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SHREVEP0RT FORM CHART — SHREVEPORT, LA.. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1921. Becoad day. Shreveport Jockej Clah. Winter Meeting of 13 days. Weather clear: temperature 70 . — Presiding Jadge, .los,.| ii a. Murphy, starter, .lames Osborne. Racihg Secretary, J. B. CaatphelL — Raciag starts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago time i:30 p. m.t. *Iadtr tes appreatice aUawaace. — ■ XQAiQ FIRST RACE — 7-3 Mile. Pnrse 00. 3-year-old and upward. Claiming. Net value OtjUirtl lo winner 50; second, 00: third, 0. "TnTle Ilnrses AIVUTSti n _■ 4StrIin .loi keys Owners 1 II I I S _ — | j .•■.» »-.! sii:.Kl.K.K wb $ M6 :■ I l1 1 12 -- 1 A Rkh-rkM .1 Kramer 3-S 4-6 1-2 1-5 out tit .-■■i! :« DR iA.MI! ELL wsb J 198 I i ■■ I* l!l l«* 2J E mit.i D B Preeraaa 8 B 7 :•-.". 7-nt 10 | !■ 02767 »TIGER ROSE n 5 199J 2 2 -- 2 . - ■ ■ . Babir J Robertson S 7 I hB5 3-3 r-Mitil VERSAILLES a 1 II 6 1 4 i 4» -t ; I I. McDottG Rous 12 28 29 7 .". P27I2 OLD FAITHFUL v, 3 MO i* L Aron J McDemtid 8 IS 1.". 5 2 I 52748 CTERBALANCE wbb 5 10$ 1 1 t S I I I A Colliua W O Stoner 18 7 2 7-10 in I Time, 27, 55. 1:27, l:44i. Track heavy. Winner — B. ix- by Spearmint mare by Cylteae— ThimMe trained by . Phillips; bred in England by ,v Lord Harvard de Waldea. I Went ta pest at L:_i. At post i miante. start u. i and alow. Woa driving; necoad and third the i same. BPEARLEXE sei the pace tn the last tarn and. after being beaded, finished gamely aad outstayed , DR. CAMPBELL. The latter raeed wide on the turns, hat ran well and made a gaaae 6aish. TIGER r ItOMK ran a good race and fiaisbed well. YEUBAILI.ES Cnished gamely. COCXTERBALAXCE ran as i, ii unlit. Overweights Tiger Rose, !.• pounds. -- I JT fyft f% SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-ye u-olds and upward. Claiming;. •3tl vF-L" Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. — " Index l|..isis AWllISl ■ _■ "-.I Str Kin -Iix keys Owners O H C P 8 7r»-i «»;.-. iiKiitv POLL! .sk 3 55 3 j V I= 1:1 1. McD*ott1 .1 Pendergaat 1-511-101 24 iui ut Ptt 76 MICKEY MOORE 1 IM 7 5 I U -■ - H Bricksn Smith 17 4 1 : j : -.■ PARRISH WB4U6 I « 5«1 5 $■ I A Collh«s l.A lire. nidus 8 M M I 8-5 : : r 2390 .MAD. GINGHAM u 3 MO 13 7 7 5] i F Murphy M Reiner 8 M M 1 f=-5 ." !8tt IVANMIST » ■ u li 1*1 4*| i S K Smith D B Preeanan I I I 8 7-lfl •10 RS075aST. JUST a i IM « • • "_ ; Babin .1 l Gruber 8 M li i 7 i .•r!"..-! TONY SUTTON wa 3 10$ ." 7 3* 7 7 .1 McCoy Alfd v Bmton 20 : 15 E 1 Time, £6. 5335. 1:08. 