAND PLAYED STRAIGHT. GUARANTEED. WE WILL HAVE EXCLUSIVE BETTING. SEND WIRE OUT TO ALL -YOUR PATRONS AT ONCE. TELLING THEM TO GET READY FOR BEST THING EVER WENT TO POST. WIRE ME SOME MONEY IMMEDIATELY. REMEMBER. YOU CANT FEATURE THIS HORSE TOO STRONGLY. IF TRACK IS FAST WILL SURELY LOWER RECORD. CONFIRM BY WIRE AT K ONCE AND ILL SEND HORSE. CHIEF OF STAFF." 1 ANOTHER TBUBGRAM AN HOCTB LATER, DATED THE PAIS GROrXDB. nf.w ORLEANS i SAYS: U ••LONG DISTANCE ME GRUNEWALD HOTEL. MIDNIGHT. NEW YORK TIME. VERY IM- I PORTANT. WILL GIVE YOU HORSE THEN. ARE GOING TO SPRING ONE OF THE FASTEST HORSES IN AMERICA. WORTH FORTUNE FROM ADVERTISING STANDPOINT. CHIEF OF STAFF. " ] i TUESDAY, FKMKIARY B; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1 . AND SATURDAY, PRBRUART 12, ~ I WILL BEND HI. THREE LONG SHOTS OX ABOVE DATES THAT HAVE BEEN ESPECIALLY PREPARED. THEY ARE KIT AND READY. BARRING ACCIDENT. WILL SURELY WIN. I BB I.IKVi: THAT I PAY MtiRi: KOR STABLE INFORMATION THAN ANY TEN INFORMATION BUREAUS COMBINED. IN FACT, I KNOW THAT I DO. , p ai at TERMS— WIRE ME WINNINGS of a ten-dollar straight bet day after the race. Remit by tele- ci graph only, as I do no business by mail. I F ai i NOTE — Send me by telegraphic money order — not by mail — the cost of five prepaid ten-word tele- | ti grams and I will tend you my strictly stable information five times, by wire, charges prepaid. Positively! tl send correct business or street address, or Ill do no business with you. I mean what I say. I do ! u] business by wire only. ,000 reward will be paid to i-.ny subscriber that is not big winner on a :traiglit flat wager since I 11 117 began operations, — BILL TURNER - SUITE 336 - 17 WEST 42nd STREET - NEW YORK CITY I S J I 1 | , I NATIONAL 0. K. i RACING LETTER 5 WINNERS AND OWE THIRD ARE WHAT WE HAD ON OUR "BEST THE LAST SIX DAYS Our best previous record was in November, when we gave 7 WINNERS AND ONE THIRD OUT OF EIGHT STARTERS YESTERDAYS SHEET GAVE: ANTICIPATE 8-1 WON KINGFISHER 8-5 WON CINDERELLA 6-5 WON You May Try Them All, but You Will Finally • COME BACK TO THE OLD RELIABLE— THE O. K. as we give you the biggest run for your 50c that you ever had in your life. GET TODAYS SHEET j 50c — At All News-stands — 50c and Office . Mailed Direct — One Week .00. Two Weeks .00 i National 0. K. Publishing Co. , ROOM 411. BALTIMORE BLDG. CHICAGO. ILL. | j . , j I ANNOUNCING: NEBRASKA and SOUTH DAKOTA i Running Race Circuit EIGHT WEEKS RACING : 0,000 IN PURSES OMAHA June 2-10 h HARTINGTON June 15-17 WINNER. S. D June 22-24 BONESTEEL, S. D June 29-July I i BASSETT, Nebr July 6-8 ONEILL July 13-15 I NELIGH July 20-22 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ADDRESS CffAS. L. TRIMBLE, CIRCUIT SECRETARY, Care Ak-Sar-Ben, Omaha | I I I I i 1 0RL0VA 5-1 WON I TENITE 7-1 WON LIEUT. PERKINS ...11-5 WON MAYOR HOUSE 5-2 WON ! RAIDER 2-1 WON RUNZAF 4-5 WON Were SOME WINNERS Reported in Book 716 cf The STANDARD i Why not deal with the live ones? New book or. sale today. Gives best Una on horses that are READY TO WIN at all leading tracks, besides code c to FREE Specials that appeir daily in this paper. 