Third Race [3rd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-04-09

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THIRD KACE 1 Mile 3ycarolds and upward Claiming June 17 1916 138 3 95 JULY FLY b m 7 100 By Marchmont II Locust by Gorman Trainer J J Sharkcy Owner J J Sharkey 53179 Tijuan 1 43fast 20 108 3 11 1 1 S7J O Willis 10 IJosellis Tours Miss Sedalia 53414 Tijuan 34 l14fast 9 107 1 15S 1 1 5i S l O Willis 12 MIImann Mkin II L Hgan JIMOC Tijuan 5S lH2 fast 14 110 7 S 7 7s 75i B Parke 12 Maid of Ansel El Sabio Viva 53335 Tijuan 34 l14 fast llf 107 7 9 10 10 = 1 743 W Gargan 13 AuntAnnic Tawtha Shorcacrcs 529SS Tijuana 34 115 fast 15 110 9 95A 7 G 51 4i W Taylor 10 AuntAnnic Dienero MabelKule 5iSS3 Tijuana 5A f lOSfast 4110 113 5 697 6 = i W Taylor 12 ColMurphy Volima MankiuII 52729 Tijuana 58 l02fast 9 113 1135S 33 W Taylor 11 Joe Tag English Lady Ely 237 Tijuana 5S l01V fast 24 113 C J N Foden 12 HttieMcCarty Chrome Lantern EL REY ch g 7 112 112Trainer By Peep oDay Lady Strathmore by Strthmoi Trainer A P Yoeman Owner L Scully 53479 Tijuana 1 l43fast 26 114 S 9 7 7 6J G3 A Zeiglcr 10 IJosellis Tours MIs Sedalia 53457 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 29 112 3 5 G G 55 s p Taylor S Zetctic Czardom Tours 53420 Tijuana 1 316 l49fast 27 117 32 13 13 12 11 = 111 = W Hinphy 13 FnnnieNail MissSedalia Zetetic 53395 Tijuana 1 116 150 fast 5 117 G G 7 6 51 G8 G Yeargin 12 Sadie D MLcvcr LJoscphinc 53293 Tijuana 3m70y l47Vfslow t 114 1 9 9 7 51 28 G Yeargin 12 King Agrippa Sadie I Dehra 53263 Tijuana 1 l46Mhvy 7 119 9 8 5 G 6 = 1 5s R Carter 12 ChMastcr DandyVan LJphine 53023 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast GOf lit G 10 5 5 5 = 4 R Carter 11 Ostentatious MSedalia MaudM MaudM10l 52969 Tijuana Im70y l4G fast 33 110 12 12 12 12 12FAIRY 10l IO15 R Carter 12 VonLady ChCourt Ostentatus OstentatusBy FAIRY PRINCE ch g 5 102 102Trainer By Olambala Glass Slipper by Spendthrift Trainer W Mikel Owner W Mikel Mikel5E457 5E457 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast G 102 5 3 3 3 31 4i J Iltamcr S Xetotic Czardom Tours 55414 Tijuana 34 l14fast 13 303 10 99 SI G1 T Kindle 12 MIImann Mkin II L Hgan 33395 Tijuana 1 11G liO fast I3f 101 7 1 1 2 4 4 E Josiah 12 Sadie D MLcver LJosephino 53321 Tijuana 24 115 fast Sf 10112 12 14 1452S47 11 = 11 D Prible 15 Kof Pythias Kosellis Lantern 52S47 Tijuana 58101 fast 215 103 9 99 8i Sl R McCrnn 9 Kd IM Van Crispiu Fireplace 52547 Tijuana 51 f 112 mud Sf 110 7U C Whitton 9 Uiposta Tillotson Geo Jamea 52526 Tijuana 51 f l15sop 10G 110 S14 II Rettig 11 Our Leader Lewis P Velvet 52402 Tijuana 58 l01fast S5 109 94 W Hinphy 9 LitJake HMcCarly Ed Le Van 30335 Chagrin Ab5S l01fast 21 11G 71 E L Brnes S JtianitallL DrHall StanleyH 50854 Chagrin Ab58 l05V sood3310 112 11250S47 lh J Schlessr S Dengro Vulcainus PanthcrSkln 50S47 Chagrin Ab5S l05V slow G 103 103V8G 44 C Undwd C LEyesII OLitleAnn Easttlda V8G Chagrin Ab5S l04slow 125 112 41 J Drnlnlck St Just Participle Dairyman DairymanBy RED WILLIAM ch g 5 M 103 