Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-05


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HAVANA FORM CHAR]T_ HAVANA, CUBA. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 4. 1921. Oriental Park. Sixtieth day. Ctilia-American Jockey and Auto Club. Winter Meeting of loo days or more. Weather clear: temperature 90 . Stewards. J. Hachmoister. C. II. Kan-dale and I . J. Kiuen. Starter. James F. Milton. Racing Secretary. M. Nathaaaoa. Ka.ing -tart- at 2:88 p. in. Chicago time 1 :.",7 p. in. I. Indicate- apprentice allowance. fr 0**7Pr£5 FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—0—102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Oll OU Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt t C. Str Fin Jmkeys Owners O 11 C 1 - .VJ613 BACCHANALIAN w 182 7 3 l«t 1" IsK li F .Meriinee.I de Ksirampes I C 52575* HELEN LUCAS w ■" I t r,- .v Jk 2»J L Penman L Criat 8-6 8-6 8-6 1-2 1-4 C2874 LYRIC waa id 1 :. 4 P* :; 8*1 R LcaaterP A Herold 8 7 7 -_ I 52S7S KAVMAN w 181 B 1 2»J !■* l«J I "- K Harms W H Schwartz 4 4 4 3-S I 52575*SCOTTY waa 88 2 I •" 6" •" ."■ : P Wilson . M Lovely -i 3 :: l 1-2 52818 LULLABY wa ltd :, 7 I 1 I ■ P Hunt W Feochter I I s .; 3-6 .-■.Mi.*,.", VERA TWXFORD « 182 S 8 71 7- 7- 7 1 II BobaonH H Willis Jr 38 31 IS W 5 ri."»."» ; PRANK MOODY w 107 1 G P* 3* ■ I .1 Francia J .1 Holtman I I I 2| 6-5 Time. 23. 48. 1:18, Track fast. 32 mutuel- paid. Bacchanalian, 838.70 straight, 88.58 place. 34.88 show: Helen Lacaa, 38.18 place. 32.70 -how: Lyric. 38.80 -how. Bqnivalenl I bins odds Bacchanalian. 1585 io 100 -traight. 325 to 1oo place, 145 to loo -how: Helen Lacaa. •" •" to lix place, 35 to loo -how; Lyric. 240 to ion show. Winner Hi. f. bj Tm.jan Kanhante. by Sealu.r-e II. trained by J. Hope; bred by Mr. J. T. I J uathinei I . Went lo post at o;3t. At po-l 1 minute. Start g I and slow. Won driving: secaad and third the same. BACCHANALIAN eel a ta-t pace to tin stretch turn and. hanging on gamely when HELEN I.ICAS challenged, woa drawing clear. The latter moved up on the outside on tin- last turn and was forced wide when entering the stretch, hut tini-he.l fa-l and gamely. LYRIC wa- a forward contender all the way. KAVMAN tired in the la-t eighth after racing int.. the lead on the la-t turn. Overweights Bacchanalian. 1 pound: Vera Twyford. 1: Kayman. 3: Frank Moody. 1. fr 4 »■»■ PT ry SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920— 1:11— 6— 102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Jol 8 ** 4 Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt , s i in Jockeys Owners O II C 1" S "ii! 7 TALENT ■ 181 it Pi! 1* I. Penman 51 Uoldblatt 55 ii 1 52888 :MOUNERO WB Ml i 7 7 T -: 2*5 P Hunt A .1 Molera S-5 3-6 8-6 1-2 1-4 52855 -GEORGE C. .IK. n IM S I S* I] ■•!■ - N J BrnesL Crown i ;, :, _• i 52887 OUR JACK v. 1t, :• 7 2*1 2*J P I1 B McDottE .1 K.rn- :: :: 3 1 1-l 52480*COOMRS w !":; 7 I 6" . 6s ."• B LcasterT Hi Igi 12 12 12 •"• l" ."ifil.-i SUNNY DA.VS wa Hi; t - 6" 5» 7 : i;- .1 Kit/. . W Pangle :: :; :: I l j 52314*LIGHT FANTASTTCwa 107 : •; 4 K :■"* -.■ .1 Pran is ., li Worlej r. 7 7 . :-ii! 7 MISS Dixit-: w l"l Is 8 3 8 8 F MerimreM B Thompson -.". 85 j," 18 .". Time. 22. 45"3. 1:18%. Track fast. si in ni ml- paid. Talent. 818.20 straight, 35.80 place. 34.40 show; MoUaero, s;,.l:o place, s_.7o -how; Ceorge C. Jr.. 34.20 -how. Bqnivalenl Looking odds Talent, 710 t . loo straight. 185 t.. loo place. iao to Umi -how: MoUaero, no to loo place. 3.7 to loo show: Ueorge C. Jr.. 110 to 108 -how. Winner It. c. by Tony Konero Tallahassee, bj The Commoner trained by M. I ioldldatt ; I. red by Mr. Jerome B. Bespess. Went lo po-t at -:•"... At po-t 1 minute. Start g I and -low. Won ilrixin-: secoad and third the same. TALENT -et a fast pace from the start and sprinted into a long lead, out tired badly in the l.i-i eighth. MOKINKKO was far hack in the early ranning, but -lipped through next to the rail when en .ring the stretch and gaisbed fast and gaining. CKOKCK C. .IK. was forced wide wbea entering the homestretch and ran a good race. OCR JACK ran a fast half. LIGHT FANTASTIC ran as if unlit. Overweights Light Fantastic, t pound-. Er4 r*7PrO THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1 :0s1 5— 5—102. Purse 00. 3-year- Oasd 4 eJO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. I Index Hor-es AUUIM , , st~r~Kin "Tockey- Owner- _ O II C 1 S 52481 KKD w :. ll» v 1 S ;;•■ s- i" .1 Dreyer T Cheek c. :. 5 - 1 ■■.M..77 INA WOOD wi I Ki i ."■ 1 r 1 L R McDottM Acost.i 7-5 3-5 3-6 3-5 1-3 33887 CHIMERA waa 5 hM 7 , E S Low: 1" A Herold »; r, r, •_• i .VM7-J GET KM w3 •■ ! 2 I I f t ! p Wilacn 1 McGinty 7-5 7-5 7-5 1-2 1-1 52246*ASSIGN wa 8 hM :; . 7 .. I .-..•■■ I Smith J W.Moore 1. 12 12 .". 2J 52888 SUREGET wa II 118 :• 2 S. J :;i t| F Weiaer li G Woods 15 13 15 :: "2227 WAKG DREAM wsa I PS 1 :: 6 7«* 7s T- A HcLhlinA Lezama 1". 1.". I". C 3 .•».-,.- « GUARDSMAN v IM ."■ t 9 S :■ 8* F Hunt H A Cotton 12 12 IJ E 2."! I ELGA w 5 188 i » 3«* 81 s ■ W Jarrel O L Poster 25 25 25 hi :. Time. 23. 46. 1:01. 1:87%. Track fast. si- mutiiels paid. Bed, si::. no straight, 85.80 pine. 33.50 -how: laa Wood. 34-88 puce, 33.30 -how; Chinier. i. 35.88 show. Bqaivaleal booking odd- Bed. .".so lo loo straight, ISO to loo puce, 7.7 to loo -how: laa Wood. 118 to loo place. 65 to loo -how : Chimera. 100 to loo -how. Winner Ch. g. l.y Keep oDay- Maty Michaels, by li— ak trained by T. Cheek; bred by Mr. J. Hart Brown. Went to po-t at 8:21. At po-t 8 minute-. Slart good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. BED, dose up from the start, wore INA WOOD down in the stretch and e,,t up to win in tin linal -tride-. INA WOOD -et a fa-t pace and drew away after entering the stretch, but tired badly. CHIMERA liiii-hed with a ru-h UET KM began slowly and dropped back while rounding the far turn. ASSIGN ran well. BCBEGET tired. Overweights -Get Km. 2 pound-. ErOrrCTQ FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Funomjs. Uan. 24. 1917— 1 :05s— 5—102. Purse 00. 3- year - 3au 4 *y*y ohU and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0. Index Horsi~ AWtlISt , , str Kin Jockeys o.Miers p II • v S " 52857* •SCARPIA II a J 188 2 2 I-"."!." I» J Francia W H Hall 2 2 ~l 4-7 j-5 52884 SUP. SILVER wa 5 181 3 t P 1- r 2» L PenmanArmonU Stable ;• : j . |.j 53887* AVION w 5 189 " . J* lm. :. .; R Kc.-t.rW c Campbell C t I . 1 52584 HUNTER IM.ATT a i 11" 7 7 7 «. I l • 1 Barnes . II Moo.lv s s s • 82471 i:i.n Ni w 4 106 C :. i, 7S «5 ■■ B McDottT Doyle 21 .. tl 1 1-. : H.Z DRAFTSMAN waa 3 M J 1 2 2 :.- Sri P riant T Hodge 15 15 15 I ."•.1!1 LGHING BYES II w 5 181 1 6 :. » : 7 P Wilson W R Kadg.it i. 7 J . ■ i 52880**SEM STALWRT w H 186 8 8 II 8 8 8 N J BrnesJ C Baton 12 12 1: S Time. 23. 37%, 1:00V 107. Track fast. si mated* paid. Bcarpu II., 38.00 -traight. 83.30 place. 32.70 show; Slippery 8ilver, 31.20 place, .SL..iO show; .|,,ii. SJ. so abow. Iviuivalent I king odd- Searpia II.. jiiu to 103 straight, 85 to 100 plac. .V. to loo show; Slippery Silver. 110 to 100 place. 43 to 100 -how: Avioa, 10 to 100 show. Winner !;. g, by Ishtor La Toaca II., by Laareate tralaed by K B. All.n: bud bj Mr. John Baa. ford i Wont to post at :j:.".0. At |» -t 5 minute- Si.irt -end and slow. Won ilriiing: irrsad and third tin -am.- SCAKIIA II. set a fast early pace and. alter being paaaed, rallied and oatgamed SLIPPERY B1LVEB in tin- dual drive. The latter saved -found when entering tin- stretch, but tired after racing to the trout. ANION raced wide most of the way. but made a last hni-li. HUNTER IKATT finished well from a -low beginning. Overweights Draftsman, :. pounds, f*T OrfdJI"! FIITH MACE— l BUM and 50 Yards. March C, 1918—1:41—5—117.1 Purse 00. *3 d|j 4 3" 4-yoar-aMa and apward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; e.coltd. 00; third. 0. Indea Horses vWiIlSt :, . ■■, sn- Im Jockeys Owners 0 II c p g 52728 NIGHT WIND v. C no 1 I"":,1 | ; i s Loyio 1 Doyle ; ~T i 1 52711 HATRACK w 11"- i o .": . ." Ij 2" i. Penman H A Cotton la 10 ll ij „ VJ TOO 1KKKK1 A u ■ :. 1is- 111 | 7 4» I« C Barnes W FeUWlch 2 I J 4-5 2-5 RI484 JRLL.I80N a : 107 I :: 7* !■ r,::n. ■! v Jarr ii O 1. Poster i 4 i 3-5 4-5 .-.■»ei8*r.. knska « 4101 7 7 p n • « :, n 1.. 1 ■•■ri. M Iribarren J 3 :; 1 1-: 52 7 17*1. a m IONK a 1 M I 5 I* I" I E] I MrLllnJ s Baldwin 1* II If 1 88181 BRONCO BILLY WB 7 IM I Ill1 K 7- 7 R Me I on R I; Ik 11 I I 1-6 4-3 82884 COL LILLARD w 1 lKt s 1 i;- ;: s s s .1 smith v Cardenas H St ".0 2" 10 Time, 24. 48V 1:14. 1:40%. 1:48%. Track fast. |S iuutue-K p.