Suspensions during 1920: Owners, Jockeys, Trainers and Horses Punished for Infractions of Rules of Racing, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-26


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i I I • . I . . ; ■ ; ■ : ! i j | i t , j ■ , j 1 j j ; . . j •; • i j j j j ! , , . J I1 1 , l I .1 J. I ] j .1. .1 J. • M j I J J i J SUSPENSIONS DURING 1920 _ Owners, Jockeys, Trainers and Horses Punished for Infractions of Rules of Racing. . Infract io/i 4 of the iulo« of in ins saeat with sure ] i and s-.vift punishment in a nieasarc commensurate] with the offense committed. It is to Ihe a lory and ! I integrity of the sport that the stewards and other I officials of the various racing organizations are I ! only infrequently called on to inflict the maximum j j penalty. ■Tilled off for life." Most of the offenses ! are minor ones and the guilty ones are usually . reinstated At the expiration of a certain stipulated ■. period of punishment- The majority of infractions | by Jockeys are for disobedience and rough riding. During the racing of litO there were the usual t number of suspensions for various reasons the fel- ] lowing tahulati u giving the details: : j Suspensions of Jockeys. H. Myers— Suspended January 1, jiew Orleans, fi r ; ten days for rough lidmg. 8. Beyle Suspended January I, New Orleans, for six days for rough riding. ; •I. snlliviiii— Suspended January MX New Orleans, I for sis days for raaga riding. .1. Dominic k— Suspended January n. Harana, for: balame of meeting for rough riding. W. lb inisch-- License suspended January 7. New Orleans, pending aa lavestlgutioa of his ride on Bread Man: reinstate*! February id. I!. Kopphinan — Suspended .lannaiy 11. Havana, for! I balance of meeting for unsatisfactory riding on i Free Mantle and touch riding. M. Mountain Suspended January 14, Havana, for ten days for rough ridtast, C. V. Carroll Suspended January H" . New Orleans. for indefinite period pending aii Investigation of his ride on Poilu. J. Rodrigues -Suspended .lannaiy Id. New Oilcans. for six days lor rough riding. .1. Mclntyre License revoked January LL Havana, | for foul riding. E. oitiietii Bnspended January 27, New Orleans for t u days fur rough riding. : W. Liiley License revoked January :io. New Or- j ; leans, for unsatisfactory riding. . Thompson Ruied off the turf .Tanuary 125. 1 | Tijuana, for unsatiafactorjF tiding an Medford Roy: reinstated March 23. I J. Metcalf Suspended January Si, New Orleana, I I for six days for rough riding ; R. Small Warned away from track February 3.1 Tijuana, for unsatisfactory riding. J. Rodriguez Suspended February ." . New Orleans. ; i for balance of meMteg for rough riding. I It. Kenneth Suspended February S, Sew Orleana, for six days far rough riding. n W. .1. ORricn Suspended February 7. New Or- j ! leans, for balance of meeting for rough riding. | W. Jarre!!- Suspended February 11. Havana, for tea days far rough riding. . , J. Muunej Suspended February H, New Orleans. for balame of meeting fur rough rid teg W. Taylor Suspended February 18, Havana, for len days [or routli riding. | A. Morgan Uuspeaded indefinitely February U, Tijuana, for incompetency. XL BuXtSU- -Suspended February 17. New Orleans,, for tea days f"r rough riding, F. Coitilctii Suspended February - ;L Jefferson Park, for balance of meeting for inconsistent ridintr. C, Ilowatd License canceled February 28, Havana,-for pour riding on Jubn Jr. J. Kuderis Bwspcnded February lit. Havana, for ] ten day-- for roucli riding. E. Pool- Huspendod February . Tijuana, tec to- ! toxieatioii. J. Zoeller Sus[» udi 1 March 4. JefferUM Park, for six days for rouh riding. F. Lux Suspended Manh t. Havana, for ten da for rough riding, i P. Martinez Suspended March Ls. Tijuana, for j , balance of aseetteg fur rough riding; reinstated April 10. J. Mitlcahc Snsiteiided March 28, Tijuana, for tea days for rough riding. | Perry Suspended indefinitely March 28, Tijuana, for rough riding. W. Ormes -Suspended March 28, Tijuana, for ten j days and