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KENTUCKY OAKS OF 192 I Entries for FortySeventh Run ¬ ning Greatest in Its History Prudery Nancy Lee Careful Step StepLightly Lightly and Other Crack CrackFillies Fillies Among Them The Kentucky Oaks with a history as old as the Kentucky Derby has for its fortyseventh running the greatest list of entries ever accorded this pop ¬ ular filly race Without exception all the best twoyearold fillies of last year arc among the nominations II P Whitneys Prudery queen of the 1920 juveniles is according to eastern reports being saved for this particular race She will have worthy opposition with such rivals as Nancy Lee Careful Step Lightly TenLee By llminy Believe Idle Hour Bit of White Poly thin Miss Muffins Muttikins Jacobina and others What a grand field the abovementioned would make and what a glorious race to delight the thousands that would gather at Churchill Downs to witness it It appears as if tlie Kentucky Oaks has at last come into its own and received recognition it rightly deserves The conditions and entries for this old fixture are as follows followsKENTUCKY KENTUCKY OAKS fortyseventh running 10000 added For threeyearold fillies By sub ¬ scription of 15 each 75 additional to start flOOOO added of which 1500 to second SOO to third fourth to save stake Nonwinners of a threeyearold race of the value of 2500 allowed 5 pounds maidens 12 pounds Acceptances to be named through the entry box tlie day before the race at usual time of closing One mile and oneeighth oneeighthBaker Baker A Apliie Dear ch f by Ivan the Ter ¬ rible Armilda by Bryn Mawr MawrBaker Baker Goo F Mary Jane Baker b f by Wrack Ellerslie by Charaxus CharaxusBradley Bradley E R Relieve Idle Hour ch f by Cunard Lovenot by Aotcr AotcrBradley Bradley K R Bit of White br f by Sunstar Dreamy II by Persimmon PersimmonBradley Bradley E R Bit o1 Glory ch f by Black Toney Sweet Alice by Flying Dutchman DutchmanBrannon Brannon B J Golden Dreams ch f by Dick Finnell Mconct by Donald A ABrannon Brannon B 1 Last Rose ch f by Handsel Janice by Midlothian MidlothianBrcckinridge Brcckinridge Dcsha Lady Madcap br f by Dick Finnell Affable by Hastings HastingsCamdeii Camdeii J N Bettina b f by Light Brigade Ecatarina by Commando CommandoClark Clark P A Nancy Lee ch f by Broomstick Naughty Lady by Eshcr EshcrClark Clark P A Flambette b f by Durbar La Flambce by Ajax AjaxCochran Cochran Gifford A Banksia ch f by Ills Majesty Early Rose by Star Shoot ShootDahnken Dahnken F Polythia ch f by Polymelian Cynthia Dwycr by Cunard CunardDavis Davis P W La Dernicre ch f by Mont dOr II Ambrosia by Hanover HanoverFlannery Flannery F Thimble b f by Iluon Sandspit by Rock Sand SandFletcher Fletcher M II Miss Muffins b f by Luke McLuko Carmen by Peter Quince QuinceGallaher Gallaher Bros Pongee br f by Rock View Centre Shot by Sain SainGoode Goode J M Cocur de Feu br f by Ferole Black Lou by Rock Sand SandGoode Goode J M Rose of Horron b f by Horron Rose of Prim by Potomac PotomacGrater Grater W Co Miss Prosperity br f by Jim Gaffnoy Claxonctte by Peter Quince QuinceHeadley Headley Hal Price Romance b f by Luke McLnkt Tranid by Voter VoterHickman Hickman Bailor 0 Pousse Cafe II ch f by Fits Herbert Cafe an Lait by San Marco MarcoHickman Hickman Baylor O Nancy Wyatt br f by King James Disillusion by Chilton ChiltonJenkins Jenkins S L Polly Ann ch f by Superman Princess Nettie by His Highness HighnessJones Jones Montfort Rockland ch f by Friar Rock Belle of Ormonde by Orsini OrsiniKing King W N Mary Gaffney b f by Jim Gaff uey Grand Mary by Florist FloristKncl Kncl clkniiin G Golden Autumn ch f by Mce lick Mondina by Armeath II IIKohn Kohn Thelscn Quick View br or blk f by IJork View Mistress Quickly by Nasturtium NasturtiumLivingston Livingston Jefferson Vivian ch f by Rock View Helena C by John Bright BrightLong Long George J Doric br f by Sain Lalifa by Hamburg HamburgLong Long George 7 Cozelte b f by Sain Sem prite by Seinpronins SeinproninsLowenstein Lowenstein M Blemished ch f by Olambala Belle Ronald by Dark Ronald RonaldMcDowell McDowell Thos C Princess Royal b f by Uncle Kings Daughter by Ornament OrnamentMcLean McLean E B Lough Storm b f by Lough Foyle Storm Nymph by Merman MermanMcLean McLean E B Pretty Peggy ch f by Light Brigade Hermosa by Oddfellow OddfellowMatlack Matlack D T Cremona b f by Dick Finnell Frances Gaines by Star Shoot ShootMorris Morris Walden Fallacy br f by Light Bri ¬ gade Fallal by Ben Brush BrushMurphy Murphy James J Mavourncen blk f by Celt Toots by Top Gallant GallantNensteter Nensteter H Frivol br f by Trap Rock Little Sister by Plaudit PlauditParrish Parrish J W Gossip Avenue ch f by Rulsc Rosewood by Magneto MagnetoPerry Perry Dr Abe Mary McMahon b f by Mag ¬ neto Mary Doyle by Transvaal TransvaalRoss Ross Commander T K L Muttikins ch f by Star Shoot Falcon by Ogden OgdenBoss Boss Commander J K L Jacobina b f by King James Galanta by William the Third ThirdRoss Ross Commander J K L Intrigante b f by Ultimus Intrigue by Kingston KingstonRosseter Rosseter J II Gallant Foe ch f by Friar Rock Watermelon by Watercress WatercressRosseter Rosseter J II Scotland Yet b f by Friar Rock La Patrie by Out of Reach ReachSalmon Salmon W J Step Lightly ch f by Ultiinus Tripping by Delhi DelhiSalmon Salmon W J Careful br f by Wrack Mind ¬ ful by Star Shoot ShootSalmon Salmon AV J Superwoman ch f by Superman Marjoram by Hastings HastingsSalmon Salmon AV J Hayrack b f by AVrack Sump ¬ tuous by Fatherless FatherlessSimms Simms Edward F Dewey Eve b f by Aulcain AVainamoinen by Tlie Commoner Spreckles A B Ruiiatrix ch I by Ruunymcde Salvatrix by Salvation SalvationSpreckles Spreckles A 15 Lcipsic b f by Runnymedc Bremerhafen by Sandringham SandringhamSprcikles Sprcikles A B Ebba br f by Dr Lcggo Georgia VI by Flambeau FlambeauSt St John Fred Day Lilly b f by Olambala Orange Lilly by William the Third ThirdThraves Thraves W Ar Miss Fontaine ch f by Ivan the Terrible Supcrl by The Commoner CommonerAelie Aelie S II Fair Florin b f by Fair Play Florin by Hamburg HamburgViait Viait Mrs Louise TenLee ch f by Celt Network by Eon EonAVaterbury AVaterbury L Idle Dell ch f by Delhi Idle Tale by Superman SupermanAVatts AVatts Garrett Isola ch f by Leauience Clotaire by Carlsbad CarlsbadAVIiltncy AVIiltncy Edward F By JImiiiy b f by Jim Gaffney lanna by Fatherless FatherlessAVhitney AVhitney II P Prudery b or br f by Peter Pan Polly Flinders by Burgomaster BurgomasterAVhitney AVhitney II P Crocus b f by Broomstick Inaugural by Aotcr AotcrAVhitney AVhitney H P Princess Pandora ch f by Peter Pan Queen of Hearts by Hamburg HamburgWorley Worley A D Disturbance br f by Peter Pan Rumrns by Hamburg