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;; ; ,j - a „ v - . : J 1 1 ii 0 0 ,-, ■ ,-, ,-, mi i r ,; ., nl ,t : _ . • t ,e ut t., _ 1 1,1 cl _ lc -. , * J? Uose Tj .J" " / .... • ■ "ft v . . i.l THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. May 20, 1920—59—4—107. STRIKER, br. g. 11 99 By Disguise— Contentious, bv Galore. Trainer, J. Dupiran. Own»r, W. E. P»rker. 2989 Tijuana , 1-4 1:14 7 112 1 :: 4 ! 2:; W Hinphy 11 UoMieBoee. QXnac Mlaafli dalla 52916 Tijuana 5-8 1 :i»2:-.-sl op 47-10 Mi I i I 81 8»1 B Mali Hi 8 Perch, Biagleader. Little .lake 52884 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%faat 13-5 112 N u 111] -1, Foden 12 HagaaaBeir, Ap.Jack, I-ewisI! 52239 Tijuana I l:41%raat 9-5 115 n Ptnncgrl2 aBt.Monatn, Prairie PhilMartin 52424 Tijuana 51 t l:07%faat 8-5 M8 8*| L Mills 18 Ringleader, Velvet, Gertrude B 11857 Tiiuana 3-4 106%f aat 11-33 115 2"- L Mills inc. LaaaeU, Modiste, Praailact LITTLE JAKE. ch. g. 11 105 By Krutsch— Stella Perkins, by Prophecy. Trainer, M. P. Level. Owner. E. M. Lst»1 08 Tijuana 41 f -i tast IS Ml I 1 7 5 Ill Taylor N Biaeata, C.A.Conikey M.Barbei 52916 Tijuana 5-8 l:42%alOp :• 112 1 2 I !• A Zeigler 8 Perch. Bingleader. Apple Jack 52849 Tijuana 5-8 i:i» 29-tt 114 I 6 7 :.r; 6*1 A Keigier 11 Hjlagletoa, Bng.Lady Temetta .2668 Tijuana 5-S 1.-04 Vkhvy 2S-14 1W :.J M Mtbewalg CasaTgell., D.raaha. Col.Mhy 52648 Tijuana 51 f 1 :llTr.mud 5 112 1 M STglittr 3 I, Princess. T.Dancan I ewisB .".Jill Tijuana 5-1 144%taat 14-5 99 t* B Marielli 8 Shifty. Sherman A., ildy Small SHERMAN A., b. g, 5 109 By Von Tromp — Genna, by Balgowan. Trainer, B. A. Jcnes. Owner, B. A. Jenes. 52830 Tijuana 5-8 :"■:". -.last • HM 4 : s" S Foden 8 Bang, Corncatter, Pga 52735 Tijuana 5-8 148%faat 22 141 2* N Foden 8 Phrone Ward, Corncatter, Bin*: E2584 Tijuana 51 t l:18%alow 1 107 li C Whittoa 7 GreatHawk. Bedgegraas. Bardera ".2.".4!1 Tijuana 51 f 1:11 mud 16-5 1H 1-1 N Foden 7 V in. Welles. Bob Baker CrHsie 2141 Tijuana 5-3 2:1-10 M4 2J X Foden 8 Shifty. UttJe .lake. Lady Small LOVERS LAN-; ii. ch. f. 4 90 By Yankee — Love Cliff, by Clifford. Trainer. W. Block. Owner, W. J. Jordan. 52481 3-4 l:13%faat 24 N II 9 14 149 i«" B Joaiah 11 Lancelot. OafclaBelle Manaita ]885Jeraon 1-4 1:15 fast 10 i"i I I I s s • v. Jostah 8 KatleaCab. Bargagae, o. sinner i77s .n : son J-4 l:15%good 1-5 K» ■, 2 4 .v- :." m Baxton 12 faphank, AnnaOallnp Bigloea ■li:; .r.-fsou 1-1 1:15 fast 13-3 147 I 1 1 2 2- M Buxton !l r.lne.leans. Oa High. Sandy Mac M.VI .l..l1erson 51 f l:106hvy 4| 1"S 2 111* 3*1 M Buxton 8 Al.laze. Hidden Bhip, Midian ; J945 Jamaica I I l:in* 10 M8 1 12 2 3; M Huxton 7 Lad-Love. P.ofComo, OldSinuer CAPERS, br. as, 6 92 By The Commoner — Lady Eastman, by Masetto. Trainer. J. J. Feeney. Owner. J. J. Feeney. :.•_• 17 Tijuana 5-8 1:01 fast 25 182 6 2 2 3*3*] P Hoiu-r !