-. id. Night Wind. s7 ::u straight, St. mi place, IS. 10 ShOW; llutra.U 818.30 place. .sT. mi show: Wllfreda. 82.70 shou i: t«ii v.il.nt booking add* ■ Nichi Hind. 285 to IM stMlgtlt, Ho to loo place, To t.» 100 v|u, : Hal raek, B2S to 100 place. 238 to kxi shew; Wllfreda. 15 to 100 intra-. w iimi-t- itik. ii. by Baostar- Verne, by Bill ■•! PortlaMl traiaed by B. B. BJee; bred la England by I Mr. John It. Joed. Weal to peel ;it 1:99. At peel 1 aiiaate. Mali good and slow. We j 1 -i I : sersnd and third driv- lag. NIGHT wind followed t !■•- leaden close ap to the lot tarn, from where lie meccd ap rapidly and easily pasned HATRACK in the ln-t eighth. HATRAtK ran well, bat tir.- l after taking the lead in the stretch. WILFRKDA waa in ■ yam aa t !• - Iral tnrn and was polled op, then rloaed 1 big cap. BRONCO BILLY ran wdl in peeemakiag lot three -quarters. .IKl.KIsoN tired. BAVEN8EA ran well to the stretch. Overweights — Wllfreda. : -.• pound-: Bavoawca. 3. i KOP7f2-"fl SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. *J Jmd 4 Dl 4-year-olds and upward. Claiminr. Net value to winner 60: second. 00: third, 0. Index llorsi-s AWtlKSt , • _■ ■, Str Fin Jockeys Owners II C ~~P S . .V2«no » ; uT x D v w T KB i i i* 1- i* v Is s Lowe Armonia stable ■. i :; 1 i-2~ f!2888*JACK iikai EY w 5 103 ! 2 1" 2" -- :"; *■» I. Penman .1 Everest M 10 H 1 2 58880* •ATTORNEY MUIRu lot 1 | g 3 5* 3*3* : I Wilson A Q Robertson 1 1 1 1-3 1-0 1 , £tSS#*LE BALAFRE wa 5 104 I I .". v 4 4 Is R LcaaterB Mock I U U 1-5 4-41 52888* DUKE RUFF w S 107 E E 4J «■* 5* E I .1 Francis .; de Bstrampes 21 2 21 1 1-: | 52391 FLY HOME a I MI 117 7 7 7 1*8 Boyle I Grace II 10 10 4 2 SMll*LENORA P. wn 4 Ml 7 7 51 I "■ 0* 3 7 J Smith II B Thompson 10 II 10 4 J Time, 23S. 47. 1:12. 1:38V 1:42%. Track fast. mutuet* paid, Hrundr, 1921.sh.70 straight, 13.80 place, 11.30 show; -lack Healey, 11.10 place, -00 I 1 show: Attorney Hair, 02.80 show. Equlvaleal bookiag odds Qraady, 383 to UK straight. 19 to 100 place, 88 to 100 si„v,: jack Healey, 455 to loo place, 125 to loo show; Attorney Hair, 23 to loo show. Winner Ch. g, by Roqaelaare Prude, by Meddler traiaed by W. A. Carter; bred la England by Mr. F. C, St. 111 1. Went to post at 4 : l-" . At Boat :i minutes. Start good and slaw. Won eaiitc-ring : si, ond and third driTiag. GRUXD1 recovered bis speed saddenly and. upriatiag into ■ long had. set ■ great pace and won in I canter. JACK HEALEY ran a gasse race: Imt va- tiring and ju-t lasted long eaoogh to out stav ATTORNEY Mill!. The latter began slowly and dtaed a big gap. DUKE BUFF ran poorly. I.K BALAFRE showed speed. Scratched 52038OMalley. llL. Overweights Doke HnfT, :•! pounds. :

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921020501/drf1921020501_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1921020501_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800