By Hilarious Ethel Scruggs by FOMO FonioTrainer Trainer J Hill Owner H W Barnes 530 Tijua L Iin70y l47fast ISf 101 9 G 10 Pulled up G Miller 31 Sheiiandoah PinkTcimy Xetetic XeteticE34S3 E34S3 Tijua i 51 f 108 fast 22f 101 11 11 11 11 11 G Miller 11 HarHeir Delancey MofAnscl 52888 Tijua i 1 l41fast 31 307 4 G 6 5 41 4 J CIcmcntsl2 HarShilling Ely MtyLever 52751 Tijua i Iin70y 147 fast 1C 107 911 W Taylor 30 Mavvorth Boreas Von Lady 52559 Tijua a 1 l49imud 11 110 811 C Taylor 10 HerniceL AudrcyA PatMack LAZY BEN b g 7 7L 107 By Marchmont II Lady Eula by Sir Diron Trainer L Matthews Owner Matthews Dunlap E3I14 Tijuf n 34 lM fast lOf 312 11 11 10 9 = 7 1 B Pinnegrl2 MIImann Mkin II L Hgau 52SS7 Tiju n 1 l42fast 1G 117 8119 7 63 C Thpson 12 J J Murdock Viva Von Lady 52S61 Tiju n Im70y I4Gfast 55 11712 S 9 7 6 = Gi O Tmponl2 Mountain Girl Maud M Ely 52772 Tiju n 1 116 IMSJifast 22f 110 11 W Taylor 12 RSister Lobelia T IJkenridso 52GS4 Tiju n 1 141 slow CO 110 711 R Carter 9 Irish Daisy IJusy Hird PDlas 52438 Tijuana 1 l41fast 14 10S G4 II Rettig 10 John Jr Pink Tenny Yukon 62259 Tijuana 51 f 1 U8fast 121 111 6 i R Carter 12 C the Way P Direct Rosellis 51640 Tijuana 31 l15fast 13 103 G i C Thpson 9 MerLass GonHyng PDouglai 51541 Tijuana 34 l17Vifats S 112 54i R Carter 8 HorLcrch ShamGrcen ElSablo BELLE OF THE iaTCHENchm8 108 By Hurst Park IsbeU Herraence by Hermence Trainer HermenceTrainer C C Emmert Owner Clear Lake Stable Stable52CS3 Shooter5243U 52CS3 Tijuana 1 l44slow G 110 G17 II Rowe 10 Audrey A Tours Rifle Shooter 5243U Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 32 103 4 II Rowo IxjDinosre IJFlower AudreyA 52193 Tijuana 1 18 l54 fast 3910 108 543 Rowe 7 Mike Daly Itaby Sister Hlulu Hluluo2148 o2148 Tijuana 1 142 fast 215 105 21 Rowo 12 Plunger ItcdWilliam DdyVan 52111 Tijuana 118156 fast 175107 41 Rowe 11 Zamloch Al Wick Mont Belle BelleLADY LADY HARRIGAN ch f 4 101 By Harrigan Lady Hildreth by Golden Garter Trainer GarterTrainer E E Major Owner E E Major 53523 Tijuana 5S l01fast 22 102 0 4 5 G = C5 D Priblc 0 IlazelDale CalCiirn Mannikinll 53144 Tijuana 24 l14fast 13 105 7 2 2 3h 3l D Priblc 12 MIImann Mankinll SOliver 53362 Tijuana 51 f l08fast 195f lOt 11 8 S Si G3 D Prible 12 JIkGarner FanNail MSedalia E2930 MSedaliaE2930 Tijuana 58 105 mud P 306 G G 7 71 S12 G Yeargin 9 TDuncan SeaHeach WCDooly 49013 Kempn Ab58 l04fast G 103 54 C McCkle 7 HAnglelon MDixon KAVorth 19327 M euvo Ab 5S l07hvy 12 102 2s C McCkle f PlainlJill JLogan ColRockrse ColRockrseSTANLEY STANLEY S blk g 13 107 By Jack Point My Gem by Ornament Trainer OrnamentTrainer W E Moody Owner Moody Garrity RIIgan53T26 53337 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 4Gf 113 10 10 10 30 101 9 J Murray 11 Prophecy M Dunbar RIIgan 53T26 Hill532G3 Tijuana 1 18 155 fast 232 107 6 7 7 7 8 S18 J Murray 8 Nepperlian Sasin Sam Hill 532G3 Tijuana 1 l46hvy lor 112111112 12 11 IO14 B Parke 12ChMaster DandyVan LJphlnc 52S11 LJphlnc52S11 Tijuana 1 18 161 fast 4 10S 7 R McCrnn 7 liMntn CavTdourll ByCal 526SS Tijuana 