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TWO YOUNG ARISTOCRATS ARRIVE LEXINGTON, Kj . Pebraary i.". Two coll foals i.. Pair Ptej cime hist nigbt al Major Augaat Bel moats Xnrserj Btad. Oae is I bay. dam Hour Haml i. lam of the a-htner Haekaaore and of Ike two-year-oi.i Perktge in lae stable of By. P. Bimms, by Etbel lutt - Hour Glass II. dam of Hoarlees, by Rock Sand. The other is a ele-stnut . dam Malachite, a young daagbter cf Bock Baad lis Haaover dam of the Keajtackj Derbj winner Wot-tin. by HanoM-i.