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FIFTH RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. MARY FONSO. b. f, 3 93 By Assagai — Mary Esterling, by Lord Esterling. Trainer, J. Huffman. Owner. Huffman and Lane. , 52976 Shporl 55 f 1:18 hvy l» 93 i 3 3 :. 2* I. MoDotl H RaekBay. MiekeyMoore. Uomton 62817 F.Gnda lm70y l:46%faat in 102 sion 9 111 11s* J J M*neylS W.otbeWp, Roinner, CbarlteO. • i 5276S P.Gnda 1 1-16 l:.Vi-.liv 12 7 r. 6 i 4 9* :,1T Ij McDottl2 n.MrKekna, Van*, ». bnrna 62715 F.Gnda 1-1-16 1 :51ttnrad 7 9B I 6 6 E :;1 4;L n McDott 8* Blalae, B. Light III., S.erestBoj . r.ifVji F.Gnda ImTOy l:45*£faat 20 s7 1 I 4 1 lh : L McD*oULarenaMoaa, LightWine, Rtimntal l | 62517 F.Gnda S-4 l:13%fant 12 IM I E 7, 6 7 •■• .1 Roberta 11 Julia N.. Philanderer, Tout or 62826 JeTaon 6S f l:09andfaat « 187 18 I 7 ."» Il J Rotterta 11 IHantoon, I.. Wynne, OtMtinnU . , MICKEY MOORE, br. g, 4 106 By Ben Trovatf — Africa, by Savile. I Trainer, C. Smith. Owner, C. Smith. .7. HO Hhport ■■: i".:lt. hvy . n » ■" i 2 2* 2* II Elrickan 7 Pep.PolIy, Parrish. M.flingluim [2978 Shn vi|pt ,".: f 1:98 livy 12 118 1 1 2 21 :.; R Hoi way 8 Hack Hay, Mary Fanao, .Mormon " , 62799 F.Gnda 3-4«i 20 io7ii ii !» s1 ;: M Garner 12 Vaasylyia, T.Xlghter, LMaudie ; : ; 62881 F.Gnda 3-4 l:13%fast s KB i g 9 ; »«* F Wdatkll Ortera, Cobalt Lnaa, frW flinnrt . SfStt, p.Gnda 3-4 l:14%faat 8 l"S 7 lo 11 ll1 1 -" JI King 13 Mldlaa, Loya, i,i BInner BBS F.Gnda S-4 I:18%hvy 4 i"i 4 3 3 2J 3J C Ponoe IX Rargoyne, Kealah, Valerie Weal 1 j E2884 JeTaon 1-4 1:13 slow 10 114 1 2 2 2£ 6:" J Ro r«ezl8 M.Maxim, PlaiiiHill, Trackstar : VALERIE WEST, br. m, 7 101 By Bannockburn — Sinfi, by Loyalitt. Trainer, J. Robertson. Owner, J. P. Lyons. 62891 F.Gnda 3-4 i:i::-r.iasi 30 IO0 6 7 5 ■" t*l J Bhelpeta 13 Lancelot, OakliiHello. Mannite e ! ■ 62886 FXJnda 3-4 l:14%faat 12 M9 l :; 6 9*118*1 E Martin IS ll.liurgu.vm-. Ragaana, CtieLaaa 1S j 52322 F.Gnda 3-4 l:14%faat 10 105 1 11 V ".- 41 11 Ericksnl3 Mi lian. Loys, Old Sinner 62222 FGnda 3-4 l:184thvy s 99 7 4 4 3i 4»| W Bog-* ski 18 Bnrgoyne. Kexiab, Mickey Moore e , 62889 JeTaon 3-4 1:17 hvy 7 MR 2 11 ll 21. W I.ogski 9 n.Burgoyne, Poultney, Tarascon fl!»46 Jef.son 3-4 1 :17%hvy 20 989 6 4 f. 5: W Bofakl 8 I/wnly, Uracelot, Oaklawn Belle * . 61904 Jefson 51 f l:074irast 20 988 a 4 6 4i 4*1 X HopklnalS .l.Coeliel. l.Iorluguesp, ClineS. • . LADY MILDRED, ch. m, 8 106 .y Dick Welles — Incendiary, by Lamplighter. j Trainer, C. S. Wilson. Owner. W. F. Strauss. 62973 Sh. port 6 f l:18%hvy 3 IM 1 1 1 1| VI H Ericksn 7 Pep*yPolly. Bt.Juat, TonySutton a ; 62833 F.Gnda 3-4 l:U%faat 20 188 7 6 G 4 7. 