Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-26


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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 25. 1921. Oriental Park. Riffhtieth day. tuba Amernaii , Jockey and Aato flab. Winter Meetiaa. --f 18B nr m.u. days. Weather clear: temperature 90 . nUaatibi. T. nnrhair later. C. 11. Laaaaale and F. .1 Braea. Btarter, laatea F. .Milton. Baclag Bee- retary, M. Xathaason. Baciaa; atmrta at L:iO p. in. ifiii.-a.i time ■-,- i,. m.l. Indicates aiipentiee .illowan.e. TIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1 :05 ;6— 5— 102. Pane S700. 3-year-•! " 50ATO 4 %J olds and upwaid. Caimimj. Net value to winner 50: secomLSlOO : third, 0. In HelT Horsca A WllISt !t . :4 Str Fill .loekeys Qwuera 0 II J l_l_s__ I I : ::u:,H »TOP RUNG wii .". Us :; l 1» 1» 1« 1* C Lanes- i. Mock 7-5 8-5 8-i 2-5 1-3 .-.:o:5 WHPTE HAVEN w 5 ; vj 8 7 P 4l ::- 2a* T Burn« 1 O Sawyer I I I 2 1 .-JttMl STILLTTu ■ .• MG I I Baa 2ak 2s 8 H LcaaterH Bhlelda ■■_ I ! 7-5 7-10 rtMl Ht8LER a 1 I8H 5 •". T • I *il- 4** 4ak L Penman* L LenaJamn 5 8 I - I StBtt MARY P1TZHUGH 1 1M 8 3 3" 5 B»J 8* . Tryon C X Mackey 1- 12 12 -I .",30.14 ~ JAMES »;. a I 7 U7 l i 4* 7 8" 8* .i Bmitl -l d BatraKpefl 38 30 I HJ E .-•i7."i7 LHT FANTASTIC w» 3 M8 7 8 21 7" 7: F AVils A V Woriey 8-5 8-5 8-6 *-5 1-J BtBBt WILL JOHNSON w 4 lit 4 3 I I I I F MerimeeE Qaar M 88 I M i Time. 23. *T%. 1:01V5. 1:0733. Track fast. 83 niutn.is paid. Top Baas, 85.10 utraight, s:-;.-jo place, sJ.!« ahow; White Harea, 83.M place. 83V.70 0i slow : Stiletto. 8S.M s|K. . Lqunalent booklag odda Top Baas. 155 to 1 M atrahrht »4.ii to Hk» place, 4a to KKi show: White ,. Haw— , Imi to 100 place, 83 to 1 ni ahow; stiletto. ;" to lKi sh.iw. Winner B. a, by out ..f Beach Cthatber, by Voter trained by T. smith: bred bj Mr. .lames Butler. Went to pest at -::!i. At po»1 1 minute, start •.: 1 and alow. Won easily; aeeoad and third dri- in. Tt»P UIN 4 took the lead at aatce, act a fast pace and won in a canter. WHITE HAVEN rtosed ., l ejap and outstayed KT1IJ5TTO for aecond place. The latter raa weU and Bniibrd uani.ly. HOSLBB ran j, fairly well. I.U:IIT PAXTABTIC .piii after ninniaa; a faat half. r PT Q/hfc/h SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlon-s. Jail. 24. 1917— l:05l/a— 5— 102. Purse 00. 3-year-i3« "Ovf olds and upward. Glaiminr. Net value to winner S550: second. 00: third. 0. Ind Haraea AWtPPSt 14 ■ Ktr Pin Jockeya trwnera O H C P 8, r 2884 : UEORUE W. a •• 87 I I - - I* I L L PenmunM Seiferl 7 5 8-5 B-5 1-- 1-4 I Btt843FLYING PROG a I 112 7 1 •". 3ak t _ . ij r Borel C Lsydecket 7 7 4:! .-,:;05.* KAYJIAX v •» I B »■» 8* »: 31 K Wllaon W II Schwartz 8-5 - 2 8-6 1-:; mil; TERBLE si SAN v. i: t IM 2 3 l"- -; - •- 4" 1 : Kenn*dy8 T Baxter 7 I H ."263:! POKEY B. wa 5 187 1 8 7 i; ; a Simona C H QUroy m M 18 t M8HB*THE MQUERDRa a i 107 I 2 8* h] 8»* C :: L t3t«rP B ain.r :: :: :: 1 1-2 riltiH PRANK BURKE ws C 112 E 7 t. 7 7 7 O Mangan C H Smith I". 15 1". I :: Time. 23-,,. 48. IM%, 1:08. Track fast. . ~j mill iM is paid, Bearce W.. BC.W atraicht, 88L8B place, 82.W shew: Plyiag Prog, sl.tKi place. 8S.80 0 •hoar: Bayaaaa, 88-58 ahow. Kquivalent 1 Uins; odds Beorse W.. 28M to Kmi atraicht, 85 to ion place. 88 ta KMi ibaw; Plyiag 8 Prog. lx» to lt ii phi..-, iii to 100 ahow; blayaaaa. 7." ta HH» show. Winner It. c. bj Kiinnytned. Kmhla. by Solitaire II. trained by M. Seifcrt: bred by Mr. Adolph k B. Bpreckela. Went to poal at U:.".!!. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Wen driving: second and third the e same. OBOBGE . raced TERRIBLE siSAN int.. defeat ea the Rtreteh turn, where be took the had. 1. but had t.. be ridden ant al the end FLYING PROO raced wide all the way. bat made a fast finish. 1. BATMAN ran well and linisl..-, with a rash. THE MASQUERADES pulled ap lame. Overweights Kayinaii. L pounds. PJTQ|*aQ-| THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:05 *£— 5—102. Purso 5700. 3-year-OOvOl. o.ds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner §550: second, 00: third, 0. "index ilor cs AWtllSt TsirJ-in Jorkey? trwnera II T» S~~ 1 BtT18*TARA8CON wa 5 113 Y ■; ::i ::■• L- 1-1 .1 Snm:. W C Weatmored I 3 3 1 1-2 BSBSB*EDDIE McBRH E na ■» 184 I 1 21 li Ill1 S Lou- H Woodi 1 1 3 1 .".••ftfi-J SYBIL w 7 IM 6 t i"!: • •- K McUottW H Hall 8-5 2 2 3-5 1-3 ."17.". I- RAMEAU w»5 111 3 1 6 •"•■ 5ak 4J L PenalverH V. Daria 15 15 15 E 3 "•-$■;«. BOING THKGHaM lln .r. 7 7 7 6" V W K.dsiy .1 H Baker 8 B v :: 8-5 !8:.rj«*:. JONES wa 8 184 7 S BJ • Q H Odv n i: 11 Hall -" M S ! : .H I ■ i-L II" w3 M - ! li" 31 7 P s • h •■■•;•• ; w IV German 78-6 8-6 1-2 1-4 I Time. 23. 47.,. IM.%, 1:08. Track fast. 83 uiiiiu.l- paid, Taraacoa, s.i.Lii atrafght, 85.88 place, 83.40 abow; Eddie McBride, s."..7ii place, s:i.|ti IB abon : Sybil s:j :tn show. Ihjnlialial Imhlng odds Taraacoa. 3 3 to 188 atraigbt, 1MB lu Hxt place, 7n hi IBB ahow; Eddie Mc- I.lide. 1«5.", to 100 place. 7l to IBB sii,, ; Sybil. B5 to Im si,,i. Winner -th. a. by Mageilaa Tartlae II. . by TarqaJn trained by W. C. Weatnaareland; bred in „ Franc,, by Air. W. Hart I. Went *o post ;,t ;J,:_l. At post -J, Minutes. Start goad and alow. W..n easily ; -ec.aid and third aril ing. TABA8CON followed the leaders riuaely to the atretcb turn, wbere be eante aa the outside and d raced int.. an easy lead in the la-t I i.:l tie EDDIE HcBBIDE look the lead Ml the far Iirn. nut tired and id pulled up I.-im-•. SYBIL 8aiahfd last and aronld l.ae been uecond in a few more stridea. FLU* act the • arly pace, inn ran out after roanding tit- far ram. _ FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. .Jan. 8. 1820—1:11—6—102. Colon Handicap. Purse 00. D_ 59AQO OVrOaaa* 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 00: second, 25: third. 5. l"nd: H~is.-s ~ A~TTT"st. ■. Vs 8tr Pin Jockeya liwTiTrs- II P S - _ BSS811:MUMBO JUMBO w 7 112 4 " 3* San i i n -,, | r Doy! 2J fe 2j 1 nit StBSSATTA LOY II. w 1113 11 l _ I I: KenndyV Goldblatt 4-5 4-5 4-5 1-3 out r-8BSS PENELOPE ui: 4 882 2 1 -" r i" I ■•■- T Borna J Gjncier 8 lo M 1 out It StBBl-HELEtN ATKIN wa C 187 E I B t: - I. Penman J T Buckley M 1" 13 I out It ."•» ;!! I.. . r Kl.l/.TWN ■ 6 114 - I S E E E .1 Hofflcr T Hoffler 2 2 i 1-2 out „ Time. 23. 47. 1:13. Track fast. 88 inutHels paid, Mnaaha Jombo, 88.40 atraicht, si.ito idace; Atta Boy II.. sj..vi place: no ahow n niutuels s,.|,l. i:.|i-.i:b i,t I king odds Muinb.. .iimibfi. :cjii p. |no atratght, 15 la IBB place; Atta Boy II 25 to IBB m place. Winner B. -. bj lldrim Mntchkin, by liigaateum trained bj B. B. Bice; bred by Mra, L. A. Liy-lagataa I . w.ni to-post at ;.:4ii. At post j niiaatea. start goad and slew. Won aririag: aecoad and third tlie same. Ml HBO JUMBO waa doae up on tie oniHlde until in the last eighth, when- be moved over to the inside and outstayed ATTA BOY II. in the ini.tl drive, the latter tired after netting and forcing an n extremely faal pact for the Bra half and waa a lit s,,n. when going, to the |."M PENELOPE ran a rood d race, but tir.-d after taking the lend on the l.i.-t turn. BELLE OP ELIZABETHTOWN began slowly and id ran pearly. O vein eight* Penelope. . pound*. -- RTOdflQO FIFTH RACE— 1 1-1G Miles. Feb. 3. 1918— l:441i— 3— 92. Purse 00. 4-year-olds is *J*j"0*- and upwaid. Claiming. Net value to winner S550: second. S100: third. 0. Ind- ll-.rs.s AAV: IT St i. ".Str Fin jQckeyjT thiols ~II T P S - - "•i.".::-.» LA KR088 aa 5 108 . ; ." :. Si 2J l" K McDottWillUtma Broa I I 3 2t8rS7*NIUHT WIND wa « ill : I ■ f U IJ t* L Penman r Doyle I • H 8-5 [ .":;o,-»fi IVILFREDA "• p7 ; 3 ;■■ ; Bameaa W Penwick 21 21 2 1 1-2 .-,3017 SVL AX.. -■]■■■■. : 2 SI :;■ 6*1 4» 4i .1 Smith II Williams 15 15 la S .VMS.VJ ZOIE a 5 183 ! 1 • 1 7 7 .. R LcaaterM E Thompson 2 2 J I. ;. ."ilfifi DlKK RUPP a P-- . :. i p. ■: , ;• Wllaon .i •!• Eatrampea 2 2 2 1-5 2-6 ." i«.* 8 TI.M .1 iico.vN w I MS •" . 4 1 ■■!- f. .: 7 s i.ov G Warwick .". 2 1 Time. 25. 4935. l:143i. 1:415. 1:48. Track fast. s_ iiiiitu.K paid. La Kross. .s:;n en straight, 813.60 place, SB.10 ahow; Xi-lit Wind. 81250 place, si. 70 w ■haw : Wilt reda 8 I.OB ahow. i: luivaient booking odds La Kroaa. 1 IBB to lun atraicht. 58B to loo place. 