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TOP 0 TH MORNING WINNER Carrie: Off Speed Handicap at Tijuana— Hyan-pom Fools Public— Latest Western Gossip. san DIEGO, Cal., Pehraarj 21 -lop .,■ :i. Morning rarryina. the red ana green lusan of W. 1 Beanl ami capably ridden by Jockey w. Gargan, ran a good r.iee Io win the Speed Handicap at Tijnaiui Sunday. Ti Id teliow w .- awaj slag- giskl] and was fa :.. k ia the early running, hut after roaadiag the last turn he chsMMl up with ; well iii I rash ami. racing into defeat the pacemaker Phrone Ward, look the lead ami at the end wa- ■. length and a half before Wynnewood, which bad .-i tbree-qaarters adantaLre over Phrone W Il. I pile the fact thai Top o lh" Morniag ran a remarkable race tie- performance ol Wyaaewood was a n, ore sensational one. Boon after the field left the barrier Wynnewood eras caught in a Jam ami jo, key Thompson was f ed to staad arret in his stirrups io keep hi- mount from K«ie« down, lh- a nnlj lo-i many lengths hut wa- knocked , mpiei ly ,,ff hi- stride. s in- ,.r i be best two-year-olds quartered at ■ iported e,,!oi- in the baby race, the winner , f which turned up in Creatwood Boy, alsa owned bj w. i : We. mi. The strapping rob of Boots ami Saddli i restwood Girl ran like a real race horse. ifter 1 :, ,n , lo-e up he e.iine through the stretch straight and tree ami easily satgaated the highly t hough I of Ineogaanee. Polly Wale was third. I1,,- inn, ii Improved colt Byaapom fooled ihe wise -ei. which were of he opinion thai a muddy track was ma. -n for him to win. Be won the seventh ra«e in gallant fashion after being seem ingl beaten. A- Hyanpom ha- Improved with everj race ami -ei ms to have a likinx ror a long route, hi-good race i day will win him manj admirers foi the Tijuana Derby. A warm san, which -hone oat of a turquoise sky. and .1 well arranged card was instrumental in bringing out another large Sunday crowd. KnshaBir and War Ma-k worked a mil" in L Fl lietween the races today in preparation for he san Diego Business Men- Handicap, Srbtch is to he decided mi Tuesday, Washingtons birthday. Por crowdiag in the stretch in the fifth i. i Zii::hr drew a five days anspeasioa.