Fair Grounds Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-05


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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS, LA.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 1921. Fair Grounds. Thirtieth day. Basiaess Mens Bactan Association. Winter Meeting: c f H3 days. Weather cloudy: temperature 75 . Stewards. K. . Smith. M. Maefarlan and A. . Mehle. .ludttes. J. 1!. Campbell and J. McLennan. B tarter, A. B. iiade. Racing Secretary. Joseph McLeaaaa. Racing starts at :1." p. in. Chicago time -:Vi p. m.i. Indies ten apprentice allowance. ETOry/JO FIRST RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 12. 1916— 1:42%— 4— 113. Purse ,100. O dfi a OmI 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third, 00, Index Horses AWtPP8tU % % 8tr Tin Jockeys Owners O H C P B BOOM SECRETARY v .: MB 10 4 I" L" 1 li l1 J Heu]»el R V Haymaker N 1:2 S 2 «-." Bt41S BILL RENDERED r. 11. 1 s 7 3» 1*2" ZJ 21 L Lyke 1: R Uracil, y : 4 10-01 H S2024S*DOCTOR JIM w I 110 1 2 7* 4 33 :: ::- .1 Roberta Ogden stable- s-6 2 0-6 1-2 1-4 .-.t;:J,!» ROMPER a 1 100 J 5 2* 41 4 1 11 ThorberR G Denny M li 12 : I .VOJO PANSY BLOSSOM w 4 1111 9 l " 7"- 7- 7- :•• .1 Rodg-erl !: Bradfleld I 15 i: ii :: .15639 TLATo w - 105 E N H H 0* ■• i;: M 6arn r 1 Dunne U l." 15 o :: BS1M FTNANCL RSTER w 1 115 I : 4 - :;■■ ., V 7 L Morris 1: WarfleM 12 M 12 E 2] .".2690 MARTHA GRAY W 3 MSI 3 »M M ■ •■ - I - .1 .1 MBCjrR P Marshall IS M 20 S 4 .-.•2;." t NORMANDIE wa 5 1U 2 :. »«| 0" la M H •; Stack M » J Lowateln 7 1.1 15 I :: -.2133 LUSMORE wa 3 MB t 8 8* Is S] V II R RomelliF B Rodgcrs SO ■* 50 20 10 Time. 25. 50=3. 1:17, 1:44%. 1:08%. Track heavy. Winner Ch. . by Celt — Aasaanehals, by The Scribe trained by L. M. Haymaker; bred by Mi. Samind Ross. Went to post at 2:14. At past 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. SECRETARY, bard ridden for the entire way, raced Into the lead on the- tirst turn and. Bnisk-lag resolutely, held BILL RENDERED safe at the end. The latter raced foiwardly from the start and stood 1 hard drive rwrlj DOCTOR JIM saved much ground when coming into the- stretch and finished well. ROMPER raced foiwardly all the way. FINANCIAL BOOSTER showed speed, bat qait in the- lasl iiuarter. Scratched— 52180 Braes! A., 118; 52080 Zaiaer, 106: 52648 Pewaakee, 118. Overweights -Paaey Blossom, l1- pound-.: Martha Gray. 2%; Romper. 1. PT O17CQ SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Feb. 19. 1910—1:05 3-5—4—129. Purse ,000 OmI 8 OO 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third, 00. ~- ~ Index Horses A Wt Il St j "j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Q H C 1 is .vlTTT MACHINE GUNNRwb 112 4 :. 1 "i T- 1- I ; P Smiti H A Lane I 15 15 i :: 52888*MARGTTR DIXON WB M 7 i; E» 2] 2» 2 N Everett « Ton. 11 - 12 I 4 2 C2888* YELLOW BLOSSM w M 1 2 1" 3] ::- .! McCoy M H Fletcher 3 5 E 2 1 StBll lllKN a 112 E 7 3* T1 61 I1 ■ Connelly T L Putman :. E 4 l-S I -■ 52S98aGEN. AGRAMONTEwB 113 ■"• I 2] 51 4; .".- e- Bob"eoe8 Louis :;_. 4 ::. 0-5 3-5 B244B To.NV SUTTON w 112 12 ". 7- I1 E 51 Colli:ia W Alford 20 25 25 10 E BS888Z*REPENT wb :n 1 1 s RJ 7 i .. 1 I -"..t t Ii Oota I 12 10 4 2 BIOSMBROWN KILL w 107 1! 1:1 :: IJ I1 S» :; loll.-.nl Cain ,v Sanforci 12 15 in I 2 .~2 394* SKA BOARD w MS£ 9 ■ : "_■ ■ - : - H GreajoryJ Crimmlns M 01 H II I 588-14 HUMPY w 105 II 11 13 12H2S :»u J H.