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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF Preujaeal wianera at Tijuana this winter were Riposta with eight victories, Coffield seven. Phroae Ward s,N. Hex six. Audrey K.. Iteckliaud. lke.v T.. I. it tic Giak and Wallace L each with five. J. A. ciibsons tnaic Rose dOr, which bowed a ten. I. m last year, has Improved wonderfully during the w inlet and will stand training, it is now be I lieved. T. Mnrphy, the American trainer, left I.aiu.f I lave Pebraary 7 for Saint Louis de Paaaay, Mr. A. K. Ma.oinb. rs estaMbduaeBt. At Pulssy ; Murphj xx ill have full charge of Kingih in II.. Mr. ! T. Wilkinsons BagHaa tJrand National amliila1e l.oudon Bpt rtamaa. The hading present season ere — coaatrj Jockeys ■ in Praace last year were: W. Head with aereaty ; wins; G. Mitchell, fifty -eight ; P. ltarteaux. fifty i three: I.. Barre, fifty: «;. Parfremeat, forty-aerea, | and P. Thihaalt. thirty-six. Mr. U. de TaiiJii.i headed the list of g.-nileniaii lidets x i t li fifteen successes. The funeral of the veteran Preach trainer. Georges Parfremeat, father of the cross-country rider, which was held at thantilly January 17. was attended by many prominent owners, trainers and Jockeys and others connected xvilh Preach racing. The pallbearers were trainers W. Carter. W. Webb. Frank Watson and W. Barker, Sr. The sou succeeds the father as Mated Boaaaaci traiaer.