First Race [First Shreveport, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-26

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; . 1 1 1 r I I . 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 i r r i ii i I II ? 9 I II n C " 0 8 ., ■ • ■ n FIEST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Index Course DIst TtmeTckOdda Wt Rt K h %, 8tr Fin Joekeys Started Order f.f TluUh MADRAS GINGHAM. I, m, ■ 188 By Delhi— Gingham, by Domlne. Trainer, J. Hanover. Cvner, M. ll.iser, -I. port andJ t 1:17 i •. :: :: ■, - ■ I, Aron ."• ValerleWest. Cleanlp. Pomacho . i i slip. oi f t 1:16 hvy 16 165 ". 7 7 ."•. 4" !• Murphy 7 l*epyPolb/. MekM !. ni.-ii P.tPnds lmTOy 1 M fast 26 Kd s 7 7 7 liMi-1 17 Pollard II Salui-. Wild flower, I ir. moms • !. ;•, els ::-l l.p.-.lnv 1 163 : .". 7- I"" ll Kins 13 KIrah, TUdayXighter, rra.l.-iar : : .1- ! .in S-4 1 i...,:t 6 112 :: 1 1 ■■ : : - v 1 1 .1 Burke 13 I*. Longfellow, Salute, Aloxdef S2068 Jefson S-4 i 18 hvy 16 1*7 :: .". I V V* R Aathay 7 Iranmist, Beuttmental, l.irenlale f.iiiT .1. fs.iu l lu.iivy jo m :: 1 :. 7 7* s-5 ll .1 Burke 3 HVySmarr, O.McKeana, Ualnmy 51his ,i.-i";,..ii lio7. v i r. i.i-t la I68J i 3 l Z t.1 0 Vf HeinCB 13 Corson, Jackstraw, Aitee 51825 .1. i" ,in ii n: l ."...■, mud vi ph; i :. 5 7 y 9*» 1* Lone 18 U.CBaseh. Malvolio, T*iniihf«8l CATANIA, eh. f, 4 110 By Rock View— Mary Talbott, by Mazagan. Trainer. G. M. John.on. Owner. ,T. L. Gruheri. ■ shnorl :. r 1:18 hvj 3 2 21 2* P Murphy 5 Tei hi Ml -. Clrre, Rl •i si.]. ■:. ;: KM ! 3 2 F Murphy 7 Vhia. American Rose, F. Mi-s i SSii J i son • i -i ■ -liw 66 166 12 ll 1:: 13 13lT J .1 Mncyl3 A.tlallnp, Mhrmlte, Wianecoaae 51824 . 1 - f - • . ti :; Mia naud 25 vM I M 99 M in" .1 .1 Mneylu Anna liallitp. Lonely, I.. Millr.-.i :.:.•; Jefferson :• i I i ■ hvy 26 112 8 7 7 7 7" A Collina 8 A blase. Hidden slop. F.l.nneli EI406 Churrhl :: I l I r !.,..-t i.r KM :: 12 12 13 IS*« A ColUna 13 Ilon.Man, aipsytjn, TheNephow i inn. hi ill. rant 134 166 7 7 !» a :r A Collins 9 A.N.Akin. PortLight, ApJaefcH. 15164 JeTson 61 t l:661fcfast 16 ivz 8 4 4 :t ::-• .1 Butwell 14 Ahiase, Who Cares, DtamsssOOhrl 8M83 .lef.son b* f l : is fast 8 iu 3 3 3 8| Ij H Viva Cuba, M.ParneB, V.i.Mud ORIENTAL DliESS. h. f. 4 M 110 By Delhi— Costume, by Domino. Trainer, J. White. Jr. Owner. J. White, Jr.. 53861 Shuoti .