1 316 204 slow 2 101 6 II Jones 0 Le Dinosatire Lit Gink Cork 52558 Tijuana 1 150 mud 15 115 918 R McCrnnlO Canute LJosephine UleFIowcr E2336 UleFIowcrE2336 Tijuana 1 18 l5Shvy 100 111 7 R Dorlty 7 RySister BMountain Honolulu 2240 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast C5f 110 12 J Clementsl2 Shcnandoah Saner Baby Sister 52019 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast 221 111 10li R Dorlty 11 AudrcyK MIJaly Bof theKit theKitSWEETWATER SWEETWATER ch m 8 M 100 By St Maxim Louise Wood by King Eric Trainer EricTrainer F Melvin Owner Mclvin Blasscock 53502 Tijuana 68 l01fast lOf 112 12 32 32 32 = 1 7 ° M Woods 14 Olivel Killurneyllelle Viva 53320 Tijuana 5J f lOSfast 58 109 13 12 13 13s 1215 II Rowo 15 GMinard Toreador PegMartln 52315 Tijuana 51 f lOS islop lOf 103 10 10 9 S1 7 = ° II Rowe 10 Saw Tooth Mtda Miss Our 52123 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast IGf 106 10 B Taylor 11 MabelRule HoesWing SisPolly SisPollyMISS MISS WELLS b m 9 100 By Irish Exile Ruth Wells by Nonchalance Trainer NonchalanceTrainer L D Hutchinson Owner Allen Wilkorson Wilkorson52S2S 52S2S Tijuana Im70y 14 fast 40f 112 10 12 12 12 12 12 8 R McCrnn 12 Anna Jackson Sauer Maudie 52751 Tijuana ImiOy 147 fast 22 103 71 O Willis 10 Maywortii IJorcas Von Lady 52670 Tijuana 1 IMSfchvy 8f 103 8 O Willis S Weinland Boreas Hernice E 52608 Tijuana 51 f l10slow 110 110 C J O Willis 10 E Harrigan M Euretta Dotll 52293 Tijuana 1 l41fast 72 103 10 = 3 M Mthcwsl2 RattleMpuntalii Prairie Striker StrikerFITZGERALD FITZGERALD br g 11 107 By Hurst Park Helen Connelly by Uncommon UncommonTrainer Trainer H Thomas Owner M H Morrison 53337 RHgani Tijuana Im70y l47fefast 4G 113 9 9 9 9 9 = 1018 T McCullhll Prophecy M Dunbar RHgan i y Tijuana 34 115 fast 33 r 10S 14 14 13 12 12 8 T Kindle 14 Dienero Review Last Chance 52484 Tijuana 1 l4Gmud 35f 103 10 C Whiftonlt Prevaricate Honolulu AnnaStar 52298 Tijuana 1 l42fast 131 103 910 G Whittonl2 Tainbian AnJackson Prophecy 52190 Tijuana 1 l43fast 113 113 7 R Dorlty 12 Welga Tiajan Gift 52148 Tijuana 1 142 fast 12f 112 8 R Dorlty 12 Plunger IJof theKit RWillm 52019 Tijuana Im70y 116 fast 88f 303 S1S R Carter 11 AudreyK MDaly Bof theKit 51933 Tijuana l l46inud 10J 107 711 C McCJde 10 Plunger JuieSmall CaptErani CaptEraniDOCTOR DOCTOR DeceiverTrainer KENDALL ch g 10 112 By Marta SantarPicayune II by Deceiver Trainer Z Barnctt Owner Z Barnett 53524 Tijuana 5S 102 f a t 3910 111 4 G C fll R Carter 11 SeaHeach LettvKee M Franklin 63165 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 17 112 2 54 ll 5i R Uorily la Sandal L Gentry Okla Irinh Irinh5r 5r MSedalia520S1 G2 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 7 12L 2 9 10 10J 91Z A Zelgler 12 MkGarner FanNail MSedalia 520S1 Tijuana 5S l01fast 195f 112 43 A elglcr 12 Triilnne Duly Fashion Yukon Yukon51S3G 51S3G Tijuana 58102 fast G 114 4s O Willis 8 JDSugg CtheWay Ed Le Van

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Local Identifier: drf1921040901_6_3
Library of Congress Record: