Fourth Race [Fourth Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-22

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Uirl Uarfc *h -? -i - iei ice Van an an Isj Daly ily K. inn ci ak FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Dec. 20. 1916—1:11 2-5—3—110. JOHN JR.. b. g, 8 1C8 Br Marts 8anta— Maude Feaiy, by Boa Stroma. Trainer. J. Mannale. Owner. Mannale Sc Chspron. 53485 Tijuana 1-4 l:14%faat M 5 117 I 7 7 c. .:■ M Baxtoa 8 Isaac Wearer, Ben Payne, Xeg 52321 Tijuana t 1:15 slop : 112 7 7 6 l*| |* H Rowe 7 Hcdgegraae, W.Moatgg, Mult; 5X853 Tijuana Iui70y l:43%faat 11 I" 117 ill l l- li N Foib-n 8 MlkeDaly, PlnkTenny. Hoaolulu .2754 Tijuana 3-4 1:11 fast 9-10 113 6* C Whifton 7 Clear Lake. Yukon. Viva Cuba 5.632 Tijuana 3-4 I 15% slow 18-4 113 I B OraTea 11 Majsachea, Neg. Don Mm 52431 Tijuana 1 l:41%faat 3-5 115 li ■ Graves 10 Pinklenny. Yukon. Muriel-lct OLLIE WOOD. ch. c, 4 110 By Doncaster— Seddie King, by Leonid. Trainer, F. Samples. Owner. J. S. McDaniels. 2233 Tijuana ::-! 1:15 fast M8 2 22 2* l| l Powell 8 Er.Bar*gaa, M.Paral. Delaaeey 52853 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%taat III ill 2 111 la* D Paarell II J.J.Manlock. Bia.PoUy, MoveOn 52770 Tijuana 8-4 l:14%faat 11 143 l« D Powell 11 Kif.ShHfer. Col. Matt. L.Chanco 51332 Tijuana a f l:ll%mud 63 104 1*| D Powell 7 Mex. Velvet. Aunt Annie 505 Tijuana 5-8 l:03%hvy 77 103 I.1" D Powell 12 Maunchen. Hinnnia. Hivland 2492 Tijuana 5 | l 81 %faat IM Nl 3*1 B Darltf 8 Li Make, B.McCarty, Ed La Tea NEBULOUS, b. c. 3 94 By Wr»ck— Little Flower, by Star Kuby. Trainer. D. Kearney. Owner. C. Koehler. 5SM9 Ti.m;ir:i 1 ! :4--r .si..|. 1 91 1 1 I 1 U - G Teargln 8 Byatapoai JahaHosbor, Cahalan .■-.,72 Tijuana ."■ t !:i";lnv s 104 8* H Rowe I K. Dewey, J sliwahnan J.Ueeaot Will Tijuana ::-i l i; List I K 6" G Yeargin t A. Weed. CoDewn, M A. Nooimu 62146 Tijuana 5 . f 1:07 fast 3-2 115 7" L Gaugel s I llaedssas. J.Bgaana 099. TUuana 5-8 1 oi foal M IS 3 .1 Callahan • Crack eDawa, Shifty. HyHiiipooi 515.S5 Bowie lmTOy 1:50 hvy 29 .■. Ill 1 1» 1» M SehVt/.14 Pansy, Flypaper, Vilnius SEDGEGRASS. b. f. 4 108 By Olambala — Genesta, by Broomstick. Trainer. J. Hill. Owner, H. W. Barnes. F2991 Tijuana I l : I jfest U M I 1 I 1 I* s» B Joslah lt R.Baker, W.Willow, Cavdoarll. Uta Tijuana 1-4 1:11 ikipl -MM I l 1 1* 1* w Taylor 7 W.Mbntgoeaery. .u hair., OlaLet 52992 Tijuana ."■ t 17-11 H6 I 0 5 31 9J W Taylor it Yukon. Neg, Hoover 52631 Tijuana :.-s l:o::: .hvy 13 96 I L H B Bwer • Wallace L., Cscassbo, Sliifty 52684 Tijuana ■"■! f 1 :ii--.slow ::. :»7 M • Yi-urgin 7 KaerataaA.. i.i illank. Bardera UBS Tijuana PI f 1 ttjjslnn 3-2 91 PG Yeargia ■ Jen flinwhaea. Phrdadra, Lamest FRANKLIN, ch. g. 8 111 By Jim Gaffney— Gliding By, by Argyle. Trainer. S. Polk. Owner, S. Polk W3 Tijuana 1 1-16 1 : n.-.fasi S KM 2 2 3 I 8 8*1 K Patar • SaiL.r. Lady, in Black, Keg and*» Tijuana 1 1-16 1 :4t. i K »• B Marlelll •• HePraak. Veteran, PaaayWhack C2XM TUaana 1 1:40. 