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ONTARIO RACING NOW SAFE , . — «. — An Important Decision Rendered at Toronto Yesterday. ♦ Provincial Legislature Has No Power Over Matters Already i Settled by the Dominion. ; i TOBOXTO. om.. Pebraan S3.— Judgment m given al Itoscodc Hall today by tin- second divisional . court, chief Justice It. M. Meridith presiding, • •ii i he constitutional iiaesttori* act regarding race ■ track hettiag. Hob. w E. Raacy, attorney -general, sahaaltted Iwo aaeatioas, asking in effect M I" 111- pi-Wef Of tile Olll.llin government !•• prohibit, " or to pass legfedatJoa i • prohibit, l «-r t ihk-1 on race tracks within the pro- ince . Tin- chief justice, in ddiveriag Judgment, said: . j i "The answer lo both naestioaa submitted is "an - i , brief. Neither the praTiarial legislature aar the • Ijcatetmat-govcrnor-ia taaacll baa the power asked] 1 i for. JastJce lihl lell disseats oa the second qaes- ! ■ ii..n. "That which is to be affected mainly, if the , nrovlnjee has power to affect It, is botae raciag; abto, iimi.. directly, bat less effectually, it is bet-1 I ] ting at barae race*, bat no betting, ao raciag, ■ i , killing of two birds with sate stone. There are in i the nreviare in the rtaaaea of persons ruaeerned, . or win. .in themselves. m:iinly in the mutter; • : ill I bus.- v, ;.» are aaamaed m. betting aad desire t«. areveal all othera froai ieteraiiaiog for theataeirea whether t.. indulge la it or act. 2 Thoae who ileaire to bet. aad tbcae who ieaire the freedom ta , bed pr hoi .is the | I. •;«.■ mhI 12 Those, mainly-owacrc a ; of race , wirses aad race horses, whose B , boaiaeaa would be ruined by the suppression of f betting. "In ahataat all parts f the warM barae racing is aad alwayi baa beea a nastl aad a haalm na or r much baportanre. Ii is leaa in Canada thaa la Knglaad and In Iretaad, but ii is the aaate thing in ! .-ill its qualities. "Property atasl be beM aad contracts nnisi lie made. PTen la Matters which are most dire, th i aad aeeeaaarily Bumiai ncerns,* bat the general 1 |i o- i r regarding property aad ciVil rights cannot. reasonably, be made even an excuse for invading race courses for the purpoae 00J.1 of legislating regarding .-i sabjeci ... Dead legislation oaly. aad that ought to be mm-.- evident whea parliament t baa already legislated opou the matter. * "Relief f: in importuaity, not i lake Into ae-coaat roadeai nation or eaatameiy, has iis ns.-s: it t is ;i xabi to those in pnivindal offl i to h.- able 1 " to sii to those aim would drown lbs cry • ! tin-betting machiue: Nerer reatvre, aerer win. with the rry of Neeer reatnre. n« .-r sin bat thai can i l"- l- ii ■ only in the. atatters of parlaiateat tin-I.nii i:ii -ni of « :i li.i l:i . or the p.irli;innnt «.f Great i Uritaia aad Irelaad." .Insti." Miil-II. ■!..!• s.-,ir| that t.. the li.inini n baa 1 "ii xivea IXclasire Jarisdictl rer criatiaal I I law. In Ike .isi- la band, the proposed legislation is nt iii any way within lac aaibit of the itroTia- • .in: isiliitinn. inn ii is .in atteoapl by the A |.n. inio to iii-iii with the i|iiosiiin: if pabiie morals, rhkb. be says, is ••:! deliberate attempt to tree puss apoa a forbiddea fleldL" ♦ -