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AMERICAN FEES HIGHEST1 • Broomstick Service Cost Leads, That of All Other Sires. » i Four Sires in England and One in France Nearest to Whitney Stallions Price. The standard of stallion service Era has ad niicisl i-ll in this country ill tin- course of lie 1:1-1 tea rear*. Bor the anas] fashionable sires ii i- bow M to the hili.-: matt Opm if England or France. Ill ted the p].ii Ji ll saecesafal Brooaaatiefc l- m.w the highest priced staUioa in tin- world .-it bia f e f 82.888. Abroad last year tbe highest price was approximately 82.BM for Gaj Craaader, ttoinsher-*ngh. Oread Parade aad The Tetrareh la Saarland aad Bardaaapale in Frame, li will be nbarnni ilnii Pater lan aad Negofol are now offered tee limited ] ul.l i - aiivtec al the -nine -..-t bar*. In j Raglaad Polymetaa. Peauaere, ft i Bemle, Baaatar | aad Swynford stanil al ,508 ■ price exacted here for Whisk Br n II.. Pair Hay. Cadge] aad A--agni. Qalte ■ number of oar fine utallieaa are not advertised far pabtlr Ben tee, betas wagered far the aae ..f their owners, or Ear otherti by private contract, la this category are Prlatc Palatine, Lake M.I. nk.-. Oimiiadali, Oadea, sir Ifartta. Ommbala aad hi- foal aaa Campflre, Banger Back, Light Rrlsade, Sun Briar, Omar Khayyam, Plittergold, st. Rack. Trevieeo and Magic II. The bitter i- tbe borae which nace apaa a thae created tenalnas Hen in England by defeating the mighty Baynrde for ha Goodwood Cap, when in the betting it was l to Lu ajf.Mio-i Barwaa • i 3B • .. i ogatast Masai II. H «iiiT. Ituyardn carried K-hl iioaada to 100 on itagic II. number of theaa hoi.-.-- are already demonstrated nacceaaea, ami great Interest ati.i. into the eatry into rariag of tkc yaaag Oaur Khayyams. Boa Brian am! ampfire-. Following is ■ Usl of the baraea ulaadlai at pab-li - service m thi- count cy al SMI ac more, together with their date* cf foaling, beeedias aad foe*. Together tbey eanatitatc ■ reaaeaeoa of the most fashionable an. I saeceesfal Baea of breedlag bow seeeestble to tiios..- irtlBag t.. pay the price. PRESENT FEES FOR AMERICAN SIRES. BtaahaatW-k, b. b. MM, by Bea Braah Elf. by Ualllard ,300 Peter Paa. b. li. 1 18*1 1, bj Coauaaade Cinderella, by ll.-iniit 2.tM Necofol. b. h. IMS, by i k N. I.ronz.-. by Hoche 5.0S4 Wlii-k Itroom II.. . li. h. 1SBT. I y r.toom sti. k -Aiuli.-n. .-. by Kil Btxac 1,3M Pair Play, ch. b. 1MB, by ilu-timrs Pahry ;oi i. by Bead Or l.MQ Cudgel, b. li. 1814. by Brooms tlt-k- Eageaia llur.-h. by Ben Htraate I.9SS Aaaagai. b. li. 1MB, by Bpmraiiat — Chart, l y St. Simon I.3M Sweep. i»r. h. 1MT. by Bea Braah— Plak l . initio. Doaiiao l,SM Peasant, rta. b. ilftlli. by Peter Paa Royal Ruae. ! . Royal Hampton I.ihmi i Minm-. cb. li. ItM. h.v Coauaaada — Boa ninx St. by liomiiio I.immI llonil.— . l-lk. b. Uilii. b Negafol Hoar— II., bj K- -k Sai,.| 1 Kill Ballot, eb. ii. I1WM, bj Voter Cerito, by l...Mlan.l Chief -V i Thaaderer, eh. h. ltlS, h. Braoaiatick let ■C] Ugbtataig, bj Uaaibars Btt hii-l.- b. h. fltlS. by Speanaint- Lady Haarharg, by Haaibarg 9M Johren, b. h. 1915, by Bpearmial Min.-oia. by Meddler . SM Wra.k. b. h. ilitnlti. by Boberl le DiaMe Simi.l.iii-. by l-in«la-- ." i .l North Star III., eh. h. d.illi. by sun-tar Ahgelio, by si. Aagda 5SS Black Tooey. br. b. 1M1, by Peter Paa Belgraria. bj Bea Braah 5*d Brown Priaee. i r. h. Ir»l4. by Dark Ba ii-l.l Bxeelleaaa. lar limit Brioa BBS Carle, ch. h. l.Mi..i. by Star Shoot The Nit-.-.-, by Alarm SBt siiori UraaM, b. h. USSBf, by LaTeao Oal barat, by Rathaaiaat - mj Ma;atlon. b. b. IBM, b] Martagaa n daks . b; »t. Kiaaoa .".00 iil. iiin. br. li. I1B10. i y Rock Baad Lad] ..f the Vale, by Bayoa lt»r BBS At ii lexer t -.- thaa IMS there i- ■ grasp of ■plfpdidlj bred -tallion-. som.- of wlii.-h bare ■Iraady mail.- theW- mark in -n. -.--lnl -tint life. Xbeaa at s: tMt are Vaa TraMp. ih.minani. All Gold, Amlaiaaador, Jiaa timttwey. Bach Vi.-w. Kias Jaaaea aii.l Siip.-rnian: at s-" "t. Graalte and Ifant dOr: at P380, Tea Caddy, Troatbeek, Ilaiinoni. on, Baeoba, llnon. Uleaealra, Wigatoae. Iiizw ilii.-im. Great Britata and The Pinn; at I13B, Bicieat aad Peter Quince. Offered at the aaora aiaderate fee of sum are lh.-k W.-il.-. sir John lohnmn, The Hannger, Waterrale, Aeroaant, t.-i. Vennle, Boyal II.. Wood utone, I--n ill-ion. Crimper. Ilamtenant, Spanish Prince, Sweep On. Torchbeaier, Z.-u-. Patand, llni-ni. t llamraacb, Vaadergrift, UiBhamptan, Horran. Manager Wait. Tony Bencre. Palcinea. and Trompe hi Moil A man awning a gaad man might K" farther and fan- Worae than iii ni.ikiiiK a -i-l.-.tioli fluin this li-t. a — ■ — -