1 E Pool 13 General, Philanderer, atoronl ; 52723 F.Gnda 3-4 ia8%hvy 20 183 6 B B 8*1 9" H Thurberll Resist. Harmite, Serbian 61824 JeTaon 3-4 l:19%mud 20 i"2 7 7 E 2* 8*10 Banta 10 AanaGallup, Lonely, CobaltLaaa ls 31770 JeTaon 3-4 l:tt%KOod 12 102 7 fi 6 l l 6 O Babln 1» Vanalyrla, Nebraska, Keen Jane * 61738 JeTaon 3-4 1 :17=ihvv 13 107 2 2 C 4» l*|E Martin 12 Mormon, Safranor, Hig Idea . 99718 DeVre S-4 IM fast 42 110 1 1 • 1 3* 6* L Gaugel 13 PoaRyea, First Pullet, Clark M. . KINGLING II., b. h, 8 111 By Ethelbert. — Kings Favorito, by Hanover, I Trainer. J. Arthur. Owner J. P. Mandyberry. 62712 F.Gnda 1 l:43%mnd lo r 7 1 2 .". .". 5 ",-- J Roberta fi Ponltney, Ixnrell, Brookland 68846 F.c*n ls 1 1-16 1:48 fast 98 i"7 3 1 " 7 7- 6" .1 J iTney 8 Bengali, Capt.Bnma, W.Tubow vv 3L31S F.Gnda "-1 l:13%faat 30 116 H 99 1" lo1 I"1" .1 McCoy 13 Cinderella, Midian. Ragaaaa j 52134 JeTaon 1 1-8 l:3a*4faat IS 1"7 7 2 2 •"- 71 7:1 .T Roberts 13 I.yWanl. Iligh.I.ail. H.HampsoD D 52072 JeTaon lm7"y l:49%hvy 3 1 5 2 2 2 3 3« 61 T Jarvis 7 Medusa, Betsy, Kirstles Oak PHILIPPIC, b. b, 7 106 By Cicero — Quair, by Orme. Trainer, G. R. Bryson. Owner, E. K. Brygon. 62978 Shporl ■". . [1:18 livv 38 li" R . »: 8 -1 I Sh?leiK-ts R RaekBay, MaryFonso, Mick.Mre 62489 F.Gnda im7«v l : i! " 80 107 98 : B 99 11s 11 A J Shelepeta 14 V. Rambler. Roisterer, Big Idea -;1 62395 F.G*nd8 3-4 l:14V4faat 48 108 13 11 7 13 IS** J ShelepetslS H.Burgoyne, Ragaaaa, CtieLaaa •J E2272FGnda S-4 1U3 good 49 186 10 12 12 oilo-v J Shelopeta 13 H.Burgoyne, Itlaiae, Pbera Pel et 614S5 Rowie 6h I l:22".-.Kood 21 998 i I S 6 t:»i .r Pierce «: F.MeOee, Chassenr, s. Kmntem ■ 61458 Bowie 3-4 l:17V5slow 34 113 13 13 13 13 13-» L, Morris 1H IId« .HeeIs, SammyKelly, Tnrf r 61371 Plmlico 1 1 IS l:48Vandfast 7 109 1 2 2 2 2J 3"i J Shelepets 6 Deekmaie. James, Capita] City , 612R9 Pimlico 3-4 1:15 fast 23 M 9 fi 6 Ill1 L Morris 14 1 Caulois. Nancy Ann. Ixuel.T MORMON, blk. g, 5 116 By ogden— Rose of Gold, by Top Gallant. Trainer, J, Boland. Owner, J. L. Coyle. 63411 Shporl ." i" 1 :17-:.liv- G no ! .". ♦ 31 2 1" Smith BaekBay, Don. Roma, U--. Goose w 62873 P.Gnda 3-41:15 rood S IIS .". I 3 9* U*1 B Smith IS H.Burgoyne. Blafae, Tliers Pet 81 I ■ 3202m .Iff son S-4 1 :14 fast 21 117 ! 6 7 102 10" 1 l.yke 11 II. OPay. Har. Bnrgoyne, Knos 1S 61738 JeTaon 3-4 l:17%hVy 2 2 nil I 1 1 l5 PI J Rodg; en IS Safranor, Big Idea, Double Van 88268 Dorval S-4 l:28lihvy 12-5 189 3 1 I 2* 2"* T Xolan S PeacefnlHtar, M.Dfxon, Chrome e 68831 Dorval S-4 l:2!"-.hvy 41-10 997 1 11 l3 1* T Xolan 7 HlgfclandLnd, Moiu-tte, Alexdetz tz COMACHO, b. h, 7 111 By Celt— Mildred Shults, by Orvieto. Trainer, E Lutz. Owner, H. Dernham. 62027 Jet" son 3-4 l:14?»iast 100 ;i- il n 11 11 n:i A Collins 11 Approval, Rack Hay. luliux 61984 JeTaon 31 f l:"7-,fast IO0 IM n R 8 s5 M« a Collins 13 J.Ooebel, T.Portugneae, QlineS, ,• riS44 JeTaon 3-4 l:18%hvy 60 107 N 8 7 8* 7" .1 Heupel 10 DoubleVan, Qptnnity, Br.Cpbell 11 61788 JeTaon 5". f 1 :0*i=ohvy 30 lit « 7 7 0 S« J Heupel 7 Miss K rater, Knos, Foreclosure J* 60196 Dufrin Ab 5-8 1KB slow 22 US 6»J J Dnrfnick 8 V.Walcutt, P.Heather, Woodpile] "" 5006 Dufrin Ab 7-8 1.