• M bt Van. Criaaie, lireplnce Tijuana -s 1 "i1 List 8 1 9 611 F Cliiivtall Perch. Brasitana, Baby Kaust •o.i.ii Chagria Ab:i-4 1:21 fast 18-5 117 5*J J Dmintck 8 M.MaulMby, BlanchiU Prin Lon 56258 Dorral 3-4 l:20%hvy y 107 6 7 7 S 8s* H Hanaaer 8 Moraioa, M. Dixon S903I KingKd. Aba 8 59%faat 11-5 114 ". | i: Martin 7 My Grade, Waller Mack Iteojst 3731 D-imr Ab 5-1 l:02%fa4t K-3 1071 3* a Qaooy 7 ClearLnke, Phedauea. sVaLMack CAL CURN. ch. g. 11 94 By Stem Winder — Queencup, by Kin* Faustus Trainer. C. W. Officer. Owner. Trowbridge tc Officer. 5214 Tijuana t] f 1 :» E 1"7 7-1 J Callahan 9 Yukon. I, Cover Lp 52063 Tijuana 5A f l M faat 2 112 2 .1 Glass ii Hearer. Clear theWay, T.Daacaa 51944 Tijuana 5-S1:01 fast 8 110 4= E Haywrd 8 Clear Lake. BJposta, Milda 51701 Tijuana 5-8 i:02,-,fast 4-5 112 2«* B Pinnegr 18 Harder, Biagleader, Ptaaajar 516iO Tijuana 5Sl:i2 fast 3 111 2n B Pint.t-.-ar 10 Biposta. Nag, Emilia Weller PERCH, b. m. 6 109 By Ivan the Terrible— Skeptical, by Himyar. Trainer, Z. Barnett. Owner, Z. Barnett.l 52954 Tijuana v f 1 48 good! IM i I 1 1* 1*1 C Grosn 8 Ilex, Clear the Way, MlaaParneU 52:116 Tijuana 5-8 lM%alop Ml 2 1 l 1*1* C Thnaon H Biagleader. UttleJake la Jack .".V2 Tijuana 51 f 1 :071-,fast S 147 4 2 3 5- 3* C Thpson ! Yukon. Keg, Sedgegrass "2730 Tijuana 5-8 lM%aat 17 113 1" C Thpson 11 Brasitana, Bahrraaat, 1. Gentry 52581 Tijuana 5-1 1:48%bIow 22 181 3*11 Taylor 8 MissParnell. Mas. Franklin. Mex PEGGY MARTIN, br. f, 4 M 95 By Martinet— Peggy, by Dr. MacBride. Trainer. J. Curl. Owner, J. Curl. 53341 Tijuana 5-8 1*4 slow :.i" U8 i 1 1 1] :: K Fator 14 Cler.Ji.nia, MieeOuri Perf Day 52915 Tijuana 51 f 148%alop 17 107 9 9 s 7*1 3** C Gross 18 Saw Tooth. Meda, Miaa Oari 32343 Tijuana. 5-4 !:d-r,fast 4"f 106 10 10 10 9- 9* C Gross 11 DyFashion. I.advSniall. Chrome 52771 Tijuana 3-4 l:15Vsfast 6f 105 9«J E Taylor 12 Arietta. J.J.Mdoek. B. Shilling J2170 Tijuana 2-4 ia4%Iaat 61 110 12» C Groso Hi Jweudola. B.Blkwell. I.Harvey 00 ADMIT, b. m, 6 99 By Rey Hindoo— Admit, by Ingoldsby. Trainer. H. Bell. Owner. Millerick Bros. 52543 Tijuana 5 f l:12%mud I 111 7*f A Beigler 13 Jtailtdeeati, Beriear, Oesaa 52248 Tijuana 31 f liB%good! 11 112 1*1 r: carter 11 Ptg Baby, Enaltaaa, C.Maraag 52259 Tijuana 51 f I48%faat 26 111 18** P tfaittttcalS C. the Way, r Direct, RoselUa 51917 Tijuana 5-8 1.82%fast 2] M8 1" G Teargin 12 A.Carr, ValeutiwcLady, O.WaH 51782 Tijuana 5-S 1:02 fast 17 106 :,» B Taylor 12, Irish Daisy. Joscnia, CloverJunla DANCING GIRL. ch. m. 5 106 By Olambala— Dancing Wave, by Top Gallant. Trainer, J. Eckert. Owner, J. Eckert. . 2147 Tijuana 5 f 148%slow 11-5 109 ;, i :. 5*18*13 Teargia 8 AaaaBegiaa, Biposta. BskBali I .2796 Tijuana 51 f 1 07 fast 7 M8 7T C Gross . 1vt. peat. An.ltegiaa, CldeWeet 522S3 Tijuana 51 f 1 987%faat S 105 2-1 C Gross h BeMtaker, CWearer, CIcaiHake 52085 Tijuana 3-1 1:00 fast 12» 106 6»3 C Qroea 7 Phroue Ward. Blag, Harry D. S1900 Tijuana 3-4 l:lX; 101 110 8"? C Gross 10 Olyaspiaakiag, Il.