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THRILLING SPORT AT HAVANA l Mumbo Jumbo Takes Feature in Rousing I Finish — Three Straight for Mather. HAVANA, i aha, Pebraan -■"■ The Ceioa Haadl cap, which was todays featare .-it Oriental 1 I.nk. IilihIsIiI .i s|ii,.||.ii,i contest, in aiiich Mum bo Jumbo came from behiad la the stretch inn lo heat the favorite, Atta Hoy II., by ■ bead 1 la .i rousing finish. Mnmbo Jaaabo was ridden 1 by .j H-k- i. Borel and tliis was lii~ fb st whining " mount at this meeting, B n I was liainpi red wane , whea ii came to ;i linisii dael. Mnmbo limlw mis iniliiiil io bear over to the inside and i crowd Ann IJoj II which was in rlose iiaartera next to the inside rail. This forced Upiel b «top liilinu several linos i.i inill aa~aj his aiouut CoklbJattV diminutive racer Atta Boj II. .is iii--mg fn in forriag the pace, which «ns fast from ; tin- stun. Todays attendance v*is sur| risiBgly large caa-■IderiBg that yeaterdaj .is n holiday. There »:i another thrilllag finish la t Ii-■ fifth race, l..i Kross from Williams Bras. stable saateh-lag iriur- from i_ht Wiiol in the hist stride The bitter had raced Duke Raff lata defeat "n Ike far tut ii iimi appareatly had * safe k*ad turn iii- for borne, shea l..i Kress, stealing up rloee to the Inner rail, slipped through nu..; at the ead to ■ I secare the verdb-l bj .i nosi-. : I in cansbiteiil Slather araa !iis third straight victory i of the meetiag whea be b?d all the way la the • sth race to beat Black Tboag by i leegth Tag Kang bad little trouble accoaatiag for the inaagaral dash. He waa away aaJcfcl] aad opeaiag ; np a roaimanding lead held it lo the ead. crossin : tlii- winiiin:: line ranteriag. White Haven, coming ; from tin- rear «;ih fast ckwing rush, caught aad l |..-iss,,i sniiii.i in Ho- fiaal strnlis tu -. i second 1 . place. hi mi i .-i ■ I u I • . i in i-in,. • ontesi la i hii-ii .M Heifcrts three year ok] colt lieorge w K-ai taturaed the wfaaaer. After raciag Terribb siiin lato defeat oa the stretch turn Gearge W. icil the i-st of the *rmj aad aadei Penamaas strong finish beM Plyiag Prag safe in ■ siaew straining ; last eighth drivi The Masqaerader palled np btate 1 1 after raciag foraardlj m tin- early raaaiag. ! •TcM-kL-v Ko.miioihI Ball, wlio had beea eaafiaed to • bad in :i lorn i siinit.u-iiiui Im arretal weeks aafter-lag - ram aa attack of typhoid ferer, :i- it the c . i oarae this afteraaaa. I I.i.k.v Atkinson, who nls,, has i ■ ill "I lyphoM i reported oa the mead. The opi-iiiii dash toaaorroa which is for t»" year-olds, la marked kg the fact thai Mr, Ricaido . IXiU "js|i.-h is n;iui..j !•• siiiH. Caalikk ts l ; 1 1 ! • - c . I . Malik Caatara sad Is aNo eligible for tin 0,000 tuba Produce Stakes, which is i,. ke run on March 30 Prederick Lewisaobn of New Voik arrived today far aa exteaded is=it . Frank K. Hoib-. a grabl merchant of tovingion. K... arrived from New Ikiaaaan, Jockey 11. Good at ta, a tarsal arrival from New ml. ins. bad In- firsl mnhmiI here whea ha rode B. a. .loins ,n iii.- third race. William Wright, a prominent Sow York pro- | fe salon a I man. arrived here baggy far. ■ tharl atay i