fined *Hh» for disobedience at the post, i ] H. .1. Burke Suspended May L"0. Churchill Downs, i for ten days for r nglt riding. C. Riby -Suspended .tune 1. Thorncliffe Park, for balance of meeting. n. Williams Suspeu te ] June •_. Belmsut Park, i for balance of meetlM fur unnecessury abuse of b|s mount. M. Henderson Suspended June n. Betesuul Park, t for pulling up liis mount. II. Brlcksoilr Suspended June 7, Latonia, for ten i 1 days for rough rKHag. L. Ensor -Suspended June 11, Rclmont Park, for balance of meeting for disobedience at the post. 1 J. Rodriguez Suspended June U. Latonia, for twenty five days for rough riding. I: T. Ruckles— Suspended June 11, Dufferia Park. . indefintely for unsatisfactory ride on Mildred Euretta. D. Nieoi Suspended June 15, l«ilonia. for ten days for rough riding. C. Turner Sunpcnded June I!. Jamaica, for balance • . of meeting fur rough inline. R. McDermotl Suspended June 21, King Edward Park, for thirty days for rough riding. C. P. Thomas Suspended June 21, King Edward I Park, for balance of meeting for rougB riding. J. Kederis -Suspended and license taken up Jure IS for grasping bridle of another horse. A. Flnley — Suspended June 24, King Edward Park. r for balance of meeting for misbehavior. 1 D. Franklin Suspended June 24, King Edward -r Park, for balance of meeting for misbehavior. . S. McOrau Suspended June 28, Hamilton, for lial- , ance of meeting for rough riding. W. W. Taylor Suspended June :5t. I a tenia. Cat balance of meeting for rough riding. J. Davis- Suspended July 1. MaisoniieuTe, for thirty . days for unsatisfactory ride an My Grade. L. I.y ke -Suspended July I. Latonte, for balance . of mff tluf ft r rough riding. W Kurgan -Ruled off July :t. Matesaaeure, for : unsatislactoiy ride on Back Ray. C Stack Suspended July 7. Fort Erie, for balance I - of ihe meeting fur rough riding. j Y. Moore -Suspended July 7. Devonshire, for bal- t ance of Ihe meeting for rough riding. .. Maiigan -Suspended July 7. Devonshire, for bal- . ance of the meeting for disobedience at the pest. W. Ridcnour Suspended July g, Latonte, for bal- ." ance of the meeting for di- bedience at the po t. T. Murray Suspended July 7. Aqueduct, lor bal- ll ance of the meeting for disobedience at the post. ." P. Kennedy Suspended Ju!. 7. Latonte, l"r bal ance of the meeting for rough riding. W. Anderson Suspended July 11. Delorimier. fit- teen days for rough riding. D. Louder Ruled off the turf. July II. Delori 1 mier. for unsatisfactory ride on Mumbo Jumbo. Connors Buapendted July 14, fifteen days for ! s rough riding. . r F. Lux Suspended July 1.".. Fort Erie, ten days ; I for roach riding. J W. Hinphy Suspended July Id. Windsor, lor bal- : ance of the mrrHag for rough riding. C. Pom .■ Suspended July Pi. Empire City, for i bix dn.s for rough riding. L. Morris suspended July Pi. Windsor, for balance, .- of Meeting lor rough riding. W. J. OBrien Suspended July It, Windsor, for . haiunco .1 meeting for rough riding. , Maleahej Suspended Indeftaitely July 17. Reno. : . for unsatisfactory riding. C. Thompsoa Suspended July 17. Iteiio. for ten " days and lined SMi for ruugk riding. Smith -Suspended iiuht initelv pending inreatiga- tiou July 24, Kempton Park, for ride on Red!. Post: reinstated September 22. J. McTaggarl -Suspended July 2d, K uiiwurth, for i . balance of aseptteg for rough riding. ,. II. Luusfonl- Suspended July 27, KonilWOrth, fOrjj balance of meeting lor rough riding. F. Hunt Suspeii,ie,i July 27, Keuilwoi th. for bal- | - ance of meeting for rough riding. ■ W. oi un s— Suspended July J4, Reno, for balance ij of meeting for P ugh riding. J. Zoeller--Suspended July 28, Empire City, for . . balance of meeting; case referred to The Jockey i Club. ! Z M. Schwartz— Suspended indefinitely July 81, King ," Edward Park, for unsatisfactory ride ou John C J. Casey. ," MeTaggart- Suspended August :s. Hamilton, feu bulane of ineeiin- |«i rough riding. II. tiibson - suspended August ::. Hamilton, fur haiame of ateetteg for rough riding. J. llenp.