1 35c— AT ALL NEWS-STANDS— 35c Code Is Good for One Week Will Convince the Most Skeptical TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: , March-Orange-42-60-61-19 " The Standard Turf Guide 403-22 WEST QUINCY STREET CHICAGO ILL. r 1 5 ■ I I t v f 3 as a c - THE CHIEF CLOCKER , NEW ISSUE WEEKLY BOOK OUT TODAY— 25c TODAYS FREE CODE: NEW ORLEANS— Texas-9-49-4-5 LAST WEEKS XXX SPECIAL: THE BLUE DUKE 5-1 won ! MASTER JACK 5.1 WON ;DAY LILLY 6-1 WON j and many others were given. Ask for the Chief Clockers Weekly Report, only 25c. Worth 00. Long- shots are in this weeks issue. Dont miss them. ONE BEST TODAY is extra g-ood and will win in a gallop. Clockers Special looks good. Ask for the Chief Clockers Daily Specials — 50c. BIG XXX OCOASIONAL TODAY. Go the limit to it a it is as good as WON. If this one loses you get a ::ext Occasional FREE OF CHARGE. Ask for the C Chief Clockers Occasional. Only . t t ! or y S it fi LOOK, BOYS, LOOK!! 2 The first twenty-seven days at the Fair Grounds this system picked sixty-three horses, with only " twelve lesers. This has cashed fioin one to four bets each day. It has not had over two losers in succession at this meeting. Now. gentlemen, you can have this system of picking winners fcr 0.00. A I will wire you my Best Bet each day providing T you will send me the winnings of a .00 bet. If loses I will send the next one free. This is your chance to get the money. J. H. CROSMAN 601 SIXTH AVENUE DAYTON. KY. K 1 i U I ] ~ WINNERS ARE EASY TO GET TjggT~~Wl THOROUGHBRED enables you to Byy handicap card at New Orleans every W"*?1 day yourself. Latest on sale all yjir «gafe news-stands NOW — 35c. Once tried | fcjffi and you never will do without it. MHHSSLJ To prove it just squander 35c. Todays best: Ship-Western-Be-See-Joe-Can. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bids. Estab. 1907 1 Chicago 111 T p ai at ci F ai i ti tl u] 11 117 — of THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM tl Our results are wonderful, insomuch as they are I tr positive. Has wen over ,000 last twenty days, New Orleans. Tijuana and Havana with small capital. Won at every track tabulated by Racing Form in 1920. Will send you data showing results all tracks, and will forfeit 00 if not substantially correct. Must win its initial cost within three days or money refunded. Write for partic- , ulars and data. Address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM West Franklin Street Baltimore. Md. 0 S 1 i Subscribe for Daily Racing Form " i • j . i , THE COMMISSIONER 50c DAILY For Sale at All News -Stands Everywhere ONCE MORE THURSDAYS BIG COMMISSION HORSE: TITLE 15-1 WON THURSDAYS OUTSTANDING BEST: DORIC 7-1 WON The COMMISSIONER is hitting it up strong these days, so better get in line. The COMMISSIONER has made excellent connections at New Orleans, and no matter what you pay, in our opinion, you Cannot Beat the Commissioner TODAY UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ALLOW THE BIG Commission Horse AND Outstanding Best ta get away from you. Both come from the same source as TITLE. 15-1. WON. came from and they said go the limit, as this is a Rare Opportunity This is the place and spot. Now. go to it. The Commissioner is on !,ale at all news-stands or mailed two weeks .00. Address THE COMMISSIONER 103 West 42nd Street R00m 308 NEW YORK CITY AGENTS CINCINNATI. 0.— All news-stands. ST. LOUIS. Mo.— Win. Laser. Lobby 705 Market St DETROIT Mich.— Triangle News Co., Griswold and Michigan. LOUISVILLE. Ky.