-uo. I C A Coyle 21 M M 12 I .T2639 DIAMOND DALE a 107 13 12 W 1M 10MK .1 Gmhcr A K Kirby 34 50 51 20 N .-2599 LIRA a MS I 4 12-11 Ilk 12s il Thurb rR V Haymaker 15 20 20 I I .-2271 AMERICAN MAID MOi 2 10 U*U3 13 13 X Barrett Crown Stabk s 10 I I s-5 Time. 2345. 4843- 1:02%. 1:0945. Track heavy. Winner— R. g, by Meettck Ai.ny Maid, by Yankee drained by R. HcKeag; bred bv Mr. George I.. Blackford. Went li poHl at 2:11. At past 2 ininiite-s. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third elriv-lag. MACHINE GUNNER raced into a good bad at once and. IwMing sway throaghoat, won la a canter. MABGUEBITE DIXON ran a goad race- and outstayed YELLOW BLOSSOM. The latter was in dos,-■laartetK in the stretch drive, but finished gamely. lllKN Baisbed well and had no nthtbaps. GENEBAL AGRAMONTE tired in the- la~t eighth. Sc-ralelieel .525,.i.iHe-itic Lssk, 111: 52i;3!» Mini Fog. ill: 52722 Pbifaiaderer. 112; 50773 BaMynew, 101. Overweight! — Yellow Blossom, 1 poaads; Sea Board, !_•: Hnmpy, I; Diamond Dale, 4; Anu-rican Maid. IK.. CrOrTO/d THIRD RACE— 3-4 MMO. Feb. 9. 1918— l:lll5— 6— 11G. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. tJi 4 0"4 and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses A Wt Il St U ■ 14 Str Fia Jockeys Owners O H C I* S_ .-•237.-. ANTICIPATE w I H9 ■■ 3J 3J li 1» M Carrier Sder cand Holmes 5 8 41 8-6 4-5 52822* JOCK SCOT wa 7 102 3 ; 4 i- 51 2 .1 .1 Wneyll .1 Marphy 41 E l 0-5 l-S 52726 ETTAHE W * 113 8 E Bj 7 I] J» L L k-- .1 Kennedy II 1" 12 S 23 52218 WHO CARES wn llll I 1 2s 2= 3k I" C Robsonl Farrai I 12 12 .". 2 58881 SAGAMORE W I 112 I m 8*51 P 5J .1 RodgezJ Arthur 2 :: :: 1 1-2 51888 KAl Y LUXURY wb 0 MO 10 1 1 1 Il 2* 1 11 LujuTd McDaM 8 Salt 3] 1 1 s-5 ! 5 .; •:; SHILLING sKMC 2 I .". t* 7 71 a Collins Ano raon Bros 8 10 8 :: 8-5 528Sl*SOCIAL STAR a ! MS 7 7 : - I 0] 0* J Roberta Ogden Stable M M M I 1 D2S41 EPISODE wa 5 1041 1 s 7 : - 9* » W Otterl A S WoodclBfe M !o M lo E B1829 MOSE w 0 103 5M 10 M 1" 10 F WdtetkL Sperling M 30 M U I Time. 23. 48. 1:152,. Track heavy. Winner I., e-. by Plaudit -Antipathy, by Ornament trained by I. WoaseldoraT; bred by Messrs. Morris and Alexander i. Went to pool at 8:05. At pecst 1 minute. Start good and SWW. Woa «l i- i i i- ir : sicnd and third the same. ANTICIPATE, rises ap from the start, raced into the lead in the stretch, but had to be ridden hard at the end. JOCK BCOT was pocketed, but forced hN way through in the lat sixteenth and. Ba ishiiic fastest, would have won iii another stride. ETTAHE i-sase with s rush riu-ht at the. enel. WHO ARKS ran well. LADY LUXURY et a f.isi pace and qail badly hi the last eighth. BAGAMORE e lose il a bi j::ip. Scratched 52720 IJreea Grass, 102: 526223Tbe Nephew. 110; 52588 Archie Alexander. 114; 5249s Yoaneed, 111: 52325 War Clab, US; 5271:; Rrove A.. 185; 52743 Lady Longfellow. 101. OverweightH Etta he. 5 poaadu; Who Cares. 1: ahUiing, 2: Social star. %%; Episode, 2%; Moae, 1. ET r»r7|T» CT FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 12. 1916— l:421-s— 4—113. Purse SL100. OmI 4 OO 4-year.-olds and upward. Fillies and Mares. Claiming-. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt *j .» :-i Str Fin Jockeys Owners T» Tl C 1 s"- 32618 CINDERELLA a I 10S 2 Il l1 1» 1» l-: E Martin H LJngenbach 1 eT3"i ! -20i-5 5209ii MADGE F. wb 5 1M ; E 21 21 2 2 2- il LunandTdMcDonald .v Salt.", 0 0 2 1-5 58882 SUGARMINT w I !"