-i suspended August u. Hamilton, for i i balance of ateetteg far unsatisfactory riding 1 . ] i ! I I I ! j j ! . | ■. t ] : j ; ; I I i | : j ; | 1 I I I ; ; i I n j ! | . , | ] , | ] i t 1 1 I: reinstated Ingpsi 1s .V. .liner - Suspended August :;. Ilaunltou. foe balance of meeting for unsatisfactory riding. ti. Ensor--Suspended Augdst 4. Saratoga, for bal- arM-e of meetinfr for disorderly conduct. L. Fator — Suspended August 12. Saratoga, for sit days for dteabedience at post. G. Vearein--Suspended August 12. Fort rtie. f r halaace "i meeting for disobedience at the post. C. Harbouine - Suspended August 12, Fort Erie. f,.r halaace of meeng tor Jisabediencc at the post. If. OConnor— Suspended August 13, Saratoga, for rest of the meeting for rough riding. It. Hanua--Suspended August 18, Bgtatega, fat balance of the meeting for rough riding. R. Smith— Suspended indefinitely Angus! 12, Maiannneure. for rough riding. :.. P Thnaaas Sntpsuded August to, Mabwnueure. for balance ol the meeting for unsatisfactory i UUag. T. Nolan — Suspended Augual 11, Saratoga, fa -ix days for disobedience at tin post, T. Rowan- Suspended August 11, Saratoga, fur ma days for disobedience at the p-ist. F. Coltlletti Kns|tended tugual n. Saratoga, for six days for disobedience :,| t|M. |tUt. . Karl Suspended August 18, Mount Royal, for ten days for disobedience at the post. I. Conway Suspended August 18, Fort Brie, tet tun d-iys for disobedience at Urn post. I. MrCabe Suspended August 23, Saratoga, for balance of meeting for disobedience at the post. I. Rice Suspended August ud. Saratoga, for grasp-lag lee of jockey Keogh; case referred to The Jockey Club. IL Remmert -Suspended Augual 28, Windsor, for balance of meeting for disobedience at the post r. Nutea Suspended September l. Coonaughi Park. for halaace of meet lag for rough riding. . Ruidl — Suspended September i, Iseroashire, for butence of ateeting for striking jockey ;. Year-gin with whin. W. lleinisch Suspended September 7. Deroashire Park, for balance of meeting for rough riding. I. .1. Mooaey Snspi uded September 7. Devoushire Park, for balanc- of meeting for rough riding. s. Wala Suspended Sepl.Inher 21, I . int on. for balance of meeting fur rough riding. W. lleinisch Suspended September -i. Lexington, for balance of meeting for disobedience at the post I. W-sler Suspended September L3. Havre de Brace, for haiame ol meeting for rough riding. 1, f.j ke Suspended September ~S . liexington, for ten days for reporting in an unfit c litem to ride. M. Schwartz Suspended October 7. Kenilwuih P.-uk. for balance of inciting for disobedience at the post. I. Uoward Suspended October 11, Latonia. fur ten l days for rough riding. IL Simpsoa Suspended October 12, Laurel, for ten days for reporting too late to ride. I. Merinici* Suapended October IL. Latonia. for tea I days tor rough riding. F. Smith Suspended October 14, Latonia. for feu days for rough riding. B. Haynes Suspended October Pi. L.iuk I. for balance of meeting pending aa teTcstlgatiou. I I. Rodrigues Suspended October Is. Laurel, for balance of Bsgetlag for rough liding. F. Paul Suspended October 18, Laroiiia. for ten 1 day- for rough riding. J. .1. Moonej Suspended October lO. Latonia. for balance of meeting for rough riding. J. McCoy Suspended October 20. Latonia. for balance of meeting fur rough riding. I. McCabe Suspended October 28, Empire City, for , balance of meeting for disobedience at the pist. T. Rowan Suspended October --. Umpire City, tor i balance of meeting for rough riding. it. Kenned] - Suspended October -_. Latonia. fur j balance of Kentucky racing teasaa for rough ridteg and assault upon Joesseys Wida and I.uell. i M. .ainer Suspended November t, Churchill Downs, for bute.uee of meeting for rough ridteg. , II. Jarboe Suspended November B, Pimlico, for balance of meeting for gisgglag bridle pf another horse. . J. Huffier Suspended December 11. Havana, for ten days f,,r gfoobcdisuce at the punt. W. Taylor Swspuuded December 18, Tijuana, pending an investigation. C. Thompson Suspended December 18, Tijuana, pending an myestigatiou. I. Clements Suspeuded Decembei Id. Tijuana, for I ten days for rough ridteg- B. Barm i Suspended December P.. Havana, for ten dayt for stiikint: jm -key S. Royle over the head with whip. f Suspension of Owners. U A. Fay— Ruled off the turf January S by The Jockey lab; cause of race won by Scotch Verdict at Empire City in the fall of 1818. 