More Heavy Track Racing: Shreveport Going Still Difficult for the Horses in Action, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-22


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MORE HEAVY TRACK RACING Shreveport Going Still Difficult for the Horses in Action. o Shilling- Furnishes a Surprise in the Main Race by Leading-All the Way. il.V .1. I.. DKMISKY. BHRKTBPOBT, U.. Pehrnary 21 -Vaat improvement in marly all respects marked the -port here thi- afternoon and a real racing air pervaded The attendance was fully up to the standard ami nineteen layers qnnted ...ids and were -tang beavflj for a majority of the winners were supix rted I 1 the eM-lu-ion of the other starter-. Thi- wa- primarily due to the trying Hack and well known ability of tin- winner- to run well m the rough going. The weather was pl.-a-.nn ami thi- helped in bringing oal a good number of meal people. " aaa .pii,.- patent that they were neat to raring but they displayed interest end. while there were no .lose finishes, the various winners were liberally applauded. Tiie naming .r th.- fentare race, a mile ami seven! yards dnah, brought about an outstanding Kurpriae in th.- overthrow of toldcreat Bejr, a 11. iioum-ed rarorite, hieh failed to finish better than third, the wi -r in tlii turning up in Shilling. The latter skirted the track aa the extreme cut- le, where the going wa- firmest and the move proved a sue,-,— fnl one. for he led by a wide inaruin for the entire race, iiaiiilee followfasg him elo-.-t all th. way. The successful march -.f favorites began in the opener v h. 1; Spearloiie at odd-oil w-.u from Dr. Campbell ami Tiger Base. With a heller rider 0:1 Dr. Campbell lie would have won. Peppery Pally proved much tl-.- beet of the baud that -farted in the second race and in hollow fashion, incidentally takiuu the honor of being tin- fire! doable winner of th.- meeting. Hack Bay, al-.. a pr.-i.-u- winner. Reared .1 double win Bnecoe Goose slewed fin,.- speed here, hut he w.i ran d in the w.»r-t part of the track and exhausted before reaching the last eighth. Mormon 1111! Donna Itoma put ap a spirited duel for second place and linishcil in the above order. lb. rob was another favorite to succeed, but bis margin «.f victory wa- a narrow . Plato pressiag him closely at tin- end. H.- aright have won bad la- been k.-pt up ch.-er iii the earlier running. Corydaa was larky in the closing dash, for be escaped interference at the start, where Tbaader bird was .-, big -uti.-rer. Had the latter bad 1 clear course -in- would have beaten Corydaa Cap lain liiii-n- and Sundiiria. the fevered on.-, tired badly ill the stretch. The heavy track is •ewiag a- a drawback and likewise preventing the starting of tin- better grade of horses here. It i- a slow drying out one on a. count of imperfect drainage and the nature Of the -oil. It i- expected, however, that with fine weather it will he in food condition Wednes ill. v. There were many newcomer- yesterday and this morning from xarimi- points. The layers reported considerably improved betting during the afternoon, but most of them lost heavily.

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Local Identifier: drf1921022201_1_7
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