Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-22


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i " • , i " e • i e » ■ K h , ■e r. il it i i it = •t | B 2 y rj : 1_ , j ■ ■ the j ! ■ y „l = — — — — ■ — | _ j out tit 10 | !■ I in I by ,v I the i , r i, ii -- I — " iui ut : j : : •10 i up. I j , in the I _ — _ out ut a ■ . ,. , _ I — _ ut I out Bl out Ut out Jt rs v- and nd k I HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1921. oriental Park. Seventy sixth day aba American Jockey and Auto lub. Winter Meeting of 100 or more days. Weather clear: temperature 90 . sp wards. .1. Hachmeister, C. II. Laasdale .nni V ;. Bruea. Starter, James v. Milton. Racing Bee- retary. .M. Nathansnn. Racing starts at 2:Mi . in. Chicago time 1 :."i7 p. m.i. Medicates apprentice allowance. CCQA"! X FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlong?. Jan. 24. 1917— 1: 05 ;— 5— 102. Purse 00. 3-year- tf O 9 .M. O olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses A Wt IlrSt~! , j •"-, StrKin -loekeys Owners o II C 1 j 52808 H. OP THE NORTHwa 106 3 I 1 S lJ 1" IJC II Miller! Rearnolt 7-5 8-5.3-5 3-5 1-2 5t048*JACOBEAN w in." t t :; :- . 2« I. Penman T Hodge 2. 2i Li 1 1-J i=S940*SCOTn waa 105 7 I" $• 4 S1 P Scheff el J 1 Lavely 12 12 12 I SI 587i7*SlTNNY DAYS WB 181 E 5 I : i .1 smiili li E Davis 8 4 4 7-5 7-10 52881 AUTOMATIC i:i:i u U l J 5* 4J. C Bam n I K All-u I] G » - l 52948 FKI.IN M. WB Ml II •" $• ti J lraneis ii E S;in 4] i and 1 1 ."i-StO SCINTILLATE w M$ 8 7 x x 71 7" .1 DorrTtck r Hart 10 10 10 4 ! r-IitlS MYRTLE MOORE w 183 J x 7* 71 $ 8 G MaflfcanF Delbartio • I 10 :. Time. 24. 43"-,. 1*1%, 1073,. Track fast. s-. mutueis paid. Harp of the North, 1921.sh.20 straight. .s:..sii place, .08 show: Jacoheaa, S3. so ijlaee, s:l.l show; Seoliy. .20 show. equivalent booking odds Harp of the North. l1o to H« straight, ! » to Hh» place. 100 to 100 show: Jacoheaa, 80 to 100 place. 50 to 108 shoa ; Scotty, _ltt t.i ltiti show. Winner — It. u. h Hard of Hope Mamie K.. h. Peep oDa] trained l,y A. 1. Dayton; bred by Mr. P. at. Walker I Went to post at L:.ln. At post •_• minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. HARP OF THE NORTH raced to the front soon after the start and. setting a C" d pace, won all the way, JACOBEAN was in ciooc and same pursuit of the pacemaker for the entire race. SCOTTY ran well, but was driving hard at tin end to outstaj sinnY BAYS. The latter closed a gap and showed improvement. Overweights — Scintilla te. . pounds; Felix M.. 1: Automatic Red, J. pT Qr|-| d SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlon»s. Jan. 24. 1917—1:05—5—102. Purse 00. 3-year- uOvXlJ olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: recond, 00: third. 0. "bx Horses AWtliSt , ~~~ i SlrTTn Jockeys Owners O H C P S i,J!I4«i in a COLA w 103 3 1 21 :" 2a II 1 Gordon J A Menaulnm « S S 21 M -.» K-»- »TALENT w 111 1 3 1 l- !■ - B KenndyM Goldblatt 1 1 4-5 1-.1 1-t; AfBlSSHY ANN WB 101 E ". i Sj I 3*1 P Wilson W R Toe 2 "• Li 7-101-:; 3X8412 i UR jack wb in 2 l 3 31 4| L Penman R .1 Parrla 1$ 12 12 f. ; r 2004 DISTURBANCE w 108 • ■ : I " " .1 Fran is a D WOrley I] 4 4 hB5 3-5 :i*l EXPERIMENT w ill 1 2 ;- 4] C W Ketat ■ E Cebrmn V. « « l I Time. 2C. 48. 1:07%. Track fast. sl mutueis paid. Coca Cola. 8.10 straight, si. mi place. y-j.7i» thaw; Talent, si. so ptaea, .20 show; Shy Ann. .70 show. i: nii;iient booking odds Coca Cola, sp" ta 100 straight, 108 to 10» place. S3 to 100 show: Talent. pi to lint place, 1 to 100 show: Shy Ann. 85 to 100 show. Winner Br. f, by Superman Rnpteola, by Adrance Guard Its hard by A. I.. Austin: broil by Mr. lb ary T. Oxnard. Went to post at 2:55. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third drir- in:;. COCA COLA saved 1 1 iiwil on all the turns and. outstaying TALENT in the flnal drive, won solni; away. TALEXT set a fast pace, bul swerred oat on the far tarn and. roaning wide when fBtcriag the stretch, w.s tiring at the end. SHV ANN closed a gap with a rush. OUR JACK ran well. Scratched 52902 Bacchanalian, 106. Overweights Disturbance, :! pounds. CQ4f|-| PT THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102.; Purse 00. 4-year*oldTana t3 «3 " .1- 4 upwanl. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third. 0. Tiii|q Horses AWtliSt , _■ ■-, Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O II C PS 5t949*ASSIGN WB 6 102 1 3 I ; 1» 1« lJ J Smith J W Moore :; I Z 1 . .! 59700*LAD1 [ONE WB 1 81 I l :: 1 :- 2 H RobaonJ S Italdwin s S R 1 S-D rt088*SINN PE1NER a 5 1« 3 5 1 2 :! 3 J. PeiUrtanW L Oliver 2 21 LJ 1-2 r.10 SHORT CHANGE W I 107 I . ."•- t| 41. 4 .1 Fit M Seifert 9 S 8 3 E-5 "S884tDISCORD w r. 110 7 1 7 $•* 5 6s C RntTK-3 S Rartudde 2] 2J 2 1 1 z 5 flM*BYLVANO w 5 Mi .". 7 II 7 i.- r I Gordon H Gatchiaaja 8 10 la 4 I 5*987 •FINIS w 4 M6 I J 2" 8*7 7 J Praneis C E LenaBhn 4 4 4 3-5 I 5 Time. 23, 47, 1:13. Track fast. matuals paid. Aaaiga, 89JM itraight, 1921.sh.90 place, 84.50 show; I.ady lone. 0.10 place, 1921.sh.20 show; iin i in.r, s:;..mi show. Equivalent booking odds— Assign, 878 to loo straight. 2!."i to lt0 place, l-jr, to loo show: Lady lone, in", to kmi place, 21i to loo show: Sinn Peiaer, 7o to l no show. Winner — B. g, by Superman — Award, hy Strathmore trained by J. W. Moore; bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnard . Went to pest at 3:21. At post .". miaates. start good aad slow. Won easily: second and third driv-ue Ing. ASSIGN took a quirk had and. drawing away on the hackstretch, set a fast paee all the way and woa eased ap. LADY IOXE ran well and were SINN Fi:iNi:i: down in the last eighth for second place. SINN PEIXRR ran a good race, bal was liiiej; .it the end. SHORT CHANGE linished fast. DISCORD ran poorly. Orerweights -Lady lone. 2 pounds: Finis. I: Discord. 3. 50iTl"| Q FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 192C— 1:11— G— 102. 1 Purse 00. 4-year-olds and iUlO upward. Claiming;. Net value to winner 1921.sh50; second, 00; third, 0. ~l" lt* H. is s AWtliSt , _■ -t sir Fin Jockeys Owm-rs ~ H C g S 52884MISERICORDE w n 110 1 E 7 8] $ lJ "W Kehay C .1 Harrah 7-5 7-5 7-5 1-2 1H 52918*JAKE PELD wa 4 184 7 7 Z» :;- 2| 2] L Wirth E J Sullivan ii 7 7 21 %S 58982 i »GRE1 RUMP wa 4 10] 3 :. *T Rama R Gomer M b H 4 2 .•Mlfiir.HAMTA III. u 02 S 1 4 5 ."■"■■l1 U LcosterC Tugwle 2 2 2J 1 12 . j!».- ii* ii.i.ii: WOODS « 5 1*7 i; 3 l| l E .1 Prancia r Delhanio ;. I 1 52998 JANICE LOGAN wb 117 _ 2 8*48 4" ■ w Meehanll ; Woods i; 7 7 2! i-.". .■•»8«0* l.i wb I in 14 5 7 7 7 .1 Smith ,f C Mayea :. 8 I I l Time. 233a. 48. 1:14%, Track fast. mutueis paid. Miaericordc, si. 711 straight, s:;. in place. .80 show: Jake Fold. 80.08 lace. .00 ahow: Grey Bump, 87.20 show. Equivalent booking odds Mlserieorde, 185 to 108 straight. 7o to UN place. 43 to Khi show: Jake Fidd. lniii to KM place. iHi to HM show: Grey Rump, liki to H ;» show. Winner B. m. by Assagai Rene, by Sensation trained by W. Brown; bred by Mr. Walter O. Parmer . Went to ]ost .11 8:50. At post L minutes. Stait good and s]ow. Won easily; second and third driv - in;.. MISERICORDS was outrun to the stretch tarn, where she was taken to the outside and, finishing with a rush, won going away. JAKE PELD aneed on tin outside of the leaders fee the lirst half and outstayed GREY RUMP in the Dual drive. OBEY RUMP tired after raciag late the lead in the stretch. J f ANITA III lii Klied last. JANlli: I.OOAN had a rcui;h race. KT Ork"| Q FIFTH RACE— 3- Mile. Jar.. 8, 1920—1:11—6—1020 Purse 00. 4-year-olds and *_■ t_P™ " JL tT upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. "inilev Hors-s AWtliSt h -_■ ■■, Slv Im Joikex- Owners ~ 1 H p S £29503FIRST CONSUL WB 1109 1 I 33 :::, l-. w Keisay Bl Monro Stable 7 107-107-101-3 1-8 t501PCE OF COMO WB 8 112 - 1 I" 1] IJ 2 C Barnes T Hodge 4 4. 4| 7-5 7-10 5200-i i-FAll ACMPLI wb 4 102 5 :. .- Z- 23 R LcasterO M RMge 2J 1". 2] 1 2-5 5t949»AIGRETTE wa 5 lot; -1 1 S .". 4; 4» J Fraheia G Price 111 12 12 I : . 52981 SUPERIOR w 4 194 2 . P 0*5 " l 1; KeandyW Doajan i 8 I 2 t 59912 i»POKE JANE w 4 MS • 2 .7- I 6 1 .1 Smith W C Westraored 7 7 7 2 6-5 Time. 23 5. 4745. 1:1345. TTack fast. sj mutueis paid. First consul. 83.26 straight, 82.60 [dace, 82.90 show; Prraee of Como, $.5.10 place. -:;:m show; Fait Accompli, s.pii show. Equivalent booking odds First Consul. ;o to lint straight, 88 te li« place. IS to 100 show: Prince of Como. 155 to 1k» place, 85 to nxi show; Pail Accompli. 15 to umi show, Winner — B. 6, by Zni- Sans Qeae, bj Rock sand trained 83 W Hrown; bred by Maaaaa. White and Garnett. Went to post at 4:15. At post 1 minute, start good and slow. Wan easily: second and third driving. FIRST ONSIT, was saved close u| to the stretch turn, where he was brought around the leaders and raced into an easy lead in the last liuhth. PRINCE OF COMO set a fast puce to the stretch una outstayed FAIT ACCOMPLI. The latter raced forwardly throughout. AIGRETTE falahed j,-;miel.v. Orerweights Aigrette, 1 pound. 5QAOA SIXTH RACE— 1 Miie. March 23. 1919— 1:38V5— 5— 10oT Purse 00. 4 -year -olds O"*1" and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtliSt t .. ;H Str Fin Jockeys Owners Q H g I* S~~ E 63 * RUNN YV EN WB I M6 7 1 V 1 1- 1 • 1 1 i! Konn dv. L Austin 2 ij r: 4-TTT 32894*POLAR CUB wa 1 88 8 5 2 2J :- :■ » L lVnman T Doyle 8-! • 2 4-5 2-5 1,58945 GRUNDY wa 7 118 I 1 6«1 • 4 1- "- .1 Prancia K .1 Crawford I 8 :; 1 1-2 88999 ROUNDEL am 5 MS 3 3 5 | V P ■ 1 .1 Smith .1 .1 McCnfferty K u. lt 4 2 887I7HAMAN w 4 MS ; 7 1; a Pickens H Coons 1 c 4 hB-6 52989 AMERN EAGLE wa 4 Ml :; • ! 6 | 11 Lcajterl: Mock 5 $ 5 J 1 Btttt PIE WB 1 Ma 2 2 7 7 7 7 7 J Mangant B Van Winkle 28 20 M * l Time, 233-5, 47. 1:12**, 1:39. Track fast. 82 mntucli pud. Runnyren, .80 straight, 89.80 place, .08 show: Polar Cah, 89.40 place. .30 show: Grundy, .90 show Bquiralent booking odds— RunayveB. 245 to inn straight, 9-5 ta lixi nl.icc. 89 to 1V» show: iolar Cub 170 to 100 place, c:, to 109 show ; Orunrly. li.", to 100 show. Winner I., g, by Ruun.umde Ventura, hy ir:il trained bj A I.. Austin, bred liy Mr. Adolpb B. Spreckels. Weal to post at 1:40. At post 1 minute, start goad and slow. Won easily: second and third driv ing, ltl XXYVKN si a fasl pace from the start and drew away steadily in the stretch. POLAR Cf/B raced in closest and game pursuit, hut was mini; at the end. GRUXDY been 11 slowlv and was taken wide on the turns, hot was running fast at the ead. ROIXDEL Bnished fast, ham an and MERICn EAGLE nhowi d i«peed, bul qalt. Scratched- 52869 Priacemi Myrtle. Hd : 52986 Stepson, los. Overweights Ruaayrea, 5 panada.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921022201/drf1921022201_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1921022201_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800