1 i. R. l.rysou- -Suspended February l» for failure to pay fine imposed by The Jockey Club. K. C. Griffith — Suspended February 10 for failure I to pay fine imposed by The Jockey Club. C. P. Burke Suspended February l» for fraud. 1 P. B. Lalanne Bused off the turf June 28, King l I I 1 , i j i , . Ed u aid Park. f.,r making s,|„,,|S cburgea uml being unable to substantiate; reinstated July 1. 0. Phillips— Ruled off tin- turf. Canada. J. DutuflR— Ruled off the turf in Marvland October 1. Trainer and Other Suspensions. George Ar-in tMlaer— SusnaUjded indefinitely Jan. nary 7. New Orleans, pending an Inrestlgutlpa pf running of horse Rrend Man J. P. Smith, trainer— Ruled off the turf January 13. New Orleans meeting only, for infraction of the rules of racing. 1. P.. Goodman, trainer--License revoked .Tanuary 18, New Orleans, for the inconsistent running of Mom tain Rose ll J Byer. ..ainer -License withdrawn January 21, New Orleans, f..r unsatisfactory running of horse trained by him; reb itat d February Hi. B. Buckle Ruled off the turf February -2 ,. Jefferson Park, for practices prejudicial to the turf. Ru rou.ii Ruled off the turf February M. J.-f-for on Park, for practice-: prejudicial to the turf. I:, s. .Mo,, re Suspeuded June 23, Connaught Park, for misrepresentation and deception in connection With ownership of the hone Little Poy. :. F. Riehtegs -Suspended June 23, Coauaughl Park, for misrepresentation and deception in connectioo with ownership of the horse Little Buy. s. Doyle Suspended June 28, Ceanangut Park, fat mlsrepresentatioa and deeeptiou in counectloa with ownership of ihe horse Little Boy. W. Walsh -Suspended July 24, Kempton Park. pemline :,n investigation of the running of Red Post; reinstated September 22. A. E. smith Suspended December 10. Tijuana. pending an inrestigatloa. I.. Willi. mi License taken up December 52, Jefferson Park, for inconsistent running of the hois,. American Maid Suspensions of Horses. Barnesl Entries refused January 11. Havana Cat being fractious u t Ho- p ,st. Mounts in Eos,- n Entries refused January ll eu Orleana, lor inconsistent running; reinstated January 20. Orlando of Harana Entries refused January is. Havana, for uumliness at tin- post. Annette Teller Owner. R. Burkiey, ruled off Man h 8, Jefferson Park, orove a. owm-r. p. Burkiey, ruled off March !i Jefferson Park. Hidden Jewel Owner. R. Burkiey, ruled 011 .Manh .. Jefferson Park Tuii Suspcndt d .May 8, Pimlico, pending an in- v -t ration. I. luiirmier Suspended May 8, Pimlico, for had bebai ioi- at tic- post. Air Mai, Batrj refused June 22, Jamaica, for to-consistent running. sir William .lohn-on Entries refused October 7. Laurel, for balance of meeting for being frae tioiis at .he paat. St. hail, -He Entries refuted October 12, Laurel, I" nding .111 Inrestigut ioii. Colden t-nance Entries refused Decembei lit. Harana, for balance of meeting for unfit racing condition. Liberty Bond Entries refused December P.. Harana, for being fractious. Opportunity— Entries refused* December 21, Jefferson Park, for unfit racteg condition. Jockeys Reinstated. Clarence Turner Ruled off January, Pin;. Harana; reinstated March L!». 1820. V. .1. Carite Ruled off January, IMS, Havana; reiustalcl March L".h FJLO. II. Jeffeott Suspended forgone year at Harana; reinstated at Tijuana March 25, 1828. L. .Mink Suspended for one year at Havana: reinstated April 24, 1820. 1: Martin Suspended at Oaktewa in 1917: rete-stoted .lime Ut, 1820. Owners Reinstated. Reorge Chancellor Suspended for one year at I la -van.i: reinstated April 24, 1888.

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