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SALE OF SWEEP BY IS REGRETTED Harry IS sin. lair recently bangfcl from Phil t hiiiu tin man- Irtdeaccacc. bj Peter Pan- r»iu-jilitiS. by St. Leonards, ami thereby hang- a tale. IrMeacesci i the dam of ■weep By, the brawn t we-rest -old by Sweep arkiek Sum HJidreth, Sin-.lairs late tint partner, sold to Walter B. Haaae let Mrs. f.o s..tKiii Tii.- co-t HRdretb -; inh» ai in. Kara toga -ah- After the tranafer i., ii- a-,.- liihii.Ui arha i- l.-nip.-raiii- atal .1 ..n iiiue- ragretted the aale. Mr. Maria br i- aald t-. bate offered siti.txxi or mare f"i tin- catta retara s.-.-p By stas iu Houses hand-.