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. ; , 1 tol I «f f t " ■ ;i to o m 0 s to | of •f I i p: I e J | d i y :. | I ■ I he e I i v I j i ] e 1 d ■ d of ■• il ■ • 11 of f " ■ • * FOREIGN HORSES IN OUR RACING GOOD SHOWING IN MONEY WON BY ENGLISH AND FRENCH HORSES IN OUR CAMPAIGN OF 1920, WITH THE FINE FILLY CLEOPATRA THEIR LEADER In view of the benvj importations of foreign-bred horses in the present decade, it i- hut natural that they -hoiild Igare importantly In our raring; also in our breeding presently. In years recently past -mil as Sun Brtu r. Rourlesa. Omar Khayyam, folaerl Vennie. star Hawk. Banboanet and some others have been real ornament- of our racing, and la-t year the line 111] Cleopatra raced in a way -ii|i-geative of the probability that she would have proved aa Rpaom Oaks arinncr if kept and raced in her naiive land Pleet. a resolute atgyer and a g I weight carrier, her superb breediag should asanre her further fame aa a -tud niation of the future. she waa easily the leading atom*] wnner of last year among the horses brought from abroad. Next to her wan the good gelding Minto II.. a son of Snndridge. that can stay over n kmg route aa well aa run fast, Irish Kiss, a good horse in Canada la-t summer, waa not far behind Minto II. in earnings, and i- about tin hi -t racer owiag paternity to Orpiment. Xellow Hand ran some capital race- for It. T. Wil-on and ranked well among the -co I b.-t three year-old- of the East. Natural:-t i- a borae of grand -peed when minded to display it. but i- cursed with wax ward impulses and would not always give hi- best. Duettlate was easily the beat steeplechaser in the United Stat.- and i- now seeking new laurel-in England and Frame. At his be-t Booster Was a good middle to low weight handicap horse. Doniia-,. cona was overrated and more prna expected fioni him than he could deliver, but when he ripened la- won -nine good race- and may do better thia year. Art i Boy II. was ton -mall !•• compete success fully with the larger cood three year olds, but wils a speedy little racer and always ready to do his be-t. The foregoing were the foreigners which won 0,0M or more. In all. the thirty be-l money winners raptured an aggregate of ,0g , and their records were: Hone. col. Sex. Ae. Pedigree. Owner. si- 1-t. 3d. Sd. [Tap. Woa Cleopatra eh. f. 3 Coreyra— Gall ice W. R. foe 15 t .". :« 1 S4ii.7:il Minto II b. g. J Snndridge Mi— Ranald W. V. Thravis. .21 7 • S 1 S7,dJS Irish Kiss b. z. ■"• Oipiment Boligena Bunny land Siablels s 2 "i X 34.1*7 Vclh.w Hand ...b. X. :. RooormtaH! Yellow Sea K. T. Wilson. ..Ll III 7 1 :. ls.Lu4 Naturalist b. « « liabelais Nature I. K. Widen. i .. 1s ii 3 s 1 isiin- Dmttiste b. ;- s Kthclbeit Dulcibellu I. K. Wiilener. . . I :I II II 1 1S.336 Holster eh. «. •" Marco — Perm la ;. W. Pormaa..2t 7 n :-? 7 11,983 Doiimicona b. «•. 3 Prince Palatine KHdnnnn ;. W. Loft ....22 5 ii t 7 1 1 :;ls Atta I.o.v II .-i!i. : ■ Hah. bus — lwi * -.:vff.,;n. .»f. - Culiihtiitt . . . lit o I f! 10.4an Lord Herbert b. t. .". Titz Herbert Mnnzaiiita E. Arlington 33 H !i .". 11 !i.-17 Sold, de Verdun. b. c. I Verdun Pbtce Porte n. Bhau 21 !» 7 :s 4 tt.r.i;.- Gala de Cause... b. c. :t Aven Cremone I. Arthur 42 7 ."i 7 L B87i Suniiyland eh. ;. ."i Sunflower II. Fair Anna K. Farrar LJ 7 L : 111 s.."i.".| Pictor b. y. I lictoii White Veil c. W". Clark ...11 .". 1 2 5 B.473 Gaoler kr. c. 4 Duke Michael Gallows Hill I. Htetner 17 R 1 a J 8.21* Natural Bridge, .b. r. I Bridge of Allan laette it. Parr J2 H 5 ." • S.1S4 Blighty II b. g. i William the Third— Light o Love.Mrs. P. A. Clarkl2 4 3 -j i 7.7."i0 Rubidium eh. f. 3 Radium- Pleur d*Oraage I. W. Beau ....2d I 11 4 d 7.H47 IiHiuiry eh. f. 3 Ampelton- Scrutiny WaMeck Stable. Id s 1 3 I 7.1tiS linarmand b. a. 4 Braxted — Festive Agnes i. I.. Kaight . . .4l i; 11 I 22 7.i"ti i hasseur b. c. 4 Light Brigade— Panne C. C. 8mithson.24 ." 4 ."i lit t;.7!»i: Sans Pear II. ..b. s.. 4 EtheBiert--aandwich W. Penwick ...34 • I 4 17 » .79l Tenons Hon ...b. g. o Vei wood - Habanera G. C. Brentoa..M H 1 2 ii.7."iii Rouen b. g. 1 St. Aiuant Kaffir Fowl . Brent Lti ."i I :, 1| Fader File b. c. ! Swyuford RtartUag P. Dunne un 3 i* 8 12 t:. ;30 Krewer b. r. .". Aldford -Keadeaa II s. C. HIMreth ..7 1 2 3 M i.3." L Dhmted b. _-. :t Durbar Regulation W. c. Weaal ...2B 7 3 ■ Id Ia-toiireau b. r. I Flint ltock -Prickly Pear M. GoMblatt 21 I 1 4 12 g2M Bond rh. g. «i Btbelberl Boudoir Cain A Baaford.35 5 8 3 Id S.172 Huron II b. g. 4 Sweeper — Zuua ;. order S3 7 i; . ii; tl.tliil