— Eiler and Goodman. 227 4th Ave * AND ALL OTHER INTERMEDIATE CITIES i : h i I I ! TODAY 25 CENTS— AT ALL NEWS-STANDS— 25 CENTS 1 9 1 qHm kSTB 3 DIRECT FROM THE TRACK TO YOU Something doing, boys, on our One Best and Lon Shot. You know a word to the wise. No dope or gueswerk. Its direct from REPORTERS CLOCKERS at the track. Mailed overnight 2 weks. . If you want only one or two safe plays a day send and we will mail you our One Best and Lcn~ Shot Special for a week, special delivery 7 WINNERS out ci 9 starters, record on our One Best, beginning Saturday. January 22. up to and 1m hiding Thursday. February 3. Suite 510-511 Baltimore Bid?. 22 W. Quincy St. f REE ! ! Twelve Winners _ 5 Second.. 1 Third. 7 Losers out f ~X last 25 starters. FREE X SPE- /-~gA CIALS REPORTER purchasers re- U9Mgj*j4 ceived. Every Mondav. Wednesda V t*3W ard Saturday X Special advertised fsS "nder code la£t page REPORTER. 4L*r These alone worth 100 times price of took— 35c. Latest now selling all news-stands. Subscribers mailed plain envelope 3 weeks. . Get REPORTER weekly habit. Real direct track information. Saturdays free X Special: No. 203. THE TURF REPORTER. THE OLDEST PUBLICATION IN EXISTENCE 17 Years satisfying a discriminating public 22 W. Quincy St. . Estab. 1904 . Chicago. 111. i c 1 , JACK FIELD THE MAN WHO KNOWS I ONLY GIVE ONE SPECIAL A DAY SOLD ON ALL NEWS-STANDS— DAILY BIG 00 FREESPECIAL TODAY I have gone through a tremendous expense in obtaining this one for tcdnv and believe me, folks. this is one of the Vst things that has started in many a aay. Thia one should be at e LONG PRICE. MAILED— S4 A WEEK JACK FIELD Rcom 701. 501 South Dearborn St. Chicago. 111. NEWSDEALERS WANTED— WRITE AT ONCE r , ! THE WINNING POST AMERICAS LEADING RACING WEEKLY 101 WEST 41ST STREET NEW YORK CITY TODAYS FREE CODE: Camel-Day-Put -Bookies-Still NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY .00 per Year. :: 15 Cents per Copy. j a a C STABLE BOY 501 South Dearborn Street Chicago. Illinois FOR SALE AT ALL NEWS STANDS— 50c DAILY ONE BEST WAS SCRATCHED YESTERDAY S STABLE TIP WON Special One Best Today Our proposition does r.ot allow us to say much about this one. but go to it right on the nose, as it is the best thing cf the day. EXTRA SPECIAL and STAELE TIP axe both EXTRA GOOD. 2 " CHIEF OBSERVER 25 West Forty-second St. New York City TODAYS FREE CODE: New Orleans — Wyoming-18-10-18 Havana — Michigan -17-18-4 A T T of tl tr 0 i " THE American Racing Manual for 1921 Is Now on Sale THE 1921 MANUALS Handicap Tables have been brought up to date. Instead of divisions of quarter seconds the three tables have all been modernized into fifths. Before the tables and their application charts is an introduction and general directions for handicapping by the late Nim S. Hand, an expert of the first class, who recently died in California. THE 1921 MANUAL contains engraved diagram* thirty-two leading American race courses, with their locations, capacities, chutes, stands, widths of tracks and lengths of stretches in detail. PRICES BY MAIL: LEATHER BOUND 60 PAPER BOUND iio PRICES AT OFFICE: LEATHER BOUND 50 PAPER BOUND 1.00 DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO ILL. 157-159 EAST 32nd STREET, NEW YORK N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO N. X.