37-10 106 8ak C Groaa 8 Uola, oraapiauKiag, WarSatek* 6866 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:51Vihvy 21 102 i n Row*. ■ Kegreso, War Hssoke, Tke Daacri 62439 Tijuana 1-4 1:12 last 24 N2 S*J K Pator 7 Wirnod. T P Mail, If ft Mmasn 6236a Tijuana I l M l:4C last 5 112 | B Pator 8 II .. No.. nan. I.i.da. BaUer INDIAN BRIGADE, ch. g. 8 99 By Brigade— Wild Irish, by Pontiao. Trainer. R. Campbell. Owner. 0. L. Fundln island. E2954 TUaana S-4 l:l544good 11 113 7 i 6 .".- 5« 0 Yearginll B.Payae, Min.Jba. ThriftyThree 62942 Tijuana 51 r : A-.1-. islou ut n» 4 4 4 5» 5*1 B Parke 11 Har.aHelr, GoM.Boae, Pr.Babj 52917 Tijuana 6-8 l:02*4slop 241 MS E 7 0 41 2" B Parke * t..r artekey, L. Small. ByGIrl I 6284$ Tijuana 5-8 l.oi-.-fast "if i"7 y 8 6 72 7JB Marelllll H.Aagtetoa, Bag. Lady, Teraette ISSN Tijuana l l :4J fast 21 MS ••• J Clements 8 MUaPamell, Bardora, Cuaatresa 5282 Tijuana ll:4." slow 7-5 ill S*f, C TV peon 8 K. Barrigaa, Ap. .lark. Ctreai EAST INDIAN, br. g. 4 103 By Delhi— Killiecrankie, by Kilmarnock. Trainer. J. G. Miller. Owner. J. G. Miller. :•■." i Tijuana 5-8 1:01 fast jk !•- 7 7 7 7 t;: M Slgtater 7 Bltifty. Raj Dewej. Myrtle A. ."•in;7 Bmpli l 28 IM 8 8 - 8* P C Rob son 7 HwntTn, T.Wagoaer, LaltaMee ■ I EMK Jamaica 1-4 1 :i"-.-.f ast 7 m r 6 7 7 7» C Robaoa 7 I.or. Leaves. OealeW., Largketta i aajaa ftartoga 7-8 i:4~fast s i«j6 3 6 6 7s - * r Robaoa B Ralre. lata Praak, Ueadrie •583 Latonta 1 1-4 -:».» hvy 10 M 6 12 7 7| 8*« J Roberts s Wiloair, lrink ., Dresden M3M Latonla 1 1-1« l:44*fc£aat ?f :»7 rt 10 11 11 n IPS WMa ll ikaatte, Broakkolt, Pastearaai CAMOUFLAGE II.. b. g. 4 108 By Cartoon— Miss Madge, by Ort Wells. Trainer. C. C. Emmert. Owner. Clear Lake Stable. :.;•.•:.:• Tii-iaua ■! l 1:08 good - 148 1 1 2 2J 2 11 Rowe •• Myrtle A . Blllj Lane, Mj Maaie ■ 52X85 Tijuana :.-s i i.r. fast :•! M4 4 M fc 8| "■", ll Rowe 1« Ktauata, Waller Mack, Joe Tag : 527 I Tijuana 3 4 1:15 fast 9 111 2« II Rowe B UttleBeack, B v Viag. C.IIollerk . UKGS Tijuana ..- 1 an1 .h IT l«7 l« II Rowe 1" Dul.vFaslin. Lit. Jake. Ool.M|ik , r2S3 Tijuana 3-1 1:17 slop 16 MS 71 11 Rowa 7 Deckkand. Ola Lee. Yukon 52456 Tijuana 5 I 1 : : ■".-.slop 16 Mf l1* n Rawa I Qaarge Jaaaea, Ann 8Lf rots PRIVATE PEAT. ch. c, 4 113 By General Roberts — Janice Marian, by Rubicon. Trainer, W. T. Anderson. Owner. San Dieeo Stable. "r. Tijuana » •"■ X 1*1 last 4 MM 7 . i P H I. Gaugei Yi BaLaaa. Robt.LVOwea, MyrtleA 52796 Tijuana 5 f 1*7 fa at 11- W HM l*J E Taylor a A.Kegiaa. CldeWTer, C.theWy , I 1 52884 TUaana 3-4 l:144faat 2B-W IM 1] .1 Callakaa 8 Deckkand, John Jr., MiMa 52242 Tijuana 3-4 l:13*ifast 21-16 M8 I«J B Taylor 8 Jean Jr., Deekhaad. Orchid Blag !2tS4 Tijuana 5] f 1 M last 8-16 111 l1 .1 Callahan 9 BatiLMaggie, Plaager, OarLder r 51919 Tijuana 5 f 1:07 2 M8 t f Callahan 10 Delaacey, IrtehDalay, Tan.Weihi 9 CLAUDE WEAVER, ch. h. 8 110 By St. Swithens— Katy Norwood, by Grayson. Trainer, F. Samples. Owner. J. S. McDaniel. •66 Ti:. i I ii .i.St !1 ill i ll r i; " Whltton 8 Ben Payne, John Jr.. Xeg 5SW7 Tijuana 5-8 1 .no.-.iasf 16-5 1«8 I I I 41 l« D Powell 7 Jae Tag, E. Brawn, K.Cbeathaai r-2830 Tijuana ■-■ :•"• Xaal - 84 i 4 5 4 41 O Yeargin 8 Ititi-. Coracatter, r. | 62196 TUaana 6111:67 fist 7 MS D Powell it Prt.Peat, An.Beglaa, C. the Way r 62425 Tijuana 6 I 1*8 fast 24 M8 4 _ Q faaiwja IlironeWard. Sedan. ItevDewev 62283 Tijuana 6| f 1 :07-" 21 111 M O Willis s ltohKaker. Daac.GM, ClearLake BILL BIACKWELL, ch. c. 4 110 By Giadwin-Nuns Veiling, by St. Angelo. Trainer. G. W. Berry. Owner. Meadowbrook Stable. 53864 Tijuana •"• t 1:67 faal M ."1 I- 12 11 llJ • M SFghtt 1 12 DeLaad. 6Ubt.L.Owea, MyrtleA. 63794 Tijuana 11:11 fast 19 i".". T"! B Taylor 8 Waraaaoke, Coffield. Pieara 52707 Tijuana 3-4 IMMXhmH E M 2 B MarfellilO OrchidKing. IriahMaid, MyrtleA 524S Tijuana 51 f 1 :09 mud 35 110 .■-, A Zeigler 8 Cacaatbo M.MavIsby, Bedgegraaj s I 5-4ni Tijuana H f 1:07 fast 16 K 7»; B Marielli 8 Myrtle. T.othMarB., WllaeeL. 52301 Tijuana 3-4 1 :14V-,last I US I] A Zeigler 9 Jeaailaaaor, Vubanite. Cbat.Crt RIFLE SHOOTER, b. h. 8 105 By Star Shoot— Babbie, by Leonatus. Trainer. C. Howell. Owner. S. Waring!. F2943 Tttaana " t l*9%alow I3f ll" 4 7 4 4] .".-: " Pern ll Hanuaa, Velvet. W. Dooly 52929 Tijuana 5-8 1 : i--inii! 32 I!" 9 8 7 4] r Zelgier 12 Ekag. Lady, Haaaata, H. Princeaa - 62986 TIJaana l l :i2.-.t ast 27-10 112 :;1 G feargla •■ Mary Palter, J ha Winn, Civ 62776 Tijuana 3 4 1:14 -fast 25 108 2* C Whit* tonll OUie Wood, .d.Matt. I.t lianee 63663 Tijuana 1 l:lH.-.slow I6f 110 I" C WhtftonlO Audrey A.. Toarx. Anna Star 62623 Tijuana U f 1*8 alow lif IM s". C Whttton 12 Pria.Doaglaa. Aa.Btar, ULeVaa u MISS StATHEM. br. f. 4 106 By Deutschland— Jane Laurel, by Nasturtium. Trainer. R. Ro-»- - Owne- Nn»-th and Rowe. 5246 1 Tijuana I 1 .1445slop 25 110 I G Teargin 8 Edwiaa, Dioaied, Bailor 61W3 TUaana 3 4 i.i;--.:a i .-ti i :, ..; r. tar . Hi t; OplanKIng, MyrtleA., Bville e BSRSTUoana lm70y l :ii-fast 79 H2 ." B MartacUi • Thatorm, T.8.X.Paaa, Franklin n 6M88 Tijuana 3-4 1 :l 53 ill 8 » ■ l"ator 9 tMyat.Klag, Booaerllle, Deckhd I CUM TUaana laklty l:46%faat 3 loo 34 G Yeargin ■ Sam Hill. Reydo, Ll Prhne 47105 Tijuana lasTty l:44-;fast 5 T 7 i:H Duggan 7 1 uis. 1 SiiallNetlass, Neenah GREEN MINT. b. g. 5 111 Bv Spearmint— Greenvale, by Hamburg. Trainer. G. W. Dodge. Los Angeles Stable. 52648 TUaana 51 f 1:11 mad 8 . ll Retttg 7 Bhetntaa A., V.Wellea, B.Bakei i I 758 Bowi l 1 14 i::-f ist i W5 I ; I 4 M 8" s SndrnanlO Uaron ll.. Lady Ward. Refugee ■ 81723 Bowie I 1 Ui.-.tnud 6 107 4 6 2 ::l 1 D Stirling !» Jnanitalll., Mid. Mi--. T.asSteel •l 16689 Rvwhi 1 1-16 l:52%fast 15 !■: 7 •; .; 1 2 .*.; .1 /oeii.r 8 Kagart, AiiMraT, Paril i-tiielly 46636 Bowie lniTiy 1:51 aaud 2;; 10 IM 9 6 11 7 7 7" J Rodg*exl4 Verity, Keziali Say When

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