•. : I 3] 54; :;- ::: M Garner E P Summerflekl5 8 I 8-5 3-; 527 11 FLUZE a 107 1 1 p 3* .i1 1- ■■ G Stack 3.1 A .1 Lowateln 4 E 2 1 ! 52S84 BIDDLEDEE wb 4 lo.: 1 K 1 "• 5- • I Roberts M Goodpaater I I I 1-3 G3S25 BNDG THRUGHwa t M 3 3 I I I I I M HarsonJ II Baker M 40 30 10 :: Time. 25, 4943. 1:16. 1:42%, 1:07%. Track heavy. Winner — Br. f. by Celt Toots, by Top GaBaat traiaed b. JoueR: bred by Mr. Herman Flippea. Went to po-t at S:28. At post 1 minute Start - 1 and slow. Won easily; seecoad and third diiv in. CINDEBELLA led all the way and won as he-:- rider pteatted. MADGE F. raced in closest pursuit and held on stubbornly all the way. BUOABMINT moved up fast oa the stretch turn, but tired in the last , i-htii FLUZEY tire-ci after going three-quarters. The others wen- beaten after going a half mile. Overweights -Bounding Through, .! pounds. errpryOd"* FIFTH RACE— 1 3-16 Miles. Jan. 1. 1920— 1 :5143—G— 105. OLlOOAdeledTi-year- *J Jmd 4 DO olds and upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 00: second. 48: third. 32. ~ Ind -x Horses AWtllSti _■ ■-., Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H c V s £2865* KINGFISHER w 7 M0 2 : 4a 31 3 3« V L McDottD Brannou 7-5 0-5 7-5 1-2 1-5 .-.2 »9i -*.l. «. STONE a 1100 t 21 ! 2 1-2 .1 .1 MneyR K Baker E I is 51 52571 WWTHS LSTwb » 113 I 2 Ill I* 2] S« .1 McCoy . M Goode S-5 31 :: 1 2-3 52571 PIRATE McGEE e I IM : l I t r J Boh rta A 87 .Jacks n 5 lo 13-54-5 1-3 B8?I2*BROOKLAND » 111 E S B* ~ • : Smith U McDermid 50 SO 30 M I 52614 MDARINS COATwb 5 101 i I I E E I I i Staclt M Lowenatein 25 25 25 M Time. 25. 51. 1:18%, 143. 1:56. 2:023. Track heavy. Winner Ch. g, by Se-a King Ida B„ by Inverness trained by B. J, Brlaaoa; bred by Mr. J. M R Lewis i . Went !•• post at 3:54. At poat 1 minute, start good and si,.w. Won driving; sir ond and third the same-. KINGFISHER, close- ap from the start, stood s bard stretch diiw and came with a rush right at tin- end. .1. l STONE ran a good race sad made a resotate Baish. WADSWOBTHS I. AST set a good pace, but i:ae- way under a weak tide- whefl chaBeaged la the last eighth. PIRATE McGEE was done alter going a l.aif mile. Scratched 52572 Twiniw in. 108; 52715 s.-;ii -h Light III., it:::: 52823 Lord Herbert, 118; 52748 Berlin, lo7: 52823 Youag Adam, 115. frOry/2»r7 SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915—1 :44"5— 3— 104. "Owners Consolation *J £d 4 O 4 Purse. Pur.o SI. 100. 3 -year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00- -croud. 00: third. 00. ~indi ip-r-. tpi-si . - j owaers o ii~T v~ s~~ B8711 VERITY w 5 HI 7 I J 21 1* J lb up i frker A- Whtc-nt 4. 11-51 TT 52710MRHN BOY v--r- 5 8M 1 21 l» K I] 2- !t icorv.T F Burdetto I Ml : 0-5 52591 CORYDON wo 0 111 i ill! K1 $ |] •-• ,i B* d*gerA Luimder 20 M :; 12 • 52399 X. K. BEAL wb 7 ill 1 I | 8* -- |j 4:,.I Gl-ubi-r M Goodpaater S 8 S l-S .-,2645 -W A L. TURNBOW .. r. •- 111 8 13 Ml 5 I- I- El B It m .-diS M Xeill I 12 12 S 68881 CAPTAIN TOM WB 4 181 ! 2 l :- .: : CI 1! Kit. l-s-i.I J Troxler 15 M 20 I I 53848 BPEARLENE wb 0 110 14 :■ V " . 7* J Rol rta M .1 Kramer i. t I : | r.2345*HARVEY SMARR siSll l n s- ii; 7J 7 8] . .1 MneyJ 8; W Nunamkrfl 12 12 . ••• 52501 SIMONITE w 4 113 II 1111 - ■- I" • M GOrner .1 L Gruber 3 4 i 2 :222.