-Land, Sturdea LONELY, b. f, 4 105 By Von Tromp— Isolation, by George Kessler. Trainer, J. A. Carter. Owner. F. Dahnken. 52934 Tijuana 5] f l *l teat I l"l I I 8 8* 8* O Willis 12 Hcl.and. Uobt.L.iiw.-ii. MyrJttea 52471 Tijuana 5-8 l.-43%hvy SS 1". i!M Slghter 8 Wallace U. CacaaUto. Shifty -222 F.Gnds :;- 6 Ml 2 3 1 41 6 J Mr-Tag t 18 Midian. Leys, lid Sinner BUM JeTaaa 51 f 5 111 S 5 6 6 55 J McTagt U Kainhow Jirl. InaKav, Vansylvia .".1946 .bison .1 4 l:17-5hvy .. Id7 1 I I | f J McTagt 8 Lancelot. Oaklanllelle. Malvollo 51S24 J.fson 1-4 l:19%mad 3i Ml 2 4 3 3i 1*| J McTagt 10 AnnaCallun. UMildrcd. C.Iass rUKON, ch. g, 4 109 Bv Deutschland— Lady Vera, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer. W. A. Crawford. Owner. Crawford and Moody. 52388;. 61 f 147%faat 7-5 i"7 1 1 2 2 I] i: Marielli !• Neg, Beagegraaa, Baerer .".2754 Tijuana ::-4!:14 fast li 10 149 B Marielli 7 ClearLake. YiaCuba. C.theWay 52562 Tijuana 1 l:48%raad 21-5 112 2* P Mnrtinea 7 Ola Lee. Lewis i;.. Bang Bird 52529 Tijuana 2-4 1:17 slop 11 111 31 P Martinez 7 Dkh.-.iul. Oi. Lee, W. Montgomery BBM Tijuana 3-4 1:18 hvy 21-10 111 11 P Martini-/. 8 Ap.Jack. CVrMaater, Iret.Baby IKE MILLS, b. g. 6 113 By Stem Winder— Ida D., by His Highness. Trainer. J F. B» in both. Owner J. E. Rainboh! 52772 Tijuana 5i f l:06%fant 48 93 631 V Parks 9 Brit.sAlly. C.icanibo. .n. Wood iZ338 Tijuana 1-4 1:15 hvy 23 114 ." B rater :• cacambo. M. Maalabg. V. Welles ! 53233 Tijuana ;-i l:ll%tnat M 115 I I E Pator 11 Bturdee, May Maaktby, Preetkun S22M Tijuana 5j f 1.44%t*aat 11-5 104 4 B Taylor 8 Sedan. Da Laad, Cacasaho 52131 Tijuana :-1 1 :13%faat 5 107 !*• ■ Taylor 11 K.CIieatlnim. B. Baker. Dkhand 52023 Tijuana HM fast 12 106 54i J Callahan B l*agaau Ward. Sedan. Harry D. LIMERICK, ch. g. 7 .101 By Meelick— Predilecta, by First Chip. Trainer. C. Howell. Owner. Polk lc Askey. 52859 Tijuana :;-4 l:i44;ifast 4-". 112 1 1 8» 18" W Perry 11 OLWood, JJ.Mardock. Bht. Polly 51831 Tijuana :".. t 107 -last Klf M4 5 2 2 3* 7" B Marielli !l Walter Mat k. Little Beack Neg 52788 Tijuana 3-4 1:15 fast 6 111 I* B Marielli 8 Lit.Bch, CamflagelL. B.sWins 52844 Tijuana 51 f 1:12 mud 14-5 110 C5J C Yvhitton 12 Jerlrnde I.. Ann S., Viva 52444 Tijuana 51 f 1:81 fast 7 IM I* A leigier 12 Hlian 8«|uirrcl. ByPaast, Iivaga 52214 Tijuana 51 t IM fnat 29 ilO 9"V Perry L5 Ola Lee. Crown. Sister Polly HEADMAN, ch. g. 4 M 107 Bv The Manager— Lina Holladay, by Hanover. Trainer. D. E. Kearney. Owner. A, M, N. Sin?er. :2928 Tiin.c.:. 511 l:ll%mud 7-5 113 1 11 ., i Robtan 8 IkeHarrry, H. Hayes, I.. Chance 52440 Tijuana lm70y 1:16 fast 12 147 54J P. McCrnn !i Daraag, Zaasloch, Honolulu 5M88 Laurel Ah 2 3:55 fast 122 139 5 2 S F.-1I. ** Ir.ece 8 HigaldLht. BlightylL, Ileboil M893 Laurel A b I 4 :02 fast 46 127 7 7 7 Bolted. F Pre.-ce 7 Ireland, l.ullsevc. Kltuer Johuson 54545 Whe Al.i 1-2 lJ3%alow 27-13 lU Refused. II WUMnu :: i-r.-e state. Oceaaaa 53924 B.Dta Abl 1-2 3:14%goodl3-M 137 13 3 3 3 3 II TTflrmi IT ffrwiBM. Free state