■: I tin hvj l Htl 1 2 3 2 L McDotl 8 Dinty, BpnrtrChanee, Versailles • » Shport :•! f i :1T ■"-..livy 7 D9 3 I i 1. McD oil . Vansylria, Am.-r. i: . .-. Catania ii.m.Is lm70j 1:47 fast 12 1"-". i ?• •: : 7- 7" T Jarvis 11 Hopover, Roislerer, P. Bkwsom 52321 P.Gnda 3-4 l:16%fast IS 167 3 E E 6 4 J ! Jarvis 13 Nkthe, Hopover, Mountain Dow S6416 Loxton 11 I61:47%fant 58 I" •; I I s !»• 8» O Stack :i Kflsher, BamsBoy, D.ef Wtsu ,,• , Lexton 1 1 16 1:47 rant 13 981 « 3 7 5 V i, - li Kenndy 8 AlexJr., UMountJoy, D.ofWelPn 18863 B.Craaa 1-4 i.iT:.livy I MG I " Willis -I V.Park, BweepJr., IVtrteDrapemi 0866 hLtiraaa 1 I 1:14 fast h-5 V? 7" Q Willis 7 View, Sweep Jr., Kerand t.msin LIBERATOR, ch. g. 9 115 By Planudes— Countess Irma, by Sir Dixon, Trainer, R. Venters. Owner, II. King. £2601 P.Unda S-4 I :i::-.-.f...-L 3« IM I 7 8 9* 7" E Smith 11 Orlova. Cobalt Lass, Old Sinner 52477 P.Gnda S-4 l:13%fast 38 113 13 18 13 13 H!-M Oamer 13 Ina Kay, R*how Girl, Calt Lass .Fi" .-on :: I 1:1." .; 113 1 3 4 ."•- :- E Smith 13 I-.l/aMFw. Salute. M.Ofham 52827 J. f.son 3 I 1 :ii ■. 28 116 i 4 7 8* 8" E Smith II Approval, Rack Bay, Pollux 51901 Jef son :■: f 1 :■ WD H5 Left at the post B Smith 13 J.Gocbel, T.Portuguese, "lines. DALW00D. br. g. G 115 By Dalhousie — Brynwood. Trainer, J. G. Wagnon. Owner, Pelican Stable. 673 Shport : i I -.hvy IS Jit t .". 7 7 7 7 " Tiller 7 SanHamis. Propnda, PlaiaBill P2272 P.Gnds 3-4 IOS good 160 Ul 11 11 li 11 l:G Walls 13 U.Bureojrne, Rlaiac. Tbers Pel .Vison 1 1-16 l:48%f ast 26 PJ6 8 8 12 12 l-i.i; Walls 13 Sentimental, IPkODay. Col.Ut 2068 J.-fson 3-41:18 hvy 26 113 I l I 6] PJG Walls 7 Iranmist, M.Ggbam, Stimeutal MW .J.fson 1 l:44%mud IS 111: 3 9 8 8 I «G Walla ! Rapid Stride, llnnes, Ponltney 11648 .!• f.son 3-1 l:ll-.-,fast ::0 IM 7 0 .". E» 7 " . Walls 12 P.kl.ay. Anlillol t.-r. Dr.Slinfer U626 JeTson 8-4 1:15 good 68 189] 6 C 6 8* C"G Walls 8 Ina Fay. By Heck, Mi-s Kruter 14988 Jamaica 8-4 !.ii-fnst 18 lis s s 8 7 C-J -I fonnnrs 8 M. Jumbo, Sycamoor, n. simplex; Jamaica lm76yl:45sfaat :;o 112 8 3 4 4 3s » ■ K Troxlor 3 Illnansstsn. Draa Ba«k, Perseus CLEAN UP, br. g. 7 115 Bv Hamburg— Sweepaway, by Wild Mint. Trainer, B. Hitchcock. Owner, Briggs and Hitch oclO. n Shpon 7-8 l:3S%hvj IS 113 l 1 3 2 8* ••-" x Tiler 7 Cockroach, PhiUppic, K.K.Baal :■: •:: Shport 51 f 1:17 lu-y 4 KB 1 I 2 _• _ - I. McOott 6 VaLWest, M.Oingham, Comacho 51647 .leison ::-l 1 :1 89 lo.", I 7 S 7j 7- F Bryson lo L4ent.Pi i kin-. Fnllux, Taphaak 1.i7T0 Devre 8-4 1:14 fast 17-5C 168 :» I 8 7| !»