-: SUNDURIA WB 5 KH 14 12 12*413 II 10 pn w Cfberl I-: W Moore 12 15 10 I 2 52572 FOUNTAIN FAY SB 11 111 1 1 I» 2» lo mil* I Cum ay T B Crial n 12 12 .". -52888 TIGEB ROSE wb 5 Ml 3 il 7 7i;.]2- K" 12- L M.A -- .1 Robertson .• 2S 2.". N i BfSJcMDRICKLEY wb M M0 1 10 13 14 M Vf 13 E Elull rd Ronaot M H M IS I - | . : : - | | - I ; I | ■ i j • I 1 j 1 1 , - ■ . 1 1 - K . - t ! _ t a = 1 _ 1 I i . 1 , | I 1 .2353 OLD RUSK ex - KM 12 7 3* 10" I31 11 14 A Colli. is .1 D Chaiev 50 7 l M 20 10 Time. 25 /5. 50. 1:18*4, 1:44. 1:51 /S. Track heavy. Winner Ch. m, b] Kan the TerHble Veracious, by St. Leonards trained b R A FotSha; bred by Mr. F. 11. Knigbt. Went to post at 1:18. At po» 1 minutes. Start good and slow for all but CORYDON. Won driving; second and third the sane-. VERITY, si.c.w m sudden Improvement, made- np ground steadUy and outstayed IRON BOY, The latter nhowed the mosl ipeed aad tired, but made, s game Baish. CORYDON was away poorly anil closed a great gap. WALTER TKRNRoW tired. V K. BEAL finished fast. CAT TAIN TOM snowed -pec d. Si rate lie, 1 5272S Thuiidorbirel. lit: 52888 Silma II., 188; 83888 Ilandfull. Ill: 53810 Kalwav. 100: 52150 Dottan Best IIP; 52722 First Pullet. 181. K. QfTftC SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915— 1 44«3— 3—104. j Owners Consolation J« 4 Vf O Purse. Purse ,100. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtlPStU a % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 50522* OLD McKENNA w I 104 11 « P H 7". I* i| H GregoryJ Hotrisi 15 20 20 s 1 52517 VAIMIAXK « 1 m I 7 l 0* I1 I 2 I Roberta K Loii »; I I :: 7-5 52H4.V * akt BURNS wb 10 IM 2 I .1- K l1 1| St .1 McCoy w C Overton i 7- 7 2. 7-3 52195 * BOM BAST wB 0 110 :; lo ir 11 Il 4] t- l .1 MneyF P Lettelller 0-6 1 8-5 7-101-:: 5284B ARBITRATOR W 7 111 !i !l 0* 01 5* l V C Jackson M F Mount I 15 12 5 2 52748 NEBRASKA wB 7 HO I 4 K .; s; 7 I1 I-; Pollard G 11 Abbott :; 4 10-57-5 7-10 52727 MARY BRB - I 01 I I 7- P H 0 Tl B Joaiah 1 Peterson 211 81 M 12 I B28S7 WiKi.Kii a llll 113 12 U M* t* I* D Connelly H Herron M 30 31 12 I 527 IB MARY FONSO wb 3 s7 7 5 V V I] 0* !"-K McDottHuffmaU 4V Lane 1Q IS 12 5 2 52715 MAYOR GALVIN WB 5 100 M 11 10* 10«112 lev !o K AnthenvK Rcoeget VX 10o 1U0 40 28 52i9l -OAKLAWX BLE WB 0 101 1 2 2 7ill - 11 Ui II ThurberW F Strauss s pi 7 2. 7-5 52715 PEGGY C. w 11 4 104 12 1 K a ! ■ 12 13 P Long . Knebelkamp 30 20 30 12 i Time. 24«r,, 49i, l:153-j, 1:43%. 1:50«5. Track heavy. Winner It. p. by Irtiiisvaal— Kuhla. by Gold Heels or Trentola trained bv T. F. Roruman: bred bv Mr. s. K. Nieiedsi. Went to post at I 50. At pos| 1 minute. Start goad and slow. Won driving; second and third UW same-. OI. I McKENNA began slowly and was far back to the last turn, then came fast and stood a bard drive gamely to win drawing clear. YAPHANK raced gamely and finished we-n. CAPTAIN BURNS raced into the bad on the backstretch, but tired in the last eighth. BOMBAST had to close- ■ big gag NEBRA8KA |ii t. PEGGY •. set the early pace, but also |uit badly. Scratched— 52727 Walk Ip. s7: 525 7 charlotte c. S4: 51930 Willlgan. 101: 527K Ke-ziah. 101; 33845 lottery. Ill: 52394 Magic C.istle. 93: 52712 Klagllag II. . IOC; 52710 Mickey Moore. 104.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921020501/drf1921020501_3_4
Local Identifier: drf1921020501_3_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800