2B5 to IBB show: Nlchl " Wind, •" _•" to hk» pine. IBS t.. ion si,.,« ; Wllfreda. IBB t . 10U ahow. Winner B. t, by Martinet Cbemnlpo, i v Ben Btroaae trained h p. .7. WQIlaats; bred by Meaan Williams Broa. i ut ta poat at 1:10. At poal l mlnate. St.. it goad ami alow. Won iririag: aecoad and third the * same. i. a Ki;nss na- outpaced in the early running, but gradually improved his poaltion and, ttnu biu» faat, ol ap lo u in in the linal strides. SIGHT WIND, sdddi.lv improved, raced into a dear lead, but ut tired after passing IilkK ItlPP OB the far turn. WILFULDA ran well and m. d,- a game finish. TIM-OTHT 1 J. HOtlAN waa sharply ahal o0 after paaahag the half-mile peat. BYLVANO -how. I improve- iiieni. ZOIE can do i -h better. I l MI 111 IT s,-t a g I pace !•• tin l.i htm, but quit and race- in - consist, ntly. now -i-ht- Wilfreda 1-. peiind-. COAO A SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 191S-L41— 5— 1170~Furse 0oT~ — «JOUOtI 4-year-old.; ar.d upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. 0. " Indei Ibis.s AWtllSt i, ij Btr Pin Jew-key a Ownera O H C P B — i.iJ».7iMATlli:i: a 6 IM 12 1 l« r i r Hunt J D Bartolomeo 8-5 8-5 8-5 t-3 1-4 - BttwB BLACK THONG wa 5 1C8 : "■ 7 7 7 I :• C Eam -a O MuckeufUae 2 2 2 3 5B8JSB ROUNDEL wa 5 MG I 1 2J S» 3 i; i. i tcrJ .1 McCafferty .". :. 5 2 1 RSt€4*HOCKIB B 188 a I 6* 6« 6» 41 B McDottW B Pinnegan 8 1" lo I 62Sth8IDOLPH . 4 i. .. I C :. r :, :• l: EenndyW H Hall S ", :. 2 1 *BYRNE wa 5 MJ3 7 7 11 7 ■_ F Wllaon Booadale SUue 3 I 1 l-i - ES#B7« •DISCUSSION ar 5 MS 2 I 2 V 9*9 T Cur:..- I arvallo Broa 6 M 1" 1 Time. 232i. 476. 1:1*%, 1:40. 1:43;,. Track fast. 88 miitufls paid. Mather 85.00 atralght, BS.BB place. 82.80 ihow; Black Xhong, .70 peace, X4.i o •ii .„ show : Itoimde!. 85. M ahaa EquJraleai baahlag «his Mather. 180 ta 108 atraicht, N la 100 place, BB ta Kmi ahow; Black foeac, g, IBS to IBB plac. 130 ta KMi ahow; Roundel. 170 to lw show. Winner- 15. g. by .Martin-t Lady Bather, by Lord EaterUng trained by C. H. Xeal; bud by Ueaan s. Wiiiimns Broa. i HaUaad. W.r.t to p,.st at 1:::." Al post J miniit — . Start goad and slow. Won haadUy; second and third rd driving. MATHEB ael in extremely ia-r pace fog three-ouartara, but tired in the stretch drive. LI.AiK K THONi; wa- badly riddea, bur rioaed aa Immeaae yap when called oa and was going fa -test at the cud. ■I BOUNDBX wa- tor.e.i wide on t m Bral turn, but ran a good race and Bafahed close up. IKu :i; |. . ■ ,| d a |ap and tired DISCUSSION qui! badly. s. ratched 538 •. P«da I ub. Wi .•:,.u_n pie, 103, • I-., rwrichta Butpa _ pound-.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921022601/drf1921022601_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1921022601_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800