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| p he h ti fc „ n si G KALITAN SUCCEEDS SQUARE DEAL II. The Breed ins Bareaa of the Jockey Clab ha- been presented with the fiae horse Kalltaa. and he will sent t,. the Genesee Vallej withia the next fee ,l:n- to ink, the place of Rquare Deal II.. which recently died at "I kover." where the thorough bred -in- operated under the combined auspices of the Jockej Clubs bureau of breeding, and the Federal Itemonnl serviee of tin United States -.*•■■ located on the outskirts -t Avon. Kalitan. which wdii a number of good races, including the Freak -ness stakes, i- a superb IndivMaal. Kalitan i- seveli year- od. a hay. hv Be] Hindoo Dally, hy Gigantenm, and a horse of fine shaj and aabstaaee.