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1 1 1 " , ; HORSE BOUGHT FOR ENDURANCE RACE j UaXINGTON, K.i.. Pebraan 38 Major Btaak K« eli. in a letter received here today, states that from tin- money doaated by the Kentucky racing people f. i- Ike 900-mile endurance race, to he h. Id next fail, th" el M-ii .-ai -old bay gelding Bdomala. by Marchmoiit II Aliinode. by Rossbjgton, has been parchased, K.lonuila «a~ bred by .f . W. l-ulli r at Wills Point, Texas, waa act broken until this rear aad has never i»-.-ii raced. Major Koch rewacsta that anyoae who knows of suitable tlioroughhreds for this race, that eaa be bought, get in eoniinmiieat ion with him al Washington, his address being care I f the Ke mount Bar ley. Munitions BalMiag. Short legged, close coupled, w.-i.ln carrying thoroughbreds fn m seven lo tea years ..i.i are araated. a