• Q Stone 12 Pop Eyes, Iirt Pullet, ClarkM. 19663 Windsor 3-4 Hl..Vf.good 10 104 1 4 4 41 IS H Gregory S Fir-t Pullet, Mannile, lyx 0853 Kwrth 3-4 l:18%fast 18 1*8 6 2 4 8 !» " U BbnpsonlS ViveMcGee, Kunnvveii. lilMahdl fi355 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47. I U8 8 11 1 6.] Boherts 12 Mab, Thinker, Grey Kagle IS166 Latonia 1 1-2 2M%£mat 8 985 111 1 ii1 fis3 J Roberts 7 Marauder. Dr.Rae. Kiinerana 8114 Latonia 3-4 1:13%fast 12 198 8 4 3 31 2« J Roberts 12 Mouey. Rriiudiurst. Sparkler PETROGRAD. ch. g. 7 115 By Peter Guincc— Carthagcr.a J. P. Hayes. Owner. Romei and Bnimfield. Shport i l:18%hvy i5 ;• ; 1 1 :: 1- !- If Kii.k-n ; s;. .1u t. Philippic, Ivsamist 41266 F.Gnda 5i I 1:11- hw o in J" 99 li 11s 11" S Sndmanl2 P. CoaaeBy, Bosras, I.arlr Sight 37783 Oaklwn 51 f 1.-68 fast 88 WI •" 10 10 9s 95 J Dursch 12 Hwla. Hazel Dale. Hazelnut 27698 Oaklwn 61 f 1:67 fast 10 i o 7 5 7 7S 8T| C Borel 12 It. Williams, Liberator. 018 Boa 17304 P.Gnda 8-4 l:12Vsfast l- HG 1 8 lo 1.-l:-1 P Louder 12 KorfJnure, HarryMasoa, SyLai 37213 P.Gnda 8-4 1:13 fast 1 lie 2 I 1 J* f W J 0Bnl2 Tolerance. B.Kathryn, 8. Bay II. 87113 P.Gnda 8-4 l:17%hvy r,o 111 10 10 8 8l 71* O W Car* 112 Hasty Cora. BiRie B., J.C.Wotrh 370l0 F.t.nds ::-41:17 livy 3u 107 3 1 2 91 95 J Rodgezll Soiivinir, Liberator liluebnnock 36945 P.Gnda 8-4 FFIr.fnst M 1"VJ 3 2 5 7= 8IT P Hobson 8 Harry L.. Blackle Daw, li.Rrady BALLYGIHEN, ch. f, 3 M 95 By Handsel— Santa Lucia, by St. Florian. Trainer, A. Luzader. Owner, A. Luzader. 53662 Shport 5 f 1:18 hvy 13 HE ■". r. 6 6* ■"• J Shelepeta 7 Hand Sweep, Royal Blood, Toay 52S83 P.Gnda S-4 l :i:.-fast Mai 92U2 18 13 K; 131- P Andson 13 General, Phflaaderer. Moroni 53826 JeTson 51 f laVsfast ZS l« 9 10 98 10- 10* M Garner 11 Ilantoon, I.. Wynne, MaryFonso 51736 Jet" son S-4 1 :l. -.-hvy 31 1-tOi 1 6 4 fi2 C,J H King 7 Moiitillo. Secretary. M.Josphine 51646 Jefson 61 I l:08%fast la 104 7 8 7 5i 5i J J Mneyl2 The Moor, Big Son Repeat 0393 Churchl 7-8 1 21 84 1"7 9 7 7 9 91 98 F Wilson 14 orilia. Kleanor S.. Cut Ip .1365 Churchl 3-4 i:l« good 12 112 9 10 8 7 V ■ Pool 18 Cold QumCa. BlaucheMac. Corilla FINANCIAL ROOSTER, b. g. 4 M 115 By Little Dutch— Cloisteress, by Carlton Grange. Trainer, F. Wright. Owner, R. Warfield. 53075 Shport 5 1 1:13 hvy r 117 • •"• 1 :" .• If Brick Vn 7 Tony. Bepent, Little Niece IS Shport 54 f l:18%hvy 7 lis 7 7 7 G- 8*1 H Krtcks n 7 KirJ.Verxwe, Bepent, AnnesPet .l,;: P.Gnda 3-4 l:13%faat M ill 16 s : hi- 16*1 M Garner 13 General, PhRanacrer, Morjani 52763 P.Gnda l:n7iy l:l:ii-hvy 12 US 6 4 3 E M !»• 1 Morris 16 Secretary. P.. Rendered Doc. Jim SZ189 F.Gnda 1 1-16 l:47%faat 56 999 3 5 7 9 9 9?» 11 Lunsfd 8 Ilarv.Kiug. Madrono, Od-Swell 58U6 Jefson 3-4 1 :14"-fast 66 166 8 7 M 16* 16»1 J J aTneyll Lt.Perkins, HdenJowcl, Murray 8BS1 Devra 8-4 l:17%hTy 16 U3 3 3 S 4 lij J Heupel it B.Brommel II., D.Rouia, Gorham B869 Dev re 3-1 1 :1 7 110 8 4 7 9* Sl 11 Lunsfd 11 MkWe-t, Ian- Blsom, Murray MISS STERLING, b. in. 6 M 110 By Peep oDay— Annagh, by Broomstick. Trainer, E. Lutz. Owner, E. Lutz. T". Shport 51 f 1:15 hvy 12 no i 16 7 7" F Murr.hy 7 Tony. PiaascialBooster, Repeat 662 Shport 54 f 1:19 hvy 15 11". 1 2 2 43 4- P Murphy 7 Hand Sweep. Royal Blood, Tony ©735 Kemp n Ab3-4 i:ii: 67 113 t,-1 w Andson 8 BlaacUta, Betterton, P.Heathor , Kempn Ab3-4 l:i; 11 III V* W Amis. n 8 Csaraosn, Electric, N.Myhright 19543 Mt.Royal .:-4 1 :! l1 .last 11 111 9;i L Gaugel 18 Oak.lSello. 8hortChs», Mistake 19443 Mt.Koval 5-8 1 m1 .fast IS 116 5» L Gaugel 8 Sliern.aii.A., K.Jenning-. Timbd . ,,.; M.iivc Ah :.-s i:o. 6 191 23 .1 lndw,1 B W.l.Montv. GasMask. Dudleltg J. E. HERTZ, ch. c. 3 M 100 By McGee— Spiteful, by Orlando. i Trainer. T. A. Scott. Owner. W. D. Bernhardt. 53662 8h port 5.J f 1:19 hvj :; 11- 7 ; 8 64 6* .1 II Burke 7 Bawl Sweep, Royal Bl ad, Tonv 813 Shport •" i i:i-hv;. .", 113 I I i -1- ." .1 li Fork. 8 Boreh, Plato, Sir John Vergaw CHESTERFIELD, b. g. 6 M 115 By Transvaal— Humming Bee, by Hamburg. Trainer, D. Womeldorfl. Owner. Snyder and Holmes. I . I .1, is. .ii 3-4 1:1a1 t, i 68 115 12 12 13 12 I23« A Collina 13 I..T.uf..l..v. Salute. M.Gcham 16145 JeCaon ::-1 i :i:..,i;....d leu n. i 13 13 1 .; Ifetcalf 14 Back Shot, Bond, Alf Vestna 45967 Jerson 1 1:691 hvy 168 !••:: ll ll 11 ll 11 -"• P Smith 11 Bomtelm, Ponltney, a. n. Akin 12848 Latonia 1 1 - 1 :" • ..mud j:i 1»1 6 8 8 I 7* 747 W Moore B J.Hefltertas;, S.MeMkin. M.Pollv 12903 Lai inia I I K 1:51 fast 163 K •• 6 I 7 7 7-: Frown 7 D.Wliams, Kminee, l.l.awiiDa J5909 Churchl 3 I l:153fcc;ood 49 il I 8 7 Pit" J Dreyer !» It. i.. Owen. Sirocco, BoaTroarp 95751 Douslaa 3-4 Fii.-.-l-.w 48 11311 u 8 b""-i-J .1 Dreyer ll Dr. Levy. UaaScheer Oreatfimu

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