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. I r 1 -r . , . . - j t . ." ll ." 1 s r I J : i . , . " . ,. - ■ ij . i Z ," C ," i 1 SHREVEPORT FORM CHART SHREVEPORT, LA.. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1921.- Sixth day. Shrore I Jockej Club. Winter Meeting of 13 days. Weather clear: temperature 70 - Presiding Judge. Joseph A. Murphy. Starter, James Osborne. Racing Secretary. .1. P.. Campbell. Racing siarts at 2:80 p. in. Chicago time i:30 p. m.». Indicates apprentice allowance. prQ/r"f O FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming;. tlOU 4 O Net value to winner S350: second. S100 : third, §50. "Index I torses AWt 11St t r % St r Fin Jockeys twiiers o ll"~"7; j S : Kiti sax MARCUS w 4 HI 7 t j ; 1- 1: I" .1 Heupel B B Dwyer ! i" 7-5 3-6 1-3 52114 PROPAtJAXDA w 5 111 3 _ » i: 5*28 F Murpby i: Lutx IS 31 _• 7 :; 58811 PLAIN BILL u till C I. 1* ;:- ::1 Ii I, Mini; Hlckey Pros .". :: :: KM E88M SKLMA ; w 5 Mi I :: 4*J 2«J 2 4- E Smith U Uooae S i M :: 7-.". 5tS18*FORSCIXMtVRE will I :, •; I I] .", - .1 SbelpeteF K l.rysou 8 U hi :: s S 58028* * AMERICAN ROBEw J 118 - 7 7 5J I* 8" L Aron M R Pons • .". 7-10 ."•■p»7i lALi«»l w ii lit :. 1 :.■ 7 7 7 N Tiller Pelican Staid, • HI 1". 1". Time. 25-0, 52, 1:062. 1:13--. Track heavy. Winner h. l. by Sweeper — Lady Sell, by Mordant train, I l . L. . Lucas; bred in Frame by Mrs. Herman B. Ouryea. Went to posi at - -•" . At post 1 minute, start g 1 and slow. ..;i easily; necond and third driving. SAN MWRCIS. showing high * i. raced into a gaud lead at oaee and easily won all the ua PROPAGANDA meed forwardl from tin- atari and outstayed plain Pill.. The latter s,-i be earlj pace, but wan tiring ;it the end si. I. MA t, lit-,, I In the last eighth. AMIMMCAN Post: was fur back all the way. 50 £F7 A SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Pitre $£00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. tl * 4 -Ml Net valu- to winner 50; second. S100 : third, 0. Judex Horses AWtPPSt . . ". Btr Fin Jockeys Owners T ll C P s- 58848 is T. ii ST l» ■"- I 1*5 1 13 1 ■ F Murphy J 1. Gruber MM s _:; J-5 .-.:».•»» MORMON wu a 88 St 3 2] .; S G Rubin J I. Coyle ;. E s - 7-ia 5S858MICKEY MOORE w I 115 S 2 I J :: J« R HoPwayC Smith 4 4. 4 6-5 1-2 oitil.S JUSTICE GOEBLwu li l.o t 3 "- E| *« J 4 .1 RodfferL A Broaddua 3-2 8-5 6-5 1-2 1-5 52488 ON HIGH w 4 no 7 7 J« I .".. 5» .1 Sbelpet J Robertson 4 E .", S-5 7-M 58848 SIR J VKRGNE w 5 181 1 a V ::- S3 I v Collins Y St Vincent 8 12 10 1 2 58858 HAND SWEEP wit. I«2 ■_ : 7 7 7 7 L McDottt* Vitltoi 1 lfl in l 2 Time. 26. 52:,0. 1:07. 1:14-. Track heavy. Winner -Br. c, by St. Vnlnia — Mirror Maze, by Musetto trained by i. M. Johnson: bred by Mr. Tyree Bute. Went to ]iost ;it 2:47. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow Won driving; second and third tie-same. ST. J I ST was hard ridden and. racing into the tend at once, held Bfraj to the end. but had t n be ridden hard to outstay MORMON. The latter raced in tin be*t going throughout and Bnished gamely. MICKEV MOORE raced well and had no mishap-. JlSTK F. UOEBEL Wiis outrun from the start. SIB JOHN T:1J.NT: was iii ihe worst part of the Hack. OX IllCII was badly ridden. SO/PfCT THIRD RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3 year-olds and upward. Maidens. OV 4 t3 Claiming:. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. I lKb-x 1 1 , • raes "TwtiIS t , ■ j _" , Str Fin Jocki ■ ttw; jew O j"j C i j g*" 5S8S8xTONY u 1117 I Z - : r i5 V J RodgcxJ Lebler I ;,. i„ ] -~ 58848 l-IXAM i. RSTERu 1117 S i 5* 3 ::- 2= !i KriilsiiK Wirfi.-hl r. 8-5 1-2 5S8481REPENT wuTMS 1 1 :; P : I, M, 1 • , tt I. Oots 6-5 6-511-101-2 1-5 148*4* LITTLE NIECE « 1105 3 T «• 4J I Is G Uubin Faraum 8 Fixer 5 |6 10 ; 7-., .-JH3! il.i:.N SWEEP « I 105 7 .". 7 7 :,- E» I. Aron O WenUel IS 18 1" H J 58888 I ;nYAI. BLOOD wn r» 115 3 I I - • . . Heupel R .1 Horner 8-5 3 13-54-5 1-3 r-3852 Aliss STERLING wa 6 no :: l P- 65 7 7 V Murpby E Lata U 15 i- I 1-5 Time, 26. 53, 1:07-,. 1:15. he.cvy. Winner -Ch. y. by Tony Bsuirs The Mirage, bj The Reaper trained bj C. Hawk: bud by Mr. Tyree Bate!. Went to pest iit 3:13. At post 1 minute. Start and sl,,w. v,„, easily: sec,, ml aid third driving. TONY raced into tin |,m,i in the tirst quarter and. keeping iii tin- good -oinn. won eased tip. FINANCIAL BOOSTER Bnished last mid gamely through the last eighth. REPENT had to race through deep getag in the early running and tired in the last eighth. ROYAL BLOOD was far back all the way. Scratched— 58061 ; Oriental Press. 105; 5805a Ballygihen, 108: 18855 Malta it. Kent. lug. erQ/r7£5 FOURTH RACE— 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming! Net value OOV 4 3 to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses A Wt PI St j [£ -, Sto Jockeys 6wier ~ jj"c~p~s"~ yjQii KINGLING II. wa s 113 5 1 1- 1*1 i»Jl» A RlcbcrkJ P Mayberry 9-5 2 13-163-r. put 53032 P. G. KING w I Ml i i -1 - - 2« :x J Heupel R E WgUtina 1 7 t: -0 3-i ,••2818 KEDO era 7 113 I 3 41 S » 3» L Aron T Coutello .77; -l-t C3001 VERSAILLES w3 N IS -1 ,; i; l« L McUottT Doyl 7 1 I" S30S3 ALMA T. wi: 7 ioj . i 5 I S ll ■, G Baaia C W Atkiason : i;-;i-.j i-i Time. 27, 53-,. 1:22, 1:37-.,. Track heavy. Winner- P. h, bj Etbelbert- King- Favorite, bj Hanoter trained by I. Arthur: bred in France by Mr. August Belmont i. Went to p.,st at 3:35. At post 1 minute, start | i and stow. Won drlTlag; sresad and third the same. KIN.I.1N. II. was rushed into the lead at once, but, under n iy -judged ride. , nine near tosing in the last stij.i,. p. c KIM" stumbled when about to move up, but came steadily in the wtlftili .-mil was gabag b.-t :tt the n ! KF.BO lini-hed well. ALMA It. li:t I M ishups. YKKSA1LLF.S 1 1 red. Scratched- i.*..»Ci.lTVrribl.- Miss, ll ::»vi Old Faithful. 91 KQA77 TIFTH RACE— 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. N«t valuo UOU4 4 to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. "index Hor i AWtPP8t % % % Str Flu Jockeya Owners O H C P S 53BSS "COCKROACH m i 118 7 4 1-1° l1" Is I1* L Atom L Howard hB6 8-6 7-5 1-1 1-8 SSS4B* PHILIPPIC wa?168 ! B .".♦ 5»| :.♦ •" 2* .1 BtaelepetaK K Bryaoa 4 8 8 21 8-8 BSSTB N K. BKAL m 7 113 I I 4» M • P ■" B RunVeUlM G MMtpaat r C 12 12 I S-5 : "18?," PiiiNKS ir 8 111 I I 6* 8* B" 8* 41 .1 H.-i i T B Crist I 8-8 8-8 a SS8S2 MART PONSO wa 1 hi 4 I f 2 3» 6* 6 I. McDott Huffman * Lan«21 3 18-81 1-2 i CSSSJS CLEAN UP waa 7 Ul ! l H l1 -h 8 ■- N Tiller I tries* A Hltchk a 15 II ■■ H S21S**CAPT HODGE m :• 113 C777777H Bricks nP .1 Bilk* 88 88 88 I I Time. 26-0. Stf*, 1:21%. 1:88%. Track heavy. Winner Br. g. by Macs* ta Lad] Levity, bj UaM spiun.r trained kg I. Partridge; bred by Mr. Charttaa AMxander. Went to post at 1: r_ . At post 1 minute Skill road and -leu. V Bully: second an.l third iluv- lag COCKROACH, showing much early ipred. raced! inc.. a c.,„.d lead at once and eaaBj held the others aafe for the eatire rare. PHILIPPIC moved up tamely la the stretch, tmt euaM not ret mar the aria n. r N. K. BKAL waa in beavj y.-imr la the early rannlng. bal came faal after roaehkeg the path. MAKY FON80 tired badly m the last eighth. PBCXEB was always outrun. QiV7C SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. OOUi O Net value to winner S350: second. 00: third. S50. . I "TncW Hoi-*. V" " AlVJlIsfi -.;, str Fin Jockey OHWI _I?_tl ** * , : 5":tt7l I capt HI"Us waa it 111 2 1 6 1 1 1- 1 L McDottJ Simpson 8-8 1-5 M 8-6 i-l r::014 8UXDCRIA ara .". ins 1 :: V 81 81 - E Smith K w Moore I M I SSSSSCORTDON ara 118 5 4 U 1" 2* * ■■- I BadcenA Luaador 8-5 2J 8-5 8-5 1-4 SS8SS sis. M. ar5M8 4 I 8* • 4 ! I L Arou 1 McDertnld 3 3 I] 7-51-2 SS8JSS • H A 1 : KV smark a :. Ml 1 2 #" I 5 •"• •• B HolwayW L Hatchett 6 8 7 2 7-10 , Time. 27. 54. 1:83%, 1:81*4, 2:00. Track heavy. Winner B. a. ay Roektoa Bavena. by Clifford trained by J. Simpson; bred by Mr. laha Baafard. • Went to poel at 4:29. A1 post 1 minute. Start aaoi an.l Blow: Won easily: -,-,-f,u and third aril -in- CAPTAIN ItlllNS was kept rtaae up from the start and raced lalo the lead in the last quarter to win easing n|. siMH UIA was i, aid : idd. d and Baixhed ramely. COBYDON tired in the last quarter alter bariac ahowa the most apeed t.. the far turn. siSAN M. was gaialas faal at the end. HARVEY BMARB had no atiahaiM. s, ratrhed ." 3t,Ni.". Thaaderbtrd. iwl. . .