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I f 1 I 1 RACING DATES FOR 1921 Cuba -American Jockey and Auto Club, Oriental Park. Havana. Cuba: Beginning November ..".. 1920, and continuing for HM» or more dags. Rooks and mutuete. Shrcveport Jockey Club. Shrrveport. La.: February l!t to March :. 13 days. Oral. Southern Maryland Agricultural Association, Prince George Park, Bowie. Md,; April 2 to April IS 13 days. Mutnels. Harford Agricultural and Breeders Association. ILivre d - Brace, Md.: April Hi to April 30 13 days. Mutnels. Kentucky Jockey Club, Lexington, Ky.: April 13 to May 4 18 days. Mutuels. Maryland Jockey Club. Pimlico, Md.: May 3 to May li 13 days. Mutuels.