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FINISHES BRING DISSENT Fair Grounds Crowd Disagrees with an Official Placing. — ♦ — Jock Scot Beaten Narrowly — Cinderella Wins Easily and Passes on to a New Owner. Bf -I. L. HKMPSEV. NLW ORLEAXR, La.. Pebruarj Todays card wa- of the consolation order, framed with a view-to giving those who hail not heretofore figured extensively in the winning column. Hit fields were the rule in most of the dashes, but the even Caliber of the starters made good -port, additionally enjoyed by the Immense crowd because of the *nmmer weather condition- of the day. The track, however, wa- -till heavy and favorable to mud runners. The failure of the 81,388 puree, intended as a feature, to fill, broaght about an increase in live of the purse- front the routine of 81,006 added. Some of the finishes were of the ha ii - lino variety, that in the third race was particularly close and the award of the purse to Anticipate drew the fire of an army of objectors who thOOght .lock | Scot had gottea up in time to overhaul Anticipate. j The demonstration was a prolonged one and Was aggravated when Mean ay. rider of .lock Scot. lodged a claim of foul agaiasi Gamer, alleged thai he latter had impeded the progress of Jock Scot | h.v shaking hi- whip in front of the latter horse. Not alone wa- the finish between the pair of !ladei- close, but alaa that between Lttahe and ! Who Care- for third place, a no-e aepuruting thia pair at the finish. Another spirited wind up came with tin- running of the fifth race, iii which Kingfisher succeeded in jrecin up in the last strides to down .1. C. Stone. I The letter might have triumphed had Meenej been a bit mote abrt near the end. for he failed to note • Kingfishers oncoming rush until too late. .1. C. Stone had caused Wad-worr.i- La-l to give up when ■a eighth out aad tin- retirement of Wadnwartha La-t under a weak ride made .1. C Stone appear the winner until Kingfisher came with hi- rush. The maiden- Furnished a good beginning, with Secretary and Hill Rendered figuring in a haul -in tch duel. Secretary winning from the Bradley starter and the favorite. Dr. Jim. third. Machine dinner, one of the outsiders, proved the winner of the second race in somewhat easy fashion, with Marguerite Dixon and Yellow Rleoaam fighting il out for Hie minor portions ,,f the pome. Cinderella, a former winner here, repealed When -he finished in advance ol the fairly good ones starting in the fourth race. Her victory oma accomplished impressively over Madgl F. and Sugar mint and J. II. Baker, represented in the race by Bounding Through, claimed her for ,300. Pirate McGee, entered for ,400, waa claimed for sl.iImi by n McDermM, represented in the race by 1 Brooklnnd. which probably fulfilled his la-t mi— ion in thia respect, a- the Cnited states Remount officers will probably exerciae their option on the hor-e. Bom boat, favorite in the final race, again proved n big disappointment to his follower- and wa* rlaimed for ,000 by ;. Peters. I. eki lleiip-i was suspended for the remainder of the muting by the -toward- for rough riding.