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RESIGNS AS RACING COMMISSIONER BALTIMORE Mil April 8 Joseph P Kennedy last night handed his resignation as one of the members of the Maryland Racing Commission to Stuart Olivier chairman of that body It was ac ¬ cepted Mr Kennedy who is interested in the iron business in Baltimore on a large scale gave as his rescns for withdrawal that the press of private bfisiiKrss would not permit of his continuance on toe state board but it is generally understood that press of public opinion and friction within the com ¬ mission had as much to do with his resignation as any other influence influenceThis This is the first break in the commission since the nnouncement of its original personnel about a year ago The vacancy will be filled by appoint ¬ ment from governor Albert Ritchie but any talk as Jo the likely successor of Mr Kennedy at this time is purely speculative speculativeThe The commissioners resignation came on the eve of a meeting at which it was expected the ques ¬ tion of licensing trainers and jockeys would come up Messrs Olivier and Timanus the remaining members of the commission met this morning ac ¬ cording to schedule and disposed of routine matters It is believed that the license question will be thrashed out as soon as Mr Kennedys successor is appointed