-34 fast 20 114 711 N Foden 7 Raill.ird. Plantarede, Hoauua 50032 Dufrin AbOif 1:28 good 10 121 88 A Casey S Jack Lucas, Safranor, Hoaaaai P. G. KING, b. g, 6 111 By Mint — Elsie Harris, by Eon. Trainer, R. E. Watkins. Owner, R. E. Watk ins. £2789 F.Gnda i 1-16 l:46Hfa»t 40 MS 12 12 12 12 •ISf1 S Wkla 13 Sentimental, Saain, Serbian 53834 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:47%faat 30 11112 12 12 11 10» 10" J Heupel 12 Benevolent, Dr.Jim. B.Ltgk-Un. 1 I £2572 F.Gnda 1 1-98 l:47%faat 25 103 I 7 10 10 Sl S J Heupel 10 Corson. Colonel Lit. Iwlaiwin 62489 F.Gnda lrr.70v 1 :4i!-,tast 208 112J 7 7 7 7 7 7™F Miller 7 Romany, Tippo Sahib, C. Orient ! 88958 BLdeGe 1 1-16 l:50%faat 8f 984 13 16 98 10 13* IP B Parana M Tom Brooks, Patina, Attor. Mntf lir GLADYS, b. f. 3 It. 93 By Sweep — Etbelberta, by Ethelbert. Trainer. T. A. Scott. Owner, A. J. Buja. 52465 F.Gnda 1 1:41 fan! 46 KM 6 6 8 B I 8*» H Stearns S Gorilla. W.othe Wiap, Bl.Stone "* 52168 JeTaon ImTOy l:44%fast 60 89 M 99 M M M 1-"" s Mitchell 10 Murray. Chesty. Glen Well r.i,,;,.-, Jefson 3-4 1:10 slow 25 187 .i ■ 8 6" 071 K Smith 10 SeaConrt, B.ofGreen, H.Pncea* M 32020 Je I"; son 6i 1 1.66*tfat 180 188 7 7 9 7,x, 5*1 E Smith 11 Plantoan, L. Wynne, MaryPoaac s" i,s. Jefaon i f 148 fast 180 985 7 7 7 7 7" X Brerett 7 Mary Head, Begnrota, Repent 61R45 JeCson 3-4 l:18%hvy 30 ! s 1 1 11 11 99*J 8U 8 Mitchell 11 C.A.Byrne, SealVmrt. MaryFonM -so 51777 JeTaon 1 1:43 good 68 91 4 4 9 9 99* 18* X Everett Hi Ionia. Salute, Old McKenna BALLYGIHEN. ch. f. 3 M 93 By Handsel — Santa Lucia, by St. Florian. Trainer, A. Luzader. Owner, A. Luzader. 52S33 F.Gnda 3-4 lJJ%fast 100 92J12 13 13 13 13" F Andaon 13 General, Philanderer, Moroni 62826 Jefaon 5i f i:oa:-fast i: 1"-- 9 16 99 10- io5 M Garner 11 Plantoon, 1. Wynne, MaryFonso 7 61735 Jefson 3-4 3 :i9-.-,hvv 31 M6J 1 ti 4 6* 6** H King 7 MontiUo, BeCretary, MJoapfeina : 51040 Jefson 5 f 1 :"v;-,last 15 104 7 S 7 5*1 5*1 J J ITney 12 The Moor, Hi;; Son Repent 51393 Churchl 7-8 l:27:-4fast 24 107 9 7 7 ! 9l 9»« F Wilson 14 Corilia, Eleanor S., Cut Up , 612G5 c:hun:hi 3-4i:it; cood 12 112 • 10 8 71 710 K pool 15 Cold-Quince. BlancheMac. Oarflla ,, " LITTLE NIECE. 1 . f. 3 M 101 By TTncle— Matterhorn, by Himyar. Trainer. E. P. Summerfield. Owner, W. H. Fizer. .K: Church" 1 65 l 1:09 ;.-.imnl 17 107 8 8 8 6" ;, S Boyle 12 Melvin, Day of Pence, Keep I 44467 I.atonia 5J f l:13%hvy 8 103 S 3 4 8* MW Wright 11 Midia. Slnionlte. Melvin 44230 Latonia 5T f 5 112 2 2 3 7,: :. • ; .1 Howard 12 Bpec.tibrl, HW.Talent, Zinthon n