1:1G. Track heavy. Winner Br. f. by McGee — Mirror, by sir i»i trained bj 1.. I aim; bred bj Mr. Charles W. Moore. Went lo post at 2:34. At post :i minutes Btart lcm.i1 and sl.w. Won easily; second and third dri Ing. PEPPERY POLLY raeed Into the lead in the Irat i|aarter aad, drawing away, waa easing up. I j MICKEY MOORE moved up resolutely in the stretch and Bnished gaawly. PARRI8H dropped back , in the first quarter, bat cloaed a gap in the stretch. lYAXMlHT set the early pace, bat tired badly la the I stretch. MADRAS t;iN ilIAM came from far back. TOX1 BUTTON, quit. Snatched r.-.w. American Rose, 100. Overweights Ivanmiat, 2 pounds: Tony Sutton. .!. _ 4 THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 5QA-I Ovf J- A Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. — Index Horses AWtPPSt ». ] .■ :-4 Str Kin .1 oekeys Owners o H c I s _ 8t*70BACK BAY i 13 1H l» 2» 1 1 .1 il Burk Sder v Holmes 1-2 3-511-201-6 out ut 82076 MORMON w« "■ U4 ■ I 4 31 ! ■ E smith .1 I. Coyle 5 •; I Bt744»DONNA ROMA wa li"i j: :; j« .i McCoy WahSack Stable G I I .-■•»«», ROSCOE GOOSE « SIM 13 1 ■ I P I-" A Collins Drunhlller ii 10 M I i B274J PLAIN BILL a • 11" $ - ■ 5= 5" i; RomelliHickey Broa 8 li 12 1 5-5 .-.-.Miftl KIRSTIES CUB WB I UO 2 f C S t • Brown C «; Sheldon 12 15 15 S - Time. 25V 53 = .,. 1:08, 1:17 = 5. Track heavy. Winner— B. g, bj Rubicon Genua, •• Balgowaa trained by D. Woaaeldorff; bred by Mrs. Bertha Laaigaa i. . nt to at 8:30. At post 1 minute. Start £ I and slow. Won bandit] : second and third driving. BACK BAY begaa slowly, bul was kept la th tx I goiag and. gaining steadUy, raced into . a ■ clear lead la the last sixteeath. MORMON also made up fround aad. Baishtag gamely, outstayed DONNA ItOMA in the final strides. DOXXA ROMA raced well la th geiag and mad.- a game ftalsb. ROSCOE ,. i.nusi: set a i I pace, ii;t was kept in the worst pan ..l the track and tired badly in the stretch. , PLAIN BILL gait. Scratched— 52813 Miss Kruter, 100; 52081 Valerie West, 100. _ I fTQ/h"! O TOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Pvrre 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming! OOv Las Net value to winner 50: r.econd. 00: third, 0. Index Horse* AWtliSt t _ t Str Fin Jockeys Owners i 11 ~ v 8 — _ Btw78 SHTlLING w l 104 I P. I* 1* l1 1* L Aron vnderaon Bros 8 16 7 b-ToiTt ut I UlltURAXDGE MB 5 113 I 4 2 2 2 . ■ .1 McC?y Wcndel 13 out Bl 52839 GOLDCREST ROY w 114 • 1 :: 3* 3 - N Tiller Pelican Stable 1-2 7-M6-5 I out Ut .Vi!»7! BAR ONE nan 5 112 j 1 i 14 I I H Bu-kehder .v Holmes I «. s : out Jt Time. 282,. 56-,. 1:27-",, 1:57. 2:05. Track heavy. Wmnei--Ch. i bj Beth Alio toiaionei hj The Commoner tn d hj t Wright; bred bj M.-rs rs Hall Broa. i. Went to post at :; IS At post I minute good and slow. Woa eaaily; second and third driving. v- SHILLING, showing the most speed and kepi in the beat goiag, auickly raced lato m leag Pad and nd m a eased np. t RANDKK as tloae up all tin way, bat tired from being la the worst part of the track. k GOLDCREST BOY was always far hook. BAB OXE was always badlj outran. Scratched .".-!i7.t Koh l-aoor, 166, I i I , * : . I. , . ; i : | I I ,, ,. • i, ,, ; a ■ J I 0 i . CTQa**h"i Q TIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Pur.e SS00. 3-vcr-olds and upward. Maidens. OO "-!«[ Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: th.rd. 0. ~I~»rt" Kin . OrtniTs 0 H C P iloi ■■■ s AWtPPSt i . str .Tnekey S__ FiHua HOREB v. l U$ 6 l -1 2 V. IS K Smith R S Steele i.-T. 2 H-. 7-102-5 E270f PLATO w ill. 7 5 1 Mi: r| ity D McDerrnld 4 ~~ • - 4-J ..•; r..» SIR i VERGNE villi S 2 1 i; - A Collins W St inccnt 3 4 S| 7-5 1-: .".:,.74 HAND SSVEEP n«B 3 112 • « 7- «• .V -in a Richer kD Yititoe .0 23 M 8 + .1 r. HERTZ r* 115 I r 4 " I H PurkeW D P.ernhardt ", :, r, 1 4-S 5t400 v.NNRs PET i 7 i • i1 ■■ I tl R Rnmriii!. .1 Brawn • M C |"1RII 11 n ■• iix - 7 I . ; . 1 RodsezJ Corvine IS li 10 4 2 r2630 XI rOSEPHINE 2 1«»S 8 R $ S 1 McCr.v lfl A Fimton G S 7 2 1 Time, 27, 54n;.. 1:10%, 1:1825. Track heavy. Winner— B. u bj Horron Lyprienne b Kingston trained h J. Boland; brfd by Messrs. Talbot Broa.. Went to post at 1 till Al post 1 minute. Start good aw slow. Won driving: second mid third the HOREB kepi ii .■• beat going, n-as prominent from the start, lint had to lie ridden hard near !,■ end to out taj PLATO. The latter began slowly and had to close n big nap. but finished fastest of nil. sll; John VERGXE sei the pace to the stretch, bul wan tiring fasl at the end. .1 E. HI*UT7. red speed bul tired badly. 1IANO SWEEP was gaining at th* end. Scratched :.2BO0 Wireless, 11 gr O/h-g /4 SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse S500. H-year-olds and upward. Claiming. *3«3" JLi Net value to winner S350: second. S100: third, 0. Index Horses AWtliSt , : --j Str Pin Jockeys Owners 0 11 C P 8 fT*707,CdRYDON wB * 115 11 l l lJ V J RnrtgVi 3 4 3J 5-3 1-2 .- -;81S THCNDERB1RD WSB 4 tandl 77 7 ■ .1 VIcC«] P .1 Regan I 8 x 2J •;-.. ."J 7!» Sl.NI HKlA WB Z 118 E .: E BUtith E W .Moore 2 2 2 7-lH-:j 5*767»HARVEY SMARR w 5 IM « I 4" R HoIwayW L Hatehatl I i I I 1 r-.IoS CAPTN BURNSwB 10 IM 2 I i1 2 ■" : l.abni .1 Simpson hB5 2 H-3 3-5 1-3 -•.";.- : .11 DGE PRICE was 7 116 7 5 4« 4 $• II GregoryH Field lO 21 20 S 4 .* l!:;o WILL1GAN 108 I - $• • 7 7 7 I. McDottRrigSS! ,v Hitch k3$ 3$ ?0 10 i Time, 28. 57, 1:27=. 1:57=, 2:05-,. Track heavy. Winner i h. g, by Hamburg Sylvan, by Disguise trained bj A. Lnsader; bred by Mr. Marry Payae Whitney I. Weni to post at I :■•-. At post ."i minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv in-. CORYDOX, lucky at the start, raced lato the lead and the heat going ;t eaee and held away throughout. THCXDERBIRD dropped far hack after suffering from crowding at the start, but cJaaed ■ big gap and finished fast. SIMHUIA ran will and had 00 mishaps. HARYEY SMAUU well. APTAIN Bl KNS tired badly after goiag a half mile